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May 11 1894/1994

Springville - C.W. Kilts will soon have the pipe laid for bringing water to his house from a spring in Mrs. Bramhall’s field.

Harford - J.M. Clark let the orphan boys throw the stones out of the road between the school and the village. Mr. Clark enjoys good roads.

Montrose - A.M. Millard, of Cortland, NY, and F.H. Shelp, of this place, expect to start in the plating business in rooms in Lathrop’s factory, in about two weeks. They will do all kinds of plating in gold, silver, nickel and metal. Fancy brass work will be a specialty.

Susquehanna - A baseball club has been organized. It will be known as the Columbian Club.

Birchardville - J.M. Woodruff, from Factoryville, was through here a few days ago, taking photographs of old homesteads, residences, business places, landscapes, horses and other stock, giving the people an opportunity to get some fine pictures at a reasonable price.

West Lenox - Eddie Brundage, who has just recovered from a serious illness from typhoid fever, is again confined to the house with a threatened fever sore on one of his lower limbs. Hard luck Eddie.

News Briefs: The bicycle fever is on in full force this spring. The person who does not ride a wheel is rather out of date. An exchange remarks that just now almost the entire world appears to be in a state of unrest. Insurrections, rebellions, antagonism to ruling powers, riots, strikes and numerous other forms of disquiet prevail. It would seem as though a belligerent spirit possessed mankind generally and in many cases it is manifesting itself in violent forms that forebode anything else rather than peace and good will.

Susquehanna County- The Prohibitionists of Susquehanna County will meet in convention at the Court House, in Montrose, May l9th, to nominate candidates for the following offices: Congressman, Prothonotary, Jury Commissioner, etc.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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