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May 11 1917/2017

Fairdale – On Thursday of last week, May 3, friends to the number of about 90 gathered at the Lecture room of the Church and formed in line. The ladies ahead carrying Old Glory and singing America, the men behind each carrying a chicken, marched to the parsonage and surprised their Pastor, Rev. C.E. Cook, by presenting him with chickens to the amount of about 32, after which all repaired to the dining room, where light lunch was served. After a social hour all went home feeling they had spent a very pleasant evening.

Springville - The death of Mrs. Margaret Scott, one of our oldest residents, [occurred] at her home here, Monday morning, April 30. She suffered a stroke of paralysis a few days ago and her condition had gradually grown worse.

Dimock – W.L. Newton has purchased the barn on the J.D. Baker farm of Percy Ballentine and will move it to his farm, the Wm. Kelly place near Montrose.

Harford – The Odd Fellows are preparing the site for their new hall, which will be erected on the site of Hon. E.E. Jones’ store. Mr. Jones donated the lot to the society. ALSO Dandelion greens are the treat here now.  ALSO W. W. Oakley, who is having a new house built, has it nearly completed and ready for occupancy.

Elk Lake – E.E. Stevens, who for the past 20 years, has successfully conducted a general store here, will sell out the stock of goods and quotes some attractive prices. Mr. Stevens had a slight shock recently and while, apparently, on the road to complete recovery, he feels that he would like to be relieved of the cares of the store in order that he may have a much needed rest.

Montrose – Frank H. Deuel started a chicken emporium up on Chenango street, consisting of two Plymouth Rock hens and a rooster. Several days ago, Frank said, “You can praise up the fancy bred chicken stock all you please, but give me the good old fashion Plymouth Rock. Why, my two hens have given me two eggs a day for two weeks up until last Saturday and Sunday when I got three.” Yesterday when asked about his emporium he laughed and said, “I’m somewhat wiser about the chicken business today. If you want to know the real history about the three eggs just ask Clark Vaughn and John Dolan.” ALSO Charles R. Sayre is building a spacious addition to “Rosemont Inn” greatly increasing the accommodations of that popular resort. He tells us that his dining room will comfortably seat 75 people.

Choconut Valley – The Choconut Valley creamery will open this week. Mr. Myers, who will run the creamery, is here. His family will be here soon and will occupy rooms over the creamery.

Susquehanna – Friday evening, shortly after 6, Jack Reardon, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon, of Front Street, fell into a tank of gasoline in the local Erie yards and had not help arrived quickly he would have been asphyxiated. A railroad man happened to be close by and hearing the boy’s cries went to his rescue. Dr. M.H. Collier was called and attended the boy.

New Milford – The funeral of Mrs. Jacob Fritz was held in Harford, April 30. Mrs. Fritz died at her home in Scranton after a long illness of cancer. She formerly resided in New Milford, where her husband had a stick factory, near where the creamery now stands. For some years she had lived in Harford and Scranton.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. - Myron Green had two bags of feed taken last week and S. Jagger has lost several hens. Someone needs to look out or they may have a job for a doctor picking shot, as they have their guns ready.

Forest Lake – Miss Frances Donovan, of Liberty, is spending some time with her aunt, Frances Kelley.

Hop Bottom – At last the wire for lighting the village for electricity is upon the streets and the completion of arrangements for lights is promised in a very short time. The residents of Foster should surely hold a jubilee when this long delayed luxury is really secured to them. Many citizens have had their residences wired for two years past, but the old, reliable kerosene lamp has furnished their only illumination.

Franklin Forks – The G.A.R. [Civil War Veterans] visited the schools for a few miles outside of this place and gave instruction in patriotism to the children of several schools and expects to visit several more before they close. Now that we are at war with a foreign power, it is highly necessary to inspire love of country and of the flag in all of the people and we take it as our duty, as men and as soldiers, to do what we can for our country in its time of need. As there is very little else that we could do, now that she needs men and money, some of us feel that we would gladly give our services, if they would accept us in any way. An Old Soldier

Bridgewater Twp. – Robert Park, of Chicago, called on his cousins, C.N. Warner, E.S. Warner and F.G. Warner, on Wednesday. Mr. Park is professor of sociology in the University of Chicago. This was his first visit to Montrose. His father, Dr. Ezra Park, was a physician in Montrose for some years. During his brief visit, Prof. Park visited the cemetery on Atty. F.E. Scott’s farm, (formerly the Park farm) just outside of the borough, in which are buried his grandparents, an aunt and a great-aunt. [This small grave site in Bridgewater Twp., contains the graves of members of the Park/Gregory/Scott/and Carr families.]

Forest City – Forest City has over 700 members enrolled in its Red Cross chapter.

News Brief: Gov. Brumbaugh has sent out a request to hotel men and restaurant keepers to save their potato peelings for those persons who wish to plant a potato patch but can obtain no seed. The eyes of the potatoes will produce new potatoes quite as well as cutting the whole potato in pieces, so experimenters state.

200 Years Ago Today from the Montrose Centinel, May 10, 1817.

*The daughter of Samuel Scott, stated in our last [issue] as being absent from home and lost in the woods, we are happy to state, was found after being from home about two days in the wilderness, by the inhabitants who were in search of her.

*The Rising Sun Lodge was installed in this village by the R.W.M. Isaac Bowman, of Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday last in the presence of a numerous assembly of spectators. Jonah Brewster was installed R. W.M. and Perez Perkins Seignor, and William C. Turrel Junior Wardens of the same.

*The subscriber is about to close business in the Tavern keeping line, therefore ALL persons indebted to him must settle by the 15th of next month if they wish to save cost.  DANIEL CURTIS.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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