Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 13 1904/2004
Choconut - The hearing of Frank and William Ragan was held on Tuesday before Justice J. S. Courtright. After evidence of Dr. Handrick, James Nugent and James Hawley, Frank Ragan was held in $4,000 and William in $300, conditioned for their appearance at the next quarter sessions in August. Thomas and Patrick Dean, E. J. Stanley and J. Ragan were sureties. Mrs. Jeremiah Ragan stated that she was not Mrs. DeLong before her marriage to Mr. Ragan. This is verified by the fact that Mrs. DeLong died several years ago. Mrs. Ragan was very indignant that a false report regarding her identity had become current. She was Jacob Lown's widow. Joseph Maroney, the injured boy, who was shot in the groin, continues to improve at the Binghamton hospital.
Montrose - The Prohibition Convention was attended by the enthusiastic "cold water" brethren from all over the county. The following ticket was placed in nomination: For representatives, Asa Warner, Forest Lake and Clarence G. Mumford, of Ararat; for district attorney, Floyd D. Axtell, Susquehanna; for county surveyor, G. A. Stearns, Harford. For permanent chairman, Rev. P. R. Tower, of Thompson, was re-elected; Alfred Bowell, of Herrick Centre, secretary, and Dr. A. E. Snyder, of New Milford, treasurer. Delegates were also appointed to the State convention at Uniontown. AND The commencement exercises of the Montrose High School will be held in the M. E. church next Thursday night, May 19. Only two graduates will receive diplomas, they are: Francis Hazen Shafer and Glen G. Haight.
Susquehanna - While at work in the Erie yards, on Friday afternoon, Timothy Kearsey, Jr., was caught by two locomotives and so badly crushed that he died at the City Hospital, a few hours later. Deceased came from Boston a month ago to attend the funeral of his uncle, the late Timothy Kearsey, Sr., and recently decided to remain here with his widowed aunt. He took a job in the Erie shops and had worked but 11/2 days. He had made many friends while here. The funeral took place from St. John's Catholic church and the interment took place in Laurel Hill cemetery. AND A band of fortune-telling gypsy women are among the late arrivals in town.
Brooklyn - The ladies of the Presbyterian society will hold an apron and sun-bonnet sale at the Odd Fellows' Hall on Wednesday, the 18th inst., and will serve dinner for ten cents.
Forest Lake - C. L. Stone has been doing some repairing on the telephone line in this place. We understand that Mr. Burr's and Mr. Breasley's phones are in working order now. He also put a new phone at Byron Warner's.
Upsonville - A Polly Tin Party was held last Thursday evening at L. A. Sherwood's; all report a fine time.
South Montrose - A new steam engine and boiler are being placed in the engine house at the Ballantine residence.
Elk Lake - Chas. Lathrop had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow.
Hallstead - Thursday morning last, Robert Steen, who was crossing the Great Bend-Hallstead bridge, saw a bundle of clothing on the peer near the water. When examined a letter was found in one of the pockets signed by Wm. T. Haynor, of Hallstead, in which he stated that he was tired of life and was about to drown himself. No money or watch was found in the clothes and he was known to have both. He carried an insurance of $1,200 in the S.U.N.A., which will not be paid just yet. The suicide is thought to be a ruse. [Another article states that Mr. Hainor, also spelled Haynor, had declared his intention of killing himself in a letter received by his wife in which was also enclosed a five-dollar bill. His age was about 20 years.]
Jackson - The New Milford dramatic society presented the drama "Diamonds and Hearts" in this place, on Tuesday evening. AND The Harford Creamery Company is operating this season as a branch under the management of Carl Wheaton, of the Jackson milk station. This creamery at Harford is now turning out some 2,400 lbs. of gilt-edge butter daily and the output is rapidly increasing. Yet, with this large quantity produced the demand exceeds the supply. From present indications the volume of business this season will reach $150,000, greatly in excess of any other like business in Northern Pennsylvania.
Lake Carey - The Lehigh Valley railroad company is going to expend $8,000 in booming Lake Carey as a summer resort. This includes laying a short track from the Montrose branch to the lake and the installation of sufficient sidings to care for excursion trains. John Redington, of Wilkes-Barre, has purchased a steam launch at a cost of $5,000 and forty steel boats, which he will put on the lake this summer.
Springville - W. W. Pritchard, a section man on the Montrose Branch of the L.V.R.R. went to Sayre last week to be treated for blood poison in the right hand, caused by a hurt received while at work.
News Briefs - Tuesday, June 14, will be the 127th anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the flag of the United States. For several years past there has been a growing observance of this day by the floating to the breezes of flags from every housetop that could boast a flag. It is proposed this year to have this observance more general than ever. Among the plans spoken of to keep this day fresh in the minds of the young is to have an appropriate celebration in the schools. The observance of Flag Day deserves attention. It will cost nothing to fly the national colors from every building, public and private, however humble, throughout the entire land. AND April 1904, was the coldest and most disagreeable April on record, says the Weather Bureau of Binghamton. Eleven consecutive months, during which the temperature has been below normal, is the record, which the weather has made for itself. AND Rural free delivery boxes are given the same protection by the government as the regular U.S. mail boxes. It doesn't matter to Uncle Samuel if the receptacle is a soap, starch or baking powder box as long as it is shown that it is a mail box, and he stands always ready to protect it. A man who used one for a target for his shotgun got two months' imprisonment and $200 fine. Some of the boxes are such disreputable looking things though, that it would be almost a blessing if more were used as targets.
Compiled By: Betty Smith