Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 12 1905/2005
St. Joseph - M.D. Sweeney is the proprietor of the noted spring which he discovered on his farm many years ago, and from whose source gushes forth the most pure and sparkling water in that section of the country. This spring is very old, a century or more, and was made by the Indians who had a trail through that picturesque valley at that time. It is possessed of wonderful curative qualities and at the urgent request of friends interested in the matter, Mr. Sweeney has placed the water on sale in the larger cities and towns. It is 50 cents a case and includes six bottles containing three gallons of the water. Best of references furnished on application. Send for a trial case to M.D. Sweeney, at St. Joseph, Pa., and he will deliver one or more cases for 50 cents per case at your door.
Montrose - Mrs. Sara Burgess, widow of the late J.W. Burgess, a former proprietor of the Tarbell House, died at the home of her son-in-law, W. H. Whyte, at Hotel Terrace, Scranton. Mrs. Burgess came of old Revolutionary stock and her ancestors were among the first settlers of the Wyoming Valley. Her great-grandfather went to join Washington's army, leaving his wife and son in the old fort at Forty Fort. They were there during the massacre, but managed to escape death by hiding in the woods until after the slaughter. Mrs. Burgess is well-remembered in Montrose and had visited friends here only a few weeks ago, when she appeared in good health. AND A wagon loaded with three tons of oats and drawn by J. C. Harrington's large team of blacks went through the floor of W.A Harrington's livery stable Wednesday morning. Luckily, as the heavily loaded wagon crashed through the planking the horses plunged forward simultaneously and the kingbolt broke, thus saving them from a fall of several feet. The wagon escaped injury and outside the damage to the floor little harm was done.
Auburn 4 Corners - A.B. Tuttle and son of Springville, are repairing the belfry and steeple of the M.E. church. AND In South Auburn - Tuesday being the 14th birthday of Elmer Benninger, a few of his young friends were invited in to take tea with him. AND Quite a large body of men attended the raising of John Treible's barn on Saturday.
Friendsville - Bids are requested on the new St. Francis Xavier Catholic church. With the passing out of existence of the old structure, to be superseded by a place of worship more commodious and modern in style, gives evidence that the pastor and people are intent on keeping abreast of the times in beautifying and improving their pleasant little village.
Upsonville - Ralph Smith, of Binghamton, is home and will be our traveling tea man this summer. Arthur Hunsinger, who traveled for this firm, will work in a tea store in Binghamton.
Uniondale - The commencement exercises will be given at the M.E. church this Wednesday evening. There are but two graduates this year--Misses Alice Carpenter and Bessie Furman.
Lathrop - There will be a warm sugar social at the Grange Hall on Saturday evening, May 13, for benefit of Lakeside M.E. church. All are invited.
Harford - The hen business is booming here, quite a number of new buildings going up here in the village. AND The Harford cemetery has a population of 1,600 dead, while the village has not more than 200 living.
Susquehanna - Miss Ella Stamp was recently cured of a terrible cancer by Dr. S. Andral Kilmer, of Binghamton. AND Those who have anything to donate to the Susquehanna band and baseball fair are requested to leave same at B. S. French's stationery store.
Lanesboro - The late Simon H. Barnes, who was considered one of the wealthiest men in Susq. County, left an estate variously estimated from $100,000 to $200,000. The will of deceased named his wife, Anliza Barnes, executrix. Mrs. Barnes is not in strong health and we learn indirectly, that to avoid the immense responsibility which her late husband's will brings upon her, she has placed the settlement of the estate entirely in the hands of S.P. Quick, of Windsor.
Clifford - Our Supervisor Snyder has put up a fine road from Clifford to Lenoxville via Royal. AND Rev. F. B. Earl is not only an able devine but a first-class horse farrier.eart LakeHeHeart :ale
Thomson - The managers of the Northeastern Pa. Telephone Company were in town Saturday looking up the business of the company the past year. Their annual meeting comes here the 8th of June and this is quite a gathering, composed as it is of the stockholders, which number over 600, and they all seem to have the familiar "Hello."
Hallstead - The First National Bank of Hallstead {now Peoples National Bank], capitalized $25,000, [and] commenced business. Landlord Clune, of the Mitchell House, has offered to erect a building for the institution. In the meantime, business will be transacted in quarters already secured. AND C.W. Banks will erect a building adjoining the cash store on Main St., for the First National Bank.
Great Bend - Earl Ames, who has been employed as a porter at the Central House for some time, hired a horse and wagon belonging to W. B. Hamlin and drove to Binghamton, where he sold the rig to B. O. Moffit for $145. He was arrested and is now in jail.
Forest City - The baseball season opened and patrons of the sport had a chance to view the work of the locals on one of the finest diamonds in this section of the state. There is some dispute as to the score of Saturday's game. The Taylor Reds claim the score was 10-8 in their favor, but from reliable witnesses of the contest we have been informed that the score was a tie 9-9. Kelleher pitched the first two innings. He was not in form and the Taylor lads landed on him for seven runs. In the third inning the new pitcher McMannamum went into the box and for the next seven innings he made the hearts of the fans throb with joy, the way he shot 'em over. Monroe, our new catcher is certainly a find. Canterbury was not in the game and Garman played shortstop. He is a fast player. Willis was in his regular position in left field, and the fans say he's all to the good. Hughes was at second base; Miskell held down third very creditably. Kelleher did great work at first base. Troy was in center field and Lewis played right field.
Compiled By: Betty Smith