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May 12 1916/2016

Montrose – The first car over the Scranton & Binghamton Railroad Company extension to Montrose left the temporary station near Harington’s Mills, at 7:35 this morning for Scranton, connecting the several towns intermediate. The trains will leave Montrose every morning at 7:35 o’clock and at 2 hour intervals until 9:35 p.m. each day. Several gangs of workmen had been rushing matters all last week to get in readiness. The grading was completed, the trolley wire bringing the electrical current from Scranton was stretched, and the rails laid in an incredibly short time. This was practically completed Sunday, but there was no station (not even an excuse for one) and Monday and Tuesday a temporary shack in which to sell tickets was constructed of rough lumber. The line has been built to Harrington’s Mills, which is one mile from the Court House, but those who wish to use the new road will find a way to get to same. The completion to the Lehigh Valley Railroad depot in Montrose will be constructed as soon as possible. Round tickets to Scranton are $1.75; single fare tickets are $1.05 and the present schedule has about 2 ¼ hours to Scranton. This will be reduced as soon as the road bed gets settled and in better shape. ALSO Sheriff H. E. Taylor took Albert Hughes, convicted of murder [of his wife] in the 2nd degree, and another prisoner to the Eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia. The journey was made in Mr. Taylor’s new Saxon car, F. B. Smith and R. H. Donlin accompanying him.

Heart Lake – Mrs. Sherman Griffing was struck by lightning during the electrical shower Monday afternoon and had not her husband been near at hand at the time it is almost certain that her life would have been lost. She was painfully burned, her clothing set on fire. Steels were wrenched from her corset and one of her shoes was torn off; her left arm, side and lower limb were temporarily paralyzed. She was hanging clothes on a wire clothes line at the time. The shaft of lightning first struck the line, thence passing to her left arm, and followed down her left side to the damp stone on which she was standing. Dr. Park of New Milford was called, who dressed her burns.  Injuries consist principally in the very severe burns she received. She is still confined to her bed and is quite nervous, but will completely recover.

Elk Lake – Mrs. J. Kellogg celebrated her 89th birthday May 9. Although feeble she enjoyed seeing her friends.

Choconut – Miss Teresa Hickey, daughter of John Hickey and James Leo Shea, both of this place, were married in St. Patrick’s church, Binghamton, Wednesday morning, by Rev. J. J. McLoughlan.

Friendsville – Miss Elizabeth Whalley and Jos. Walsh, both of this place, were married here on Wednesday, May 3, 1916, by Rev. Father O’Malley. They were attended by Miss Elizabeth Cahill and Vincent Walsh. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh went to New York and other places for a wedding trip. They will live in Friendsville. ALSO Father Dunn, of this place, purchased a “Baby-Grand” Chevrolet from L. H. Sprout & Sons, proprietors of the Montrose Motor Car Co.

Brooklyn – Automobile Sunday at the Universalist church was a great success last Sunday. The attendance was nearly doubled.  Men owning cars brought people to church.

Lynn – There will be a necktie social at the home of Ray Davies, Friday evening, May 12. Each lady bring two neckties alike; wear one and seal the other in an envelope. Refreshments will be served for 25 cents a couple.  Proceeds for the Epworth League.

Kingsley – Harry Carey and family have moved on a farm near South Gibson, leaving the Carey homestead vacant, the first time since the buildings were built and occupied by L. D. Wilmarth, 40 years ago. ALSO Coe H. Stearns is enthusiastic over the sales and prospects of the Calf Way Mechanical Milker, for which Stearns Bros. are the agents.

Auburn Twp. – The Commencement exercises of the Auburn High School was well attended last week. The graduates were, Myrtle Bishop, Anna Dougherty, Ivah Thornton, Arthur France and Leigh Lott. The address by Dr. Straughn, of Mansfield was excellent. The Ladies’ Aid Society served the banquet supper in the I. O. O. F. Hall.

New Milford – Prof. H. Claude, son of David N. Hardy, of this place, has accepted the principalship of the Schenevus, NY high school.

Clifford – W. C. Baldwin visited his mother in Montrose Sunday afternoon. He reports her condition as improving.  L. E. Taylor went along to help hold the car on the road.

Little Meadows –People of Little Meadows and vicinity are finding the auto bus line, operated by William Minkler between Little Meadows and Binghamton, a great convenience and are using same in large numbers. “Will’s” painstaking efforts to please his patrons, together with his innate courtesy, is making the “Minkler Bus Line” grow in popularity daily.

News Brief: Ladies can wear shoes one size smaller after using Allen’s Foot-Ease, the Antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes and used in the foot-bath for hot, tired, swollen, aching, tender feet.  It makes tight or new shoes feel easy.  Sold everywhere, 25 cents.  Don’t accept any substitute.

*TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO from the Centinel. Montrose, Pa, of May 15, 1816.  MARRIED in the township of Rush, on Sunday last, Mr. Daniel Curtis, of this village, to Miss Mary Ross, daughter of Major Daniel Ross, of that town. ALSO  WOOL CARDING. The subscribers at their old establishment near Montrose [Jones Lake, now Lake Montrose], offer for pubic patronage the use of four complete PICKING & CARDING MACHINES; -- one of which is especially adapted to MERINO WOLL [WOOL], at the following prices; Common wool, 7 cts pr. Ob cash—9 cts credit. Mixed Merino, 8 cts, cash—10 credit. Clear Merino, 12 ½ cts. Cash—15 cts. Credit. They will commence operation by the first of June next, and will have strict attendance paid through the season. Haying by experience acquired some in the management of wool, we deem it not unnecessary, to advise those of our customers who wish for good work, to attend to the following directions: wash your wool clean as possible; sort and clip it well, & send your oil or grease to the machine, and have it applied to the wool there.  Clear and mixed Merino should be well scoured in soap suds, and sent with oil as above directed, and then good rolls can be easily obtained, by calling on PERKINS, BACKUS & JONES. Country produce of almost all kinds taken in payment, at the Montrose cash prices.

*Please keep in mind that the Centinel concentrated on news of the United States and Europe—not necessarily local news. Advertising, as above, gave a better understanding of what was happening in the vicinity of Montrose and other parts of the county.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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