Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 13 1910/2010
Thompson - The commencement exercises of the Thompson Graded school were held in the M. E. church Friday evening. Those graduating were Ethel Sanford, Nora Brown, Ruth Crosier, Rachel Potter, Esther Garvey and Maynard Van Horn. Dr. Kemp, principal of the East Stroudsburg State Normal, delivered the commencement address.
Heart Lake - The opening dance of the season will be held at the Heart Lake pavilion Memorial Day evening. Music will be furnished by Mahon's orchestra.
Uniondale - Harry Orce lost a cow last week, valued at $60. It is quite a loss for a farmer to lose a cow, when it takes 200 bushels of potatoes to pay for another.
Susquehanna - The Erie telegraph operators received the welcome announcement that in the future their working day would be 8 hours. The working day used to be 12 hours and later was cut to ten. The 8-hour day affects only those who are connected with the movement of trains, and is in compliance to the state law.
Montrose - Chas. E. Roberts, who represents the Ford automobile in this county, has lately received machines for Edward Lott, of Dimock; G. E. Carey, of South Montrose; and Willis Gould, of Birchardville. Mr. Roberts is making big sales in the famous Ford machines and there are a number more contemplating buying before the season is over. F. A. Davies, Esq., has purchased a beautiful Reo Touring car of Cooley & Son and will very soon be in the "Honk Honk" class.
Auburn - Benjamin [Blennie] Hay had a narrow escape from death or serious injury on Wednesday of last week. He was leading a four-year-old Guernsey bull, owned jointly by himself and E. T. Smith, when the animal, without warning, plunged at him. He was thrown to the ground and a gash several inches long torn in his thigh and other lesser cuts and bruises sustained. Fred Lea and Frank Snover, who were within calling distance, came to his rescue and the angry brute was finally subdued. His injuries, while painful, are not serious.
Springville - The body of Amanda Turrell, an aged colored lady, formerly of this place, was brought here last week for burial. ALSO Workmen are putting new cross arms on the poles of the Bell telephone line and will string wires into Montrose. ALSO Stuart Riley is digging a ditch and will lay pipe to bring water from a spring on A. C. Grow's lot down to his house.
Clifford - Ice cream will be served in Finn's hall Saturday evening.
Middletown Centre - Joe Leary and sister Kate were shopping in LeRaysville Tuesday.
Brackney - J. H. Nolan died in the Binghamton City Hospital of pneumonia. A widow and eleven small children survive. The funeral will be held this morning from St. Augustine's church, Silver Lake. His age was 48 years.
Forest Lake - Ed Kane has made a log drag, and used it from his home to the corners and it worked so successfully and made his roads look like state roads, he has discontinued the use of it. Us it, Ed, it will be appreciated by all.
Liberty Twp. - Halley's comet has made its appearance in this vicinity and although some have made the remark that it is not worth getting out of a warm bed to see, it is a beautiful sight with its long shining tail. We would say to others that they must have been like some in this place, who have been watching the morning star and calling it the comet. The writer has seen it (the comet) three times without the aid of a telescope and it didn't take much patience either.
North Bridgewater - Jesse Noble and family left here this week for their new home in Kansas. What is our loss we trust will be another one's gain.
Hallstead - The old Lusk barn, a famous landmark on the farm just east of here, is being razed to make room for a more modern and up-to-date structure.
Jessup Twp. - J. W. Bolles, who lives on the road between Fairdale and Montrose, has a very intelligent dog. He will let the family know when their phone calls, 4 short and 1 long.
Forest City - Marion, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. John Maxey, died May 7 from peritonitis. Deceased was 16 years of age. Interment made in Maplewood Cemetery, Carbondale.
Dimock - James Greenwood is contemplating electric lights around his potato patch. ALSO - Dr. G. W. Norris, of Philadelphia, has been at his summer home, Woodbourne, for several days.
St. Joseph - Miss Ellen Kane says her father, Michael Kane, commenced taking the Montrose Democrat when he commenced keeping house in 1837, and he died in 1862, and Miss Ellen Kane has continued taking the paper ever since, except one year ago she stopped the paper but thinks now she couldn't do without her weekly visitor. Young lady, when he speaks to you about it say Yes, and start on a 73 year journey, and if possible, break the record.
Scranton - David J. Nelson, a colored man, who during the Civil war times was active in the work of the Montrose station of the "underground railroad," which aided slaves in escaping from the South to Canada, died on Friday at his home in Scranton. Mr. Nelson was born in Ithaca, NY, 77 years ago, and as a free man entered into the fight to assist those of his race who desired to escape from the slave states. For several years he aided in guiding the slaves from the station in Montrose to the New York State line, going half way to Canada with many a squad. With the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. Nelson, then a young man, volunteered to go to the front, and for two years fought in Company C of the U. S. Colored Troops. He fought valiantly, too, and was known as one of the most courageous members of the company. Mr. Nelson was a student of the Bible, and when he wasn't reading the Holy Writ in the Post rooms in Memorial hall, he was wont to entertain his comrades with stores of the Montrose station and his experiences. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon and was in charge of Ezra S. Griffin Post. The deceased is survived by three sons, James, of Scranton; William, of Newburg, and David.
Compiled By: Betty Smith