Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 16 1919/2019
Auburn – Lieut. Stanley D. Loomis, who has been in the Walter Reed hospital in Washington, D.C., is now spending a 30 day furlough with his parents Mr. And Mrs. S.W. Loomis. On his return to Auburn several hundred were at the station to greet the unlucky officer, who returns minus a leg, which he lost in France while charging a German trench with his platoon at the time when the Allies smashed through the Hindenburg line. Lieut. Loomis has been fitted with a cork leg, and although inconvenienced is able to get around very handily. Lieut. Loomis is a model type of the true, young American. His bearing is soldierly; his eye bright, though kindly, unusually intelligent and very courteous. He complains not of the price he paid for our victory at arms. He will complete his college studies now. ALSO Stanley Loomis and Harold Davis, of Meshoppen, attended the banquet at Auburn Center, Friday evening, and while returning home were unfortunate enough to get stuck in the mud on the Bunnell and Loomis hills.
St. Joseph – The funeral of Miss Anastasia Sweeney a former resident was held at St. Joseph’s church, Monday. She was an educated and refined woman who spent many years as a valued teacher in the county. Late years she spent with her sister, Margaret, who has a government position in Washington, D.C.
New Milford – Business change: F.K. Sutton sold his grocery business to George Lathrop, of this place, and Glenn Parker, of Johnson City. Mr. Lathrop has been in the jewelry business for two years and he will continue the jewelry business in connection with the store. Mr. Parker has wide experience in the mercantile business. Mr. Sutton will devote his time to the undertaking business.
East Rush – We hear plenty of complaints these days in regard to our roads being in such bad shape. It seems preposterous for a supervisor to go and haul a lot of sods and stones into the road and then leave them for weeks at a time before throwing out a stone or leveling down a sod, and yet we people sit calmly by and say nothing. There ought to be a law compelling the supervisor to finish the roads, a mile at a time, so that the traveling public could get over them without endangering their life. ALSO In Rushville, Barney Avis and wife have moved into the Shadduck store building, where Mr. Avis will conduct a grocery store. The people of this community are much pleased, as they had to go three and four miles to a store.
Gibson – The Grange has a new player-piano, which added much to the interest of the meeting last Saturday. Several members of the Harford Grange were present. Come again.
Susquehanna – Not in years this early in the season [has] the Lenox and Harmony state and stage road leading into Susquehanna been in such fine condition as at present. Those witnessing the great auto and team traffic daily over the surface state, without a dissenting voice, that it should be among the very first in the system of highways in Susquehanna County to be made a permanent stone road by the State Highway Department.
Stevens Point – Harry Buchanan is in the Barnes hospital, Susquehanna, receiving treatment for injuries sustained when he was struck by a D&H train on the Jefferson division of the Erie last week. That he was not killed is a miracle. Mr. Buchanan was homeward bound, driving a horse and carriage. In passing over the crossing he was struck, his carriage overturning, and hurling the horse for some distance. He was brought to the hospital where it was found that one shoulder had been dislocated and he was painfully bruised about the head and body.
Montrose – Floyd S. Andre, an ingenious man and former machinist, has patented an invention which has possibilities of great magnitude. It is a new form of automobile or wagon spring. At the ends of each leaf of the spring is inserted a small steel roller, which when in use acts much on the principle of the familiar ball-bearing, easing the shock which comes from a jolt and greatly increases the resisting qualities of the spring and at the same time adds to the comfort of the passenger. Mr. Andre has taken up the matter of producing specimen springs and testing out the invention with the Sheldon Axle and Spring Works, at Wilkes-Barre, and experts give him considerable encouragement as to its practicability and worth. ALSO The party who has the book containing a record of all graves in the Montrose cemetery between 1800 and 1900 is requested to return it to the library, or hand to an officer of the Montrose Cemetery association. This record was compiled by the late Mrs. Mary Sayre and is valuable to the association.
Hallstead – The students of the Hallstead High school have set four memorial trees in memory of Mark O’Neill, Archie Tanner, Boyd Cottrell and John Moran, who gave their lives to their country in the late war.
South Montrose – Mrs. Fred Sigmond, Arlie Nichols and Hubert Yeomans have the measles.
Forest City – William Feddock, of the 17th Balloon company, arrived in this country from France, where he served for some time in the St. Mihiel sector, on May 3, and was sent to Camp Lee where he was discharged from service. ALSO The home of Andrew Strinsky of North Main street was entered one night last week by an intruder who gained entrance through the cellar window. About 4 o’clock Mr. Strinsky arose and going to the kitchen beheld the intruder leaving. He rapidly disappeared with no booty except some underwear. ALSO G.A. Thorpe has recently placed bath tubs in the homes of W.F. Sherwood and S.E. Lowery.
Uniondale – A number of our public spirited citizens propose an improvement that will surely remove the mud holes from Main street. It is the intention to place crushed stone as an experiment on Main street from Lake avenue south to the borough line. If the plan is successful other portions of the borough streets will be treated in the like manner. The business portion of Main street is the place to start with. One man has agreed to furnish stone and back the movement with a $25 subscription. We now have side walks, let’s pull together for better roads.
News Brief: If every farm home would keep a supply of pop corn and a popper convenient, fewer nickels would be spent for less wholesome knickknacks and more enjoyable evenings would be spent around the family hearth.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, May 15, 1819.
*A hint to Farmers who plant late. Steep your seed corn in brine of salt petre twelve hours; four oz of salt petre to a gallon of water. This practice it is said will give your crop two weeks’ advantage; the salt petre will cost but a shilling. [Now known as potassium nitrate.]
*Notice. All persons are hereby warned against taking an assignment of a certain Judgment of between 50 and 60 Dollars which Moses B. Wheaton holds against me on the docket of Esq. Tiffany, as I shall not pay the same without trouble. RUSSELL WHITNEY. Jackson, May 14, 1819.
*WANTED, Immediately, a Journeyman to the Hatting business—apply to John Brulte at his Manufactory at Mont-Rose. Mont-Rose, May 14th 1819.
Compiled By: Betty Smith