Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 05 1905/2005
New Milford - Ray G. Pratt, son of Col. C.C. Pratt, has joined a United States geological surveying party, with whom he will spend the summer in the Adirondacks.
Clifford - The telephone exchange will be moved next week from the store of L. Rivenburg to the residence of Mrs. B. Lott.
Forest City - F.B. Carpenter, Esq., is planning an extensive western trip and will, if conditions are to his liking, locate in the state of Washington. Mr. Carpenter sees great possibilities in this flourishing and fast growing state, which seems adapted to be the gateway of the Pacific and he believes that in time a city rivaling New York will grow in Puget Sound. The western fever seems to have attacked a large number of our people and while there will probably be no general migration, there are several who are watching with great interest news from the west.
South Montrose - The tragic death of George Ralston, a well-known young farmer of South Montrose, occurred in a remarkable manner on May 3. After dinner he went to a field to plow accompanied by his boy, four years old. He went to a spring for a drink and handed a cup-full of water to the boy, then reached back for one for himself, when he fell dead. The boy staid there half an hour perhaps, then went to the house and told his mother, "Papa is in the spring." But little attention was paid to the statement at first, but an investigation proved its truth. He had had trouble in his head and had operations and it is thought that the bursting of a blood vessel caused it. He was 43 years old.
Hallstead - The First National Bank of Hallstead opened for business May 1st, and the amount of business being done augurs well for the new institution. Its officers are: Pres., John B. Jones, Wellsville, NY; Vice Pres., Dr. A.F. Merrill, Hallstead; Cashier, W. H. Windus, Hallstead; Directors, J. B. Jones, James Miller, Wellsville, N.Y.; Dr. A.F. Merrill, C. E. Moxley, John Clune, Hallstead; N. H. Parke, Great Bend; and W. H. Windus, Alleghany. A new block is in course of erection for their permanent home. AND V.D. Hand, proprietor of the People's Cash Store, and one of the most progressive merchants in the county, has purchased the New York Store in Great Bend and will continue the business in both stores.
Susquehanna - And now our Borough Council, or a portion of it, we understand, is talking of buying a new chemical engine, with borough funds, to replace the one which didn't cost the town a cent and which was sold by the company which owned it, because the council would not give it a decent place for housing. That new chemical will be a long time coming we reckon. The chemical engine sold was one of the best made.
Brooklyn - The senior class of the Brooklyn Township High School will have their Annual Commencement exercises Friday evening, May 5th. The following ladies and gentlemen form the class: Pearl C. Brotzman, Bernice I. Meade, Daisy B. Fish, Ross Tewksbury, Myron O. Tiffany and Tracy V. Stephens.
Great Bend - "Wild Marsh," the young stallion owned by W.J. Day, dropped dead on the street Sunday while being driven. His death was caused by a rush of blood to the head. He was called one of the most beautiful horses in this part of the country, and secured a ribbon at Madison Square Garden, NY. AND An alarm of fire at 11 P.M. Friday brought the whole town out. Five tanks of crude oil were burned on the main line of the Erie, just back of Grace Episcopal church. The houses of Mrs. Fay and Mrs. Tierney were badly scorched. They were covered by insurance.
Glenwood - A good sign that summer is here is the way the autos spin along nearly every day. Reckless running should be prohibited, but all the same they make record runs.
Kingsley - The Kingsley Chemical Co. started the Acid Factory May 1st after making extensive repairs.
Dimock - Urban Barber, who was so seriously disabled by an explosion of dynamite in his face a year ago, rendering him blind, passed through this place this week taking orders for the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. His daughter, Eva, accompanied him.
South Gibson - Mrs. Alvira Pickering passed her 90th birthday April 10. She is in possession of all her faculties and is up to date in the news of the times, taking great pleasure in reading the papers.
Auburn 4 Corners - Ed Blakeslee, of Springville, was through here Monday delivering fruit trees and seeds for Elmer Sherwood, of York State.
Hopbottom - A pubic meeting was held Monday evening in the council room and it was decided that water supply be furnished the town for protection in case of fire.
Harford - The first automobile this season passed through Harford on Saturday. Few who drive horses would be sorry if it were the last. AND The people of Harford are very much elated over the election of G.A. Stearns for County Superintendent.
Franklin Township - The death of Timothy O'Shea, a highly respected resident, occurred at his late home on Sunday, April 30th, 1905, after an illness of some time [caused by a wound inflicted some 20 years ago]. Mr. O'Shea was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1843 and came to America, 1865. He was married to Miss Mary O'Brien of Syracuse, in 1865. The deceased is survived by a widow and six children. The funeral was held in St. Augustine's Catholic church on Tuesday, May 2, at Silver Lake. Rev. John J. Lally officiating. Burial in Binghamton.
Thompson - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aldridge, of the township, a son, last week. As their former and only child before this was born 19 years ago, this event has caused a little ripple in the community, though "Clare" is quite composed.
Montrose - Lathan Mack, who won the automobile given by the "Right of Way" cigar manufacturers, has found a probable purchaser in Scranton and will undoubtedly sell it. Failing in this he will have the machine brought to Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith