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May 09 1901/2001

Dimock - Elias Titman was in town Saturday. He still thinks old Dimock the best residence town he knows of, and he sticks to her. AND The opening date of the Dimock Camp Meeting is Aug. 21 and ends Aug. 29. Greenwood & Lyman, of Lynn, being the highest bidders, will conduct the boarding hall and Joe Carlin, of Tunkhannock, will have charge of the barn. Sanitary conditions on the grounds will receive special attention this year from the Improvement committee, new fences will be built, roofs of buildings repaired, and an organ purchased for the preachers' stand. Treasurer Jewett reported about $450 in the treasury. An effort will be made to secure special railroad rates.

Forest City - The commencement exercises of the Forest City High School will be held on Friday evening, May 31, in the opera house. The class will be one of the largest ever graduated and will number about 18, three-fourths of whom will be young ladies. The school will observe Memorial Day this year as last, with special exercises and a march to the cemetery where the graves of veterans will be decorated with flowers. This custom will help to engraft [engrave?] into the hearts of the students a proper appreciation of the men who were ready to lay down their lives if necessary that their country might live, and in the absence of a Grand Army post it is a service that falls with peculiar appropriateness on the public school children.

Harford - Telegrapher Marean, who is a member of President McKinley's party during his trip through the west, was a former Harford boy and learned the business of telegraphing in the old station at Alford, this county, and has long since gained fame and fortune in the business, which allows again, that any place is all right to begin in if you learn your business well and then keep going.

Silver Lake - Thomas Conaty is rapidly recovering from a severe illness with mumps, measles and whooping cough. AND Aloysius O'Day was injured while learning to ride a wheel [bicycle].

New Milford - The commencement exercises of the Graded School were held at the opera house on Wednesday evening. The class of seven graduates all acquitted themselves finely and the other exercises were of a pleasing character.

Hopbottom - Javan Sterling has been making improvements on his property and has his house neatly painted in colors.

Welsh Hill and Clifford - On the 11th inst., a terrific electrical storm passed over Clifford, doing quite a bit of damage. The streets were flooded with water. The lightning struck Jared Utley's house, and Hiram Rivenburg's barn-slivering the posts on each side of the barn door. John Miller, who stood near one of the posts, received a severe shock. He was found by Hiram Rivenburg, and lay senseless on the floor. He was burned across the forehead and his eyelashes scorched. Albert Leek's barn, said to be the largest one in Clifford township, was struck and destroyed. The rain caused great damage to the roads. Hail fell in torrents and the lightning came in blinding sheets.

Franklin Forks - Jesse Newton and wife have traded their property here for a place in Chenango Co., NY and moved there on Tuesday. AND Sneak thieves have again made their appearance in this place, this time at T. Scott's barber shop, taking all his razors and hair clippers to the amount of $25. An entrance was gained by prying a window open in the rear of the shop.

Salt Springs - About 1500 acres of land, at and about Salt Springs, in Franklin Township, have been leased by a company of capitalists who are confident that oil or gas, or both, will be found in paying quantities, and preparations for putting down a test well at once are now being made. The company includes well known business men of this county and of Broome county, NY. Let us hope that the Franklin oil field may produce some formidable rivals of Guffey's Texas "gushers." Those who claim to know aver that such a result would not be at all surprising.

Jackson - Charles Lee, manager of Lee's London Circus, was formerly a resident here and for a time was proprietor of the "Walker House." The circus, which showed at Hallstead last week, went to pieces when it reached Binghamton and the stuff was shipped back to Wilkesbarre, its home town.

Gelatt - Those who are to have phones on the Gelatt line are: M. V. Walker, James A. Tinklepaugh, Eli Avery, R. Cole, H. M. Benson, W. E. Babcock and William Gelatt.

Susquehanna - The Annual Commencement exercises of the Oakland High School will be held in Hogan Opera House, June 7th. Prof. Charles T. Stack will lecture. Subject: "Popular Hero Worship." The Annual Commencement exercises of the Susquehanna High School will be held in the High School building June 4. There will be but one graduate this year.

Hallstead - Frank Barnes has the sympathy of his many friends in his being discharged from the service as clerk of Lackawanna yard in this place. He has worked faithfully for a great many years, but is now getting old, so the company has no use for him.

West Auburn - Horse trading seems to be the order of the day, old horses changing places, but Mr. Owen keeps the fine black Morgan stock horse yet. We hope to see in this vicinity as much an improvement in horses as there has been in other places, as his stock sells for the highest market price. One span of his fine black colts (3 year olds) we understand sold for $550 and went to Scranton for a hearse team.

Heart Lake - Geo. Felker, of Montrose, was at the lake Monday and took home nearly two hundred good-sized bullheads. AND George Stoddart has his large steamboat all painted and ready for business.

St. Joseph - Miss Agnes M. Sweeney expects to leave soon to enter a Good Shepherd Convent, near Philadelphia, as a novice. Miss Sweeney has been a popular teacher in the Susquehanna County Schools and her friends wish her success in her chosen vocation.

Auburn Corners - No one need be without meat as A. B. Emmons is ready to furnish it, also Mr. West of the firm of Lathrop & West of Springville drives this way once a week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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