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May 14 1897/1997

Heart Lake – A cottage is being erected by George N. Cobb of Binghamton.

Franklin Forks – George Rice is running a meat wagon.

Forest City – Helen Dunnier has gone to Scranton where she will enter the private hospital of Dr. Thompson's to study for a trained nurse. AND E.A. Wheeler has purchased W.H. Leek's steam laundry. George Piel will hereafter conduct the business.

Susquehanna – The field day to be observed by the A.O.H. of this place, June 29, promises to bring more visitors to Susquehanna than were ever here at one time before. There will be 1,500 men in the parade, which will consist of twelve bands and fifteen divisions of the order.

Fair Hill – C.M. Brands had the misfortune to have one of his horses get its foot fast in halter, when found it was hurt so badly he thought it would have to be killed, but it is some better now.

Montrose – To be given away, a complete driving outfit worth $500 and a "Buckeye" binder worth $100, at the 4th of July celebration on July 3d. The driving outfit consists of a span of horses, surrey and harness. The surrey is the finest obtainable, built by the Sturtevant Larrabee Co. celebrated carriage makers of Binghamton, NY. The harness is one of E.N. Barney's best handmade, rubber trimmed double harness. The horses have not been purchased but they will be good ones. The rig can be sold for $500 spot cash. The binder was purchased from Adriance Platt & Co., Poughkeepsie, NY.

Dimock – Mr. Orville Spencer of Philadelphia, formerly of Montrose, was the very welcome guest of his sister, Mrs. Albert Chase, over Saturday and Sunday, is now visiting in Lynn: intends to call on Montrose friends before returning, e was 54 years Monday, May 10: has suffered many long years with wounds received in the war of the rebellion. Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Chase were the children of B.N. and Lucy G. Tiffany Spencer. These two are all that are left of the family. His young brother, Frank Spencer at the tender age of 15, gave his life for his country. Their father, B.N. Spencer, lived to come home but soon died from sickness contracted in the army. It can truly be said of this family it possessed loyal hearts.

Rush – Dr. Geo. Verbryck, of the State of Wyoming, while on a visit to friends in the East, took occasion to come up to Montrose last week to greet his old friend, W.N. Barnes, Esq. The Doctor is a native of Rush Township, but about seven years ago he took Horace Greeley's advice and went west. That he has succeeded well is attested by the fact that about 3 years ago he was elected S tale Senator in his adopted State and still holds the honors of that position. He also enjoys a lucrative practice as M.D.

East Lenox – George Alien, a highly respected resident of this place, crossed the border line April 28, aged 65 years.

Elk Lake – The bicycle fever has struck our peaceful little village with great force. Nearly every style of wheel known seems to be represented. Some of the recent additions are: C.S. Lathrop, who sports a Rambler; Edgar Sours, a Crescent; M.L. Beisecker, an Ormer; Lee Estus, a Duke; Louis Ely, a Victor; and Albert Fargo, a Remington.

Hallstead – P.R. Barriger, who lives about half a mile from this place, while excavating on his farm recently for flag stone found a bed of ore twelve feet in thickness of what he thought to be mineral paint. Upon having it assayed it turned out to be rich in aluminia [alumina] 24 per cent. Taking into consideration that aluminia in the market is worth 90 cents a pound this is a valuable find.

Harford – Friday afternoon, the 17th inst., concluded the three-day's exercises attendant upon the 31st annual commencement and state inspection of the Harford Soldiers' Orphan school. Dignitaries were escorted some distance to the school by the boys' battalion and brass band and escorted to the administration building amid the booming of the new cannon, which the boys have named "Uncle John," in honor of Uncle John Anneman, the veteran gunner of Ezra Griffin post G.A.R. The infant class exhibited calisthenics; a welcome chorus and concert recitation was given by the school; a solo and chorus When Johnny comes Marching Home," was sung.

Apolacon – G.B. Bowen intends to start his creamery the first of May. Good thing—push it along.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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