Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 15 1908/2008
Susquehanna - Thompson Bean, for many years connected with the Scranton Republican, has assumed charge of the Susquehanna Transcript and will devote his time principally to the editorial and local departments. The retiring editor, Henry T. Birchard, has been associated with the paper for 17 years and has proven himself an able and versatile newspaper man.
Lanesboro - Rev. George Comfort, aged 77, died at his home on Tuesday evening. Mr. Comfort was injured in a railroad accident a number of years ago, while traveling in Utah, and has been in poor health ever since. He was a pioneer missionary in Montana, going there in 1868, when it had been but four years a territory. Prior to that time he had been 7 years a minister in the Methodist church, joining the Wyoming Conference in 1862. He was a son of James Comfort and was born at Comfort's Pond, Harmony Twp., April 28, 1831, the eldest of 13 children. He is survived by his second wife, the former Marian G. Ackley, of Tunkhannock and an adopted son residing in Helena, Montana.
Montrose - Every little while some interested citizen of the town makes a suggestion that the name of Jones' Lake be changed. Some even prefer having it called Smith's, but the majority thinks it should have a name that would identify it with the town. The one most acceptable seems to be Lake Mt. Rose, and that certainly is a vast improvement. Others considered are Arrowhead Lake, from the fact that numerous Indian arrowheads and relics have been and are still to be found on its shores; Torrey Lake, from the noted evangelist who is to make Montrose his home, and that the Bible Conference, of which he is the leader, will be located overlooking the lake, and a number of others, largely of Indian origin, the latter seeming to be particularly applicable to summer resort towns and possess and restful suggestion of being near to nature's heart. We know history tells us that a branch of the big family of Jones was among the first to locate on its shores, and from them the name was derived. But the spirit of the times appears to demand a more suitable name. Look at Heart, Silver, Elk, Forest, Quaker and Crystal Lakes, whose names are euphonious and mean something. With apologies to the whole Jones family, cannot someone suggest a name that will make everybody happy?
Hallstead - A moving picture machine in Clune's Hall exploded on Wednesday evening of last week and the operator, George Lee, was burned about the hands and face in attempting to carry it from the building. His sister, in attempting to assist, had her skirt practically burned off. The small audience was not panic stricken, but endeavored to give the exhibitor what assistance they could. A hand extinguisher and a fire hose subdued the flames and little damage was done to the hall. The machine, valued at $175, was ruined.
Snow Hollow, Silver Lake Twp. - Maurice Bomboy has sustained a number of losses this spring. First he lost three horses and a cow, and last Wednesday while he was in Montrose, meeting his wife who was returning from a hospital stay at Sayre, his house and goods burned. The fire started in the chimney and only a few things were saved, their little children being home at the time. They are staying with her sister, Mrs. Stone.
Gelatt - Two thousand cheese boxes have been received at the factory and they expect to begin making cheese this week.
Forest City - We are pleased to note that a number of flag sidewalks are being laid along Main street this spring, and before the summer is ended it is probable that there will be a few, if any bare spots along Main street. Among the marked improvements already made is a substantial walk in front of the Metropole hotel. Messrs. H. W. Brown and E. A. Bloxham have also had some stonework done in front of their buildings, which puts the finishing touches on these handsome structures.
East Dimock - Ray Green has a lamb with six legs; the lamb is doing well. AND In Dimock, C. W. Barnes has now got moved to his new blacksmith shop near the Baptist church, where the sound of the anvil can be heard from early morning till late at night.
Heart Lake - The band boys have hired A.W. Richardson as instructor for another year. They now have about 15 members and will be in shape to furnish some good music the coming season.
Harford - The quiet town of Harford was thrown into quite a panic on the evening of May 6, by the ringing of bells. The more nervous were sure it meant fire, but were soon assured that it was only wedding bells for two of our esteemed young people, Elizabeth Estabrook and J. A. Williams, who went directly after the ceremony to their new home on Main Street.
Jackson - Last Thursday was the hardest storm and wind for years, it blew down fruit trees, took off barn doors and blew in windows of out buildings and houses, and took fences; the ax and hammer was heard all over town on Friday.
Stevens Point - Wm. Lee, who removed from this place to Nebraska two years ago, has returned with his family. AND H. A. Springsteen has purchased the Rockwell interest in the Rockwell and Bennett quarry; consideration $100.
Flynn - We had quite a lively runaway through here on Saturday last when M. P. Curley's team of young horses ran away from him at Birchardville, while he was trading, and ran to their home, about 5 miles, doing no damage to horses or wagon.
Fairdale - Our supervisors are fixing up the roads by putting on stone and pounding them so as to make a solid highway.
News Briefs: Notice to rural route patrons--Buy stamps and put them on your mail yourself. Don't put the money in the mail box and expect the mail carrier to pick it out and do the licking. He has no time for that kind of business, it is not his duty to do. Another thing, don't do. Don't stop the carrier unless you have business with him. AND In Standing Stone, Bradford County - Mrs. Frances Kinner, wife of A.M. Kinner, is the only living relative of Frances Slocum, who was stolen and carried away by the Indians during the Wyoming Massacre, and after many years was found living in an Indian village on a reservation in one of the Western States. Mrs. Kinner is a niece of Frances Slocum, having been named after her. Some time ago Congress set aside a mile square of land near the Wabash river in Indiana for the relatives of Frances Slocum and so far as known Mrs. Kinner is the only claimant to the property. An investigation looking to the claiming of the land grant is now being made by Mrs. Kinner.
Compiled By: Betty Smith