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May 08 1908/2008

Montrose - Old Soldier Passes Away: The death of Hamilton Youngs occurred on May 4, 1908, after a few months' illness with Bright's disease. Mr. Youngs was born in Chester county, Maryland, 77 years ago, and when a slave made his escape through the underground railroad and came to Montrose. In 1862 he married Mary Ann Thomas and ten children were born to them, three of whom survive: Alexander of Scranton, Herbert of Brooklyn, NY, and Mary Youngs Gaines of this place. Hamilton served well in the war of the rebellion and belonged to the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. He has been an active member of Four Brothers' Post. As a citizen he was honorable and was always industrious. For many years he had been a Christian and deeply interested in the welfare of Zion church. The funeral was largely attended from Zion church and there was a representation of the G. A. R. Post present. The officiating clergymen were Rev. Chas. Smith of Auburn, Rev. Arlington Thompson of Binghamton and Rev. M. L. McKissic of Wilkes-Barre. Singers were from the [Ellen Mitchell] Tent of the Daughters of Veterans.

Death of the Last Survivor of "The Underground Railway" Days: " Hamilton Youngs was the last surviving runaway slave who came to Montrose on the underground railroad. He and his party of six arrived here 50 years ago this summer and his twin brother, Andrew, came directly into my father's family, where he worked a year or so. These slaves lived in Maryland and had planned their escape and learned the location of some stations on the underground railroad. About August 1858, they obtained permission to attend campmeeting on Sunday; hastily perfected their plans and started Saturday night for the first station where they lay concealed all day Sunday and Sunday night the station agent took them on his hay wagon, hid in the hay, driving all night, crossing the Pennsylvania line to the next station among the Quakers. And so they traveled during the nights until they came to Pottsville, either by wagon or on foot, with a guide from station to station. At Wilkes-Barre, Mr. W. C. Gildersleeve directed them toward Montrose and going with them to Scranton, gave them money enough to ride on the cars to Alford. Arriving in Montrose and finding the anti-slavery sentiment here so strong, upon the assurance of old Judge Jessup and others that they were safe, they went to work." D. T. Brewster

Dimock/South Montrose - T. L. Dolan and a gentleman from Scranton were mixed up in a livery runaway Tuesday afternoon. They were returning from the Ballentine farm, driving a team and leading a horse, when a calf alongside the road frightened the animals and they were off. The team collided with Butcher Jay Tingley's meat wagon, overturning it and doing some damage and scattering the occupants of the runaway vehicle out. The men 'phoned ahead to South Montrose to stop the three runaway horses who were tearing along like a 40-horsepower White steamer. South Montrose turned out en masse and lined up across the road waving brooms and shouting some. They succeeded in veering them from their course, and one of the horses dashed into a shed and pretty nearly demolished a carriage that was standing there with a badly scared horse hitched to it. It was the liveliest ten minutes that has been put on that stretch of road for some tine, and the escapes of all mixed up in [it] were of the "miraculous" kind.

New Milford - The graduating exercises were held at the opera house, Wednesday evening. The graduates were: Sylvia Dean, Emma O'Byrne, Verna Darrow, Roy and Lizzie Grenell.

Great Bend - On Friday night, about 11 o'clock, burglars gained entrance to the residence of E. Colston on Main St, but were frightened away. Miss Young, a milliner, has rooms in the house and shortly after retiring heard some one try her door. She spoke up, asking who was there and what was wanted and silence followed for a moment, when steps were heard descending the stairs and the burglar made his escape. P. S. Dermody's horse was stolen from his barn about midnight Friday, it is supposed by the same thief that entered the Colston residence. The thieves are supposed to have led the horse over to riverside, for when William Flynn, of that place, went to his barn he found that a harness and a top buggy were missing.

Brooklyn - "Having noticed in the papers the importance of wood pulp in the manufacture of white paper [I] think it might be of interest to many persons to know when and where and by whom the first paper from wood pulp was made [in Susq. Co.]. It was in 1836 or 37 that Joshua Miles built a paper mill in Brooklyn, on the HopBottom creek, and soon after began making wrapping paper. In the early part of 1838 he began to experiment by using bass-wood, it being soft and fibrous. He fixed a machine to cut the logs in shavings, then to soften and make them more fibrous, put them into a large vat with lime water and boiled them about two days. Then they were taken out and put in a machine where they were reduced to pulp, and the same time, with the use of bleaching salts, were whitened for use. The Susquehanna Register and Montrose Volunteer, county papers, were printed on it. Mr. Miles continued to operate his mill until early in 1843 when it took fire and was burned. There was no insurance on it and he was unable to rebuild and finally went to Sterling, Ill., where he died. Mr. Miles built two grist mills, two saw mills and one oil plant, just below Brooklyn, but all are now gone and but few know where they stood, only by report. In writing this statement it is from my own knowledge, having worked for Mr. Miles most of the time and nearly up to the time the paper mill was burned. I am now almost 87 years old and lived all my life in Brooklyn nearly, until I came to Scranton some four years ago." G. B. Rogers

Lawton - A rumor has been in circulation and printed in a Binghamton paper to the effect that ex-Commissioner Isaiah Haire died suddenly of heart failure. We asked E. B. Light, who drives the stage, and he said the rumor was wholly false, that Mr. Haire was well, we are pleased to hear, and working every minute. This reminded us of the time when it was rumored that Mark Twain was dead, and he seeing an account of it in the papers, in order to reassure his family, telegraphed them that the report was "greatly exaggerated." As good men are scarce, we are glad to know that Isaiah is all right.

Hopbottom - First day of May brought a snowstorm, followed by another May 3.

Susquehanna - The heavy rains Friday and Saturday did much damage in this place and vicinity. About a quarter of a mile of the D & H tracks, between Lanesboro and Windsor were washed away and traffic was delayed for several hours. AND The Matthews marble works on Grand street are to be removed to Binghamton.

Forest City - A reform wave has struck the borough and as a result a probing committee has been appointed who will go over the public records and see where all the money secured through taxation has gone. The property owners have just realized that their taxes are extraordinarily high when the improvements secured are taken into consideration. As a result of the dissatisfaction a mass meeting was held in Mutchiz hall and a Taxpayers' Protective Assn. was organized.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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