Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 05 1911/2011
Wilkes-Barre - If one were to ask what was the most important and principal topic of the age, the ready answer invariably would be Aviation or the calling of the "Bird Men." That the aeroplane has become history in the present period is positively authentic; no other form of locomotion has interested the multitude as have these wizards of the air with their mechanical, fluttering wings and the buzzing motor. Wyoming Valley is to have the opportunity of witnessing all these feasts in the air, at the aviation meeting to be held at the fair grounds at Wilkes-Barre, from May 29 to June 3. The world's most famous aviators are to be assembled at this meeting, including Glen Curtiss, who is the pioneer and dean of aviation, Lincoln Beachy, J. A. D. McCurdy and James Ward.
Royal, Clifford Twp. - George Hankinson, the new proprietor of the Royal House, is introducing new furniture to the house and giving the large lawns and surroundings a pleasant appearance, preparatory to the opening of his house some time in May for summer boarders and the traveling public, and there will be plenty of room for banquet suppers and automobile parties. The hotel is famous for its large spring dancing floor.
Uniondale - L. P. N. and his horse, Tom, are sure to get there, for he is all the time going. We are sure if he would shave his mustache it would make an excellent improvement on him, and Tom would look back with a smile and say, "L. P. I like you better than ever." Has he changed his views in politics? I saw him buy a Republican paper the other evening; of course he may have taken that home to his wife. ALSO G. W. Bayless has bought another Stanley Steamer automobile.
Forest City - Joe Rutcofski, a ten year old boy, was lodged in the lockup Saturday night, charged with stealing a bicycle owned by William Connelly. The little fellow was given a hearing before Squire Morrison and on Monday he was taken to Montrose by Constable Walsh. The lad, when seen by a newsman Saturday night, was sobbing for his mother. He declared that he traded a dictionary for the bicycle with another boy, who he said, had got the machine as a premium for selling blueing. The dictionary belonged to his brother and later he went and got the book back and told the other boy to take his bicycle. The wheel, however, was still in his possession when found, and the other little chap disclaimed any knowledge of it.
Lenoxville - Mrs. C. H. Cook was showing a hen's egg that measured 6 ¾ x 8 ¼". Who can report a larger one than that?
South Gibson - The new proprietor, Mr. Thomas, of the South Gibson Hotel, has been having his glass windows beautifully decorated. C. J. Keech was the decorator. The Uniondale Hotel windows are also done by the same party.
Hallstead - Work on the glass factory is progressing rapidly. All the machinery has been shipped and in a few days the men will begin to set up the different machines. Representatives of the Bell Telephone Co. and of the Electric Light Co. are busy wiring the building for the installation of lights and telephone service.
Thompson - George Mead, who moved into George Croser's house in the township a few weeks ago, died there last Monday after a lingering illness, at the age of 72 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War and had a good record. He is survived by a widow, three sons, William, Frank and Lewis, residing in southern New York, and two daughters, Mrs. Lou Prentice and Mrs. Douane Lee, of Comfort's Pond. The funeral was held at the house Friday a.m., conducted by the Rev. E. C. Layton. Comrades acted as bearers. Interment at Brandt.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. -J. N. Austin and wife went up to Franklin Forks, Thursday, to see Mr. E. A. Webster, who is having a serious time with measles. His many friends in this place hope soon to hear of his recovery.
Herrick Center - We witnessed the sad spectacle yesterday of a double funeral, when Miles and Edward Tanner, the four and six year old sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tanner, of Lakeview, were borne to the town cemetery. The boys were drowned in a new well that had been dug not far from where the Tanners live. They were found several hours after they had left home to play. The earth around the well showed evidence of having given way as the children peered down the well. Little footprints led the searchers to the well and their bodies were brought to the surface. Much sympathy is felt for the parents, both children being bright little fellows and were not only greatly loved by their parents, but also by the residents of the neighborhood. Mr. Tanner was badly injured some months ago at the Avery saw mill in New Milford, and has not entirely recovered.
Middletown - Daniel Fitzgerald has gone to Plainsboro, NJ, where he has accepted a position with the Walker Gordon Laboratory Co. Lawrence Coleman has purchased a chicken farm at Plainsboro, NJ and will take possession May 1.
Montrose - Fred Stilson, who has charge of the ice cream department at the Lyon's restaurant, commenced making ice cream this week, the first of the season. Fred has the art of making ice cream "down-to-the-minute," having had several years experience in this line.
Franklin Forks - If the person who was seen taking a linen duster from a carriage, Sunday evening, in front of W. L. Bailey's barn, will please return it, there will be no more trouble made.
New Milford - Susquehanna County friends of Harry McMillan, son of the late Donald McMillan, one of the best known men of the county during his generation, will be pleased to learn that he has again been nominated for the high office of mayor of the city of Minneapolis. Mr. McMillan will be remembered in Montrose as having lived at the home of his uncle, the late A. M. Bullard, county superintendent of schools, and Susquehanna people will also remember him as a salesman with M. H. Eisman, the Susquehanna clothier, who is now senior partner in the firm of Eisman & Hersch, at Susquehanna. Harry has been mayor of the city for five years and a rattling good one. The city has prospered and gone forward in the past five years, keeping Minneapolis a clean, moral, residence town.
Susquehanna - John Ferguson, Attorney-at-Law, has announced himself as a candidate for the office of District Attorney. F. M. Gardiner, of Forest City, Selden Munger and C. L. VanScoten, of Montrose, have also announced.
Compiled By: Betty Smith