Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 16 1924/2024
County Officials Destroy Liquors: Sheriff William J. McLaughlin and District Attorney Edward P. Little [Sr.} were busy one day last week superintending the destruction of a large quantity of liquor that had been stored in the court house cellar after being taken from violators of the 18th amendment. The officers accompanied draymen to the borough dump, below town, where the contents of the containers were spilled and containers burned or broken. Sixteen kegs of beer, 20 cases of beer, three barrels of wine, three barrels of cider, eight gallons of gin, 25 quarts of whiskey and numerous jugs and bottles of home brew and whiskey, were destroyed. It is stated that when the bottled beer was poured out, that indications pointed to the content of some of the bottles of beer having been removed and replaced with water. Whether this was done before or after the liquor was taken into custody has not been determined.
State Line – Gilbert E. McKune, aged 79 years, a veteran of the Civil War and a former county commissioner, died at the home of his son, Arthur McKune, at State Line, near Susquehanna, on May 9, 1924. McKune was commissioner of the county for two terms, 1903-08. [He was a member of Co. K, 89thRegiment, New York Volunteers, during the Civil War and a charter member of Tremain Post No. 81, of Lanesboro.]
Kingsley – Aqua Inn, on the Lackawanna Trail, deservedly enjoys a growing patronage. Some years ago, when the hotel at that place was closed through its owner being denied a liquor license, Coe H. Stearns erected the inn in order to accommodate the traveling public. As a result of the attention that Mrs. Stearns has given to the cuisine department, it has won a wide reputation for the excellence of meals served and many traveling men arrange their trips along the trail so that they may stop at Aqua Inn.
Montrose – [In 1924 a column was written by Henry T. Birchard, titled Looking Back. Mr. Birchard’s focus was to write about “Old Susquehanna County and The County Seat, as Seen Through the Vista of the Years.” Here is a portion of what he wrote about the old stone building on Maple Street, completed in 1867, where the Independent Republican was published.] “The motive power for running the press was a horsepower in the cellar, upon which ‘Brownie,’ a faithful, old horse, treaded off 5,300 papers, then the edition of the Republican, on Monday of each week. Nearly all of the employees were kept busy throughout the day in printing, directing, wrapping and mailing the issue. ALSO The county library has placed an order for an automobile truck which will be especially fitted up as a “book wagon” to carry circulating libraries to all parts of the county.
Hallstead – Abram Crandell, aged 93 years, is the oldest man in the county, to date, who has applied for a fishing license this year. And we believe that Mr. Crandell will hold that honor against all comers.
Heart Lake – The opening of Heart Lake resort will occur on Memorial Day, May 30. There will be dancing during the afternoon and evening, the “Enchanters Six” having been engaged for the occasion. There will also be boating, games and other forms of amusement for the large crowd which is expected. During the summer dances will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. The dance pavilion, on D. J. Donovan’s resort grounds, is being enlarged so that 50% more floor space will be available. When completed it will be one of the largest and finest dance pavilions in this part of the state.
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – J. M. Decker has lately purchased a machine to finish stone at his quarry, which will greatly increase the output. About twenty men are employed, where a fine grade of stone is being quarried, much of it being curbing, steps and the better grade of building stone.
Harford – The boys of the Harford Vocational high school organized a Junior Potato Club. The boys all decided to plant the Russet variety, as this potato is a good shipper and a heavy yielder. Many will secure their seed from the County Agent at Montrose, who has a carload of Michigan Certified Seed on hand. The boys have set their goal at 300 bushels, per acre, this year.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – The children of this place, who attended school at Retta, and the lower rooms in the graded school at Auburn Centre, are enjoying their summer vacation, as their schools have closed. ALSO Samuel Reimel had his touring car made over into a light truck.
Lanesboro – The graduates of Lanesboro high school are: Roland Hendrickson (salutatorian), Miss Laura Stonier and Ray Hendrickson (valedictorian).
Susquehanna – Rumors of a shop closing here are very prevalent, and in addition to the 125 men laid off the first of the month, another large number will soon follow.
Franklin Forks – Will Halsey has had the telephone installed in his home and Harold Halsey recently installed a radio.
South Gibson – Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chamberlin celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on May 3rd, by entertaining their children and grandchildren and a few other relatives. The bride and groom of 55 years ago were presented with 55 beautiful carnations from her sister, Mrs. Thomas, and a gift of $55 and other gifts. The couple was highly pleased and surprised with a post card and letter shower from 65 old time friends. A dainty lunch was served at noon.
Thompson – The regular meeting of the Grange will be held in the Grange hall, Saturday evening, May 17th. Ladies are requested to bring cake.
Forest City – Davis and Haser report sales of cars for the week as follows: Touring cars to Joseph Gerchman, Frank Bisner, Joseph Mitchell; coupes to Ferdinand Connolly, Wesley Burdusky and William Bucaitis. ALSO The following have made application to become members of the Citizens Training Camp at Camp Meade: Curtis Rolls, Thomas Payne, Lester Watkins, John Androlovitch, Kenneth Mayers, Victor Stanvich, Rudy Harvaltine and James Mayers. [This camp allowed male citizens to obtain basic military training, without an obligation to call-up for active duty, as did the National Guard.]
Centennial News: Largest parade in the county’s history planned for the Centennial on July 4th.
Compiled By: Betty Smith