Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 06 1921/2021
Susquehanna – Rev. Father Boland, of St. John’s church, at the Sunday morning services, strongly denounced many modern dances as given in Susquehanna, among them the “Chicago Shimmy,” “Camel,” and other similar so-called athletic dances. He also stated the L. A. C. would be closed if any more such underworld exhibitions were attempted.
Kingsley – An entertainment and box social will be given in the Universalist church on May 11th. Each lady furnishing a box will be given a free ticket to entertainment, which will consist of songs by a quartet composed of Elwood and Ray Capron; humorous sketch by Frank Ralph; cornet solo, Orrin Appleman; bass solo, Water Tiffany; and other selections. Admission 25 and 10 cents. Don’t miss this rare musical treat.
New Milford – Three steam shovels were placed in operation on the New Milford to Hallstead state road on Monday. Stipp & Son, who have the contract of building the concrete pave from Tiffany to New Milford, have the concrete poured as far as Heart Lake station.
Montrose – John P. Lyons, who has been spending the winter in Bermuda, returned to his home on Friday. While in Bermuda he met Mr. and Mrs. G. Carleton Shafer frequently, who are also of Montrose, and he had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Shafer and a former national champion tennis player defeat two English players of considerable reputation. Mr. Lyons said Mr. Shafer was the best player of the four. ALSO At the Ideal Theatre, wrestling and boxing bouts: Jimmy Kane vs. Eddie Stanley and free boxing: Young Bowen, of Endicott, NY and Percy Wilbur, of Montrose.
Hallstead – Word has been received of the promotion to captain in the Army of Lieut. Joseph Addison DuBois, former Washington University Law School student, who after an enviable record in the Great War resigned his commission, only to enter the service last fall as second lieutenant. Captain DuBois is the son of Atty. Addison G. DuBois of Hallstead. ALSO Several Hallstead girls are employed in the New Milford silk mill. A bus runs from Hallstead to New Milford for their convenience.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – The viewers met Friday to look over the road from Taylor Hollow school house to Fair Hill church to see if it were advisable to vacate it, but found out they could not, as there was a public cemetery and farm house along the road.
Jackson – There will be a carpet rag social at the home of Geo. Leonard, Friday evening, May 6th. Girls are asked to bring balls of carpet rags with their names on the inside. Everybody cordially invited.
Birchardville – Miss Ruth Groover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Groover, of this place, and Herbert Fish, of Montrose, were married at Montrose, May 2, 2021. They will reside in Montrose.
Hop Bottom – School closes May 4. Class Day exercises of the Hop Bottom high school were held Tuesday afternoon in the Universalist church. Program as follows: Class History, Marcella Maher; President’s Charge to Juniors, Aleck Hortman; Conundrums, Mary Maher; Song, Junior and Freshman Chorus; Class Will, Dorothy Hardy; Prophecy, Helen Yagice(?), Helen Conrad; Song, Chorus; Presentation, Arline Oakley, Margaret Maher; Class Poem, Verda Perry.
Thompson – Our silk mill and shoe factory have gone into obscurity.
Forest City – The Ladies Aid of the Congregational church, numbering about 45, assembled at the home of Mrs. Abraham Owens with the fixed purpose of presenting Mrs. Shoop a cut glass bowl as a token of their friendship. Rev. W. R. Pierce, the pastor, was present to make the presentation address in behalf of the society. Time wore on and Mrs. Shoop did not appear. A committee was appointed to ascertain if she could attend. The committee sought in vain and returned and reported their failure. Later it was learned that Mrs. Shoop’s household goods had that day been shipped to their new home in Binghamton. The ladies were disappointed but made the occasion a merry one. Mrs. Shoop now has her present which was to have been presented in person but—was not.
Uniondale – James McAvoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAvoy, formerly of this place, now residing in Binghamton, has developed into a base ball player of note. He was recently released from the Bloomington, Ill. team, to sign up with the Binghamton team. Jimmy plays in center field and is a hummer with the stick.
Unearth Black Hand Plot at Carbondale: The diabolical machinations of the Black Hand Society, as revealed in a murderous plot at Carbondale, when alleged leaders of a notorious organization were rounded up by the police, show that these criminals are extending their field well towards the borders of our county. In fact, Forest City already is threatened with the blighting effects of Black Hand activities. An account of the round up appeared in the Scranton Times: “Driven to desperation, five members of an alleged branch of the Black Hand Society, at Carbondale, confided to the Carbondale and county authorities some of the vicious tactics of the gang and made possible last night a raid that resulted in the arrest and confinement in the county jail of 14 alleged Black Handers, including the reputed leaders of the Society. One other man, believed to be a member of the Pittston branch of the cut throat outfit, was also taken into custody after he had dropped an automatic revolver and tried to buy the officers off. The police say that several of the men, now in the county jail, have admitted that they dodged the draft. One boasted that he had been in America 18 years and never thought of being naturalized and that he will be here another 18 years and not become a citizen. The Black Handers for six months past have been threatening to “get” Patrolman Scalze and had fixed last night as the time to either shoot him while on duty or to dynamite the home where is wife and six babies slept. Quick action by the authorities spoiled their plans. The prisoners were each held in $5000 bail for court. The Black Handers were charged with extortion and conspiracy.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith