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May 07 1915/2015

Susquehanna – The death of Mrs. L. C. Benson occurred Monday morning, at her home in this place, as a result of burns which she received while lighting a fire in a stove shortly after 5 o’clock that morning.  In some manner her clothing caught fire and before help arrived she was frightfully burned about the face and body. Medical aid was quickly summoned and her sufferings were relieved as much as possible. The deceased was a woman very highly regarded here, where she had resided many years, and her loss will be keenly felt.  She is survived by her husband and two sons, George, of Susquehanna, and Herbert, of Cleveland.

Great Bend – Dr. A. F. Merrell broke his arm Thursday afternoon while making a call near Conklin. When ready to go the starter on his car failed to work and he got out to crank it. The crank flew back and broke his arm.

Rush – The report that was circulated last week to the effect that our creamery man was going to Auburn Centre to run the milk station was erroneous. It’s strange how some people report stories without knowing whether they are so or not. Our creamery man is much appreciated in this vicinity.

Forest City – Nelson Crandall, of Uniondale, has been engaged to make repairs at the Forest city poor farm. ALSO M. J. Walsh has established an auto bus line between here and Carbondale, having purchased a new Maxwell seven-passenger touring car. The leaving time from Forest City will be on the even hour from Main and Dundaff streets; from Carbondale on the half hour, from Seventh avenue and Main street. The first car will leave Forest City daily at 7 a.m.

Franklin Forks – A number of the neighbors of Calvin Peirson [Pierson] helped to raise his new barn last Thursday afternoon.  L. D. Watson, of Montrose, is the carpenter.

Lenox – Our stage driver, Edson Oakley, of South Gibson, has purchased an automobile.

South Ararat – Mrs. Henry Davis visited her aunt, Mrs. Cordelia Walker, on Friday. Mrs. Walker is remarkably smart for one of her age; 83 last January.

Brooklyn – Ben Jewett has purchased a “Saxon Six” automobile of agent Bert Oakley, which he expects to receive this week. We are sure “Ben” will look very handsome at the wheel.

Montrose – Thomas Payne returned from a few days in Lenox and Harford and says apple trees are in bloom there, that gardens are being planted and that all vegetation seems to be a week earlier than in Montrose. Mr. Payne is a highly successful and enthusiastic gardener and is a trifle impatient with the cold, wet weather, we suspect. ALSO Three Saxon roadsters went through town the other day, headed for Wilkes-Barre. The parties had driven them from Detroit, where they went to buy the machines.

Lynn – J. W. Baker has adopted a boy from Scranton.  He is about 14 years of age and will assist in doing chores. ALSO The State road was kept hot on Sunday last by automobiles from early morn until late at night. It is said that over 100 were counted during the daytime, besides what passed at night.

Forest Lake – A W.C.T.U. Institute was held in Forest Lake Baptist church, April 28.  At the morning session 30 people were in attendance.  There was a highly suggestive song by Rev. U. D. Barber, “The Diamond in the Rough.” A talk on L. T. L. work by Mrs. Ether Bushnell, of Montrose. The afternoon session was filled in by recitations by Charles and Arthur Potts, singing, Miss Blanch Hamlin presiding at the organ, and a talk by Ms. Bushnell on Parliamentary Laws—a sort of drill. The Suffragist leader of the program was Mrs. Miller, which was some thing of an eye-opener to us who do not have a chance to hear these questions discussed often.  This was the prophecy of our friends: the liquor men are having the last five years of their power and saloonless nation in 1920. Long life to our Suffragists!

Auburn – Just preceding the rain and hail of Thursday afternoon, lightning struck an apple tree stub just behind the house of G. W. Bunnell. Mrs. Fannie Kellogg, of Tunkhannock, and Mrs. Bunnell, who had just stepped from a car and were crossing the yard of the house, received such a shock as to produce a violent headache for both ladies. ALSO Charles Love, who suffered a bad fracture of his right arm recently, is doing as well as can be expected. While out driving in Frank Love’s new car the machine was overturned and the young man, including Samuel Robbins, was underneath until help arrived.  None of the others were seriously injured and the damage to the car will not exceed $30.

Hopbottom – Phil Street, with a force of men, has been engaged the past week in setting out about 200 matrimonial trees on the steep embankment along the State road near here. It is hoped they will grow and hold up the bank, preventing the road from sliding into the creek.

Harford – On Sunday last Messrs. Ackerman, Phillips, Watkins and Davis, trail hitters [Billy Sunday’s traveling evangelists] from the Welsh Congregational church in Scranton, held services in the morning, afternoon and evening at the Congregational church. The singing was superb.

Hallstead – Benjamin C. Read has returned from the National Soldiers’ Home at Johnson City, Tenn., where he spent the winter.

Little Meadows – Miss Anna O’Brien has closed her term of school, the children giving an excellent entertainment on the final day.

Kingsley – Through the efforts of the school children and teachers, a fine flag pole has been erected on the school ground. The school extends its thanks to the friends who helped to set the posts and raise the pole.

Tips to Automobile Owners:  One honk on the horn means “cross street;” two honks, “stand still, I’ll get you coming back;” Three honks, “get your old ice wagon out of my way;” a dozen honks, “Help, I’m out of gasoline!” Two automobiles should pass on either side of each other, rather than on a direct line through each other. Autos should always stop abruptly for wash-outs or burned out fuses. It is not proper for an auto to turn a corner on two wheels. Before an auto turns turtle all the passengers should get out. A woman driving an auto is always entitled to the right of way; if you don’t give it to her she’ll take it. Don’t try to lead an automobile life on a wheelbarrow salary. ALSO  Pennsylvania’s “Good Roads Day” comes May 26.  Sharpen your hoe.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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