Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 10 1907/2007
1907-2007-The Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association, Celebrating "One Hundred Years of Service."
Forest Lake - On April 19th, Elder W. C. Tilden, one of the best known and most beloved men in Susquehanna County, completed 50 years of service in the ministry, serving as pastor of the following churches: Forest Lake church during the fifty years excepting one year and eight months; Middletown church, 22 years, and afterward 12 years, in all 34 years; Liberty, 12 years; Rush church 7 years; Hallstead church, 8 months, and preaching many times at Dimock, Herrickville, Camptown, Jackson, Auburn, Laurel Lake and other places. His work has included 5,823 sermons, with an addition of 893 funeral sermons, in all 6717. Number baptized, 237; marriages, 339; miles of travel, 140,000.
Ararat - Our new merchant, Will Arthur, has his store neatly fitted up with a supply of fine groceries, ready for business. We wish him every success.
Friendsville - The death P. Matthews, 80 years of age, occurred at his home. He was a native of Ireland and immigrated with his parents to America when a child. He has resided in Friendsville for half a century. His occupation was that of a wagonmaker. He is survived by a wife and seven children.
Montrose - J. M. Jeffers has been remodeling his pleasant home, and added five rooms, with a view to entertaining an increased number of summer boarders this season, and he has lots of applications. He and his wife are splendidly fitted to entertain them, to say nothing of the yellow-legged chickens Mr. J. always has "on tap," of a specially toothsome breed. It is also in one sense a public benefit when families like Mr. Jeffers open their homes to summer boarders, as it brings that many more people to town.
Heart Lake - Mr. Hillis is furnishing the third story of the boarding house and when completed there will be room for about 40 guests. The season will open about June 1st. Mr. W. H. Wall expects to open the Lake Side House about June 1st.
Uniondale - A letter received today from Mrs. D. B. Carpenter, of Ballard, Washington, claims that her son, Lawyer Frank Carpenter, has bought him a place and is building a fine house near Puget Sound, in sight of the Olympic mountains. The house is to be very modern in all its details. She also says they have a society there, called the Pennsylvania Club; all people from Pennsylvania can join. They have a hall and meet for a social time. Last week a Mr. James Hamilton, formerly of Carbondale, joined their number. He is a civil engineer there.
Thompson - The Bordens are enlarging their facilities for business. They have recently put in two large teams to haul milk from the region round "Sugar Loaf: over in Wayne County. AND Dr. McNamara hopes to finish the outside carpenter work on his house on Main street. Little has been done on the inside, so he has quite a job to do before he can occupy it.
Dimock - A farewell dance was given at the Dolan House, Thursday evening, May 2nd. The ball room will be partitioned into bedrooms. AND Frank Cope, Jr., will give a lecture at [the] Literary rooms Saturday evening, May 18th. All are cordially invited.
Melrose - There was another wreck on the Erie at Melrose. Eight cars were off the track. The work hands were called from here at 5 a.m. to help clear away debris. The road was blocked with trains all the forenoon.
Glenwood - A stray horse came to the barn of Melvin Deakin, Friday--gray, with bob tail and about 18 years of age. Owner can have horse by paying charges and for this advertisement.
Forest City - The Forest City base ball team is to be re-organized this year under the management of John Morrison. Ground has been secured from the D & H company on the right side of the road leading to Vandling, south of Mrs. Farrell's hotel. The work of grading will soon be started. The team will be composed entirely of Forest City players.
Harford - Tunis Miller is suffering with an acute attack of appendicitis. He is attended by Dr. Taylor, of Hopbottom, and he hopes he will get along without an operation.
Brooklyn - Mrs. Charles Tiffany offers her fine farm and town residence for sale, which includes the Tiffany water system, which supplies the greater part of the town with water. It's a fine proposition for the right man.
South Gibson - The Harford Dairy company is doing a rushing business in their creamery here. Our merchants all have a full line of seasonable goods, and pay the highest prices for farmers' produce, and our milliner has a full line of fashionable goods for women and children. Fuller & Chamberlain can supply hardware and farming tools; so our little town is a good place to come to get your wants supplied.
Susquehanna - An appropriation of $8,000 for the Simon H. Barnes Memorial hospital has passed the House. The bill was introduced by Hon. E. E. Jones of this county.
Hallstead - Hallstead base ball players, through the generosity of Hon. James T. DuBois, are to have a fine base ball diamond. The plot is located north of the Harmony creek bridge and comprises some three acres of level land peculiarly fitted for the players of the national game. A running track will also be constructed and a high board fence will enclose the entire area. John Connors captains this year's team, which is already getting in proper trim, and the fans of that vicinity are anticipating a whirlwind nine this season.
East Bridgewater - On the down trip Friday morning the Lehigh Valley locomotive struck a team of horses at Coon's Crossing, about two miles from Montrose, killing both. The animals belonged to D. T. Brewster of Montrose and J. W. Smith, who lives on the Brewster farm. They were being driven to the field with simply their harnesses on by a brother of Mr. Smith's, who is a deaf mute. Not noting the approaching train, the horses were struck broadside just as they were crossing the track, mangling them badly. The driver escaped unhurt.
News Brief: There was difficulty on a telephone line recently, the receiver apparently having been taken off and left off several hours. The trouble man was sent out and finally discovered that in the residence of one of the subscribers, an old lady had taken down the receiver and was using it to darn stockings on.
Compiled By: Betty Smith