Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 04 1923/2023
East Rush – A very few farmers in this vicinity leave their oats sowed in April, on account of the cold weather, but when we compare this spring with some of former years, things are as forward as in most years. We remember 22 years ago today there was very little farming done. On the 25thit snowed and rained all day and there had only been a few warm days up until the 5th of May, when it came off very warm. ALSO The Forest City News reported only nine clear days in April, with snow, frost and a thunderstorm.
Hallstead – Franklin F, Barnes, aged 80 years, died suddenly on April 26, 1923. Mr. Barnes was a Civil War veteran. He enlisted in the 151stVolunteers. He was shot during the war and was captured in the battle of Gettysburg. Besides his widow, he is survived by two sons, Wellington, of San Bernardino, Cal. and Reuben Barnes, of Saskatchewan, formerly of Binghamton. ALSO A cablegram was received announcing the death of William J. Pike, United States consul at Strasburg, Alsace-Lorraine. Mr. Pike was a native of Hallstead and his younger years were spent largely as private secretary of the late Congressman Galusha A. Grow. He entered the diplomatic service about twenty years ago and was a close, personal friend of the late Hon. James T. DuBois.
Montrose – Earl Wootton, who has been employed by A. W. Lyons for a couple of years, has accepted a position in The Montrose Democrat office and will learn the printers’ trade. His former position, in the Lyons store, will be filled by Delbert Corwin.
Brooklyn – C. F. Richards is one of three remaining Civil War veterans in our town, Hon J. W. Adams and E. E. Rozelle being the other two. Mr. Richards said he enlisted in Co. K., 56th Regiment when 18 years of age, served about a year and was discharged on account of disability. He had a younger brother who enlisted when not yet 16 years of age and his father enlisted at 48 years. Both served an enlistment of three years and each re-enlisted for a six months’ period.
Forest City – Peter Mancuso, Martin Omahen, Joseph Ursic, and Bartle Laurich, were granted citizenship papers by Judge Witmer, at Scranton, last week. The judge granted about three hundred naturalization papers and turned down a number for claiming exemption from drafts during the World War. ALSO John McGranaghan has purchased a Hudson Super Six, seven-passenger car. He will use it in connection with his undertaking business and is also prepared to attend weddings and parties of al kinds. The car is a beauty and would be credit to a much larger town than ours.
Elkdale – J. A. McAlla has opened a store on the corner above the Elkdale creamery.
Jackson – With the disbandment of the Myron French Post, G. A. R., an organization has been formed with the purpose of perpetuating the memory of the heroes of 1861-65, who have answered the last roll call. Many lie sleeping in the cemeteries of the township and their memories will be sacred for all time to come This Memorial will see but few of the Old guard in line, but the spirit that prompted them to offer themselves to their country’s altar predominates.
Kingsley – The Kingsley Garage, of which Fred H. Tyler is the hustling and progressive proprietor, has added a wrecking service car, equipped with a hoist, bars and all appliances necessary for towing purposes. The equipment is so complete that the Lackawanna Motor Club has designed this garage as its official towing service station for that locality.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. – A large crowd attended the sale of the personal property of the late Wm. G. Richards. Jack Richards, his brother and Sarah Daniels, a sister, leave this week for Harvey, Ill, being called here by the death of William.
Uniondale – H. T. Williams moved the post office from the Reynolds building to his newly modeled store, the office is now located on the grocery side of the old store room and takes the whole length of the building. Mrs. Leon Reynolds, the retiring postmaster, has been a faithful, conscientious official.
Stevens Point – Richard and Warren Bailey met death when their car went down a 40-foot embankment near Lanesboro. Two girls in the car miraculously escaped.
Dimock – The annual Field Day will be held at the community house and grounds, on May 10, with all sorts of stunts, beautiful drills and the usual good things that have been a joy each year. Be sure and note the fine things made and exhibited by the girls in the domestic science room. This day will end the school year for the grades; the high school will not close until the fore part of June.
South Gibson – Prof. Robert Sampson was in town, Friday and Saturday, holding the examinations admitting students to the high school department. Thirty-six were present to be examined from Elkdale, Welsh Hill, Clifford and other surrounding towns.
Herrick Center – The teachers and pupils took possession of the new school building on April 23. Brief exercises were held in the morning. Speeches were made by A. E. Flynn, President of the Board of Education, and Dr. A. L. Craft. In the afternoon, Arbor Day exercises were held, after which the school, with the exception of the primary room, went on a hike and nature study of birds and trees.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp – The ladies of Fair Hill and Taylor Hollow met at the home of E. H. Taylor and made two quilts for Homer Coy’s people [their home was destroyed by fire].
Thompson – The mothers of this locality and especially all the young mothers, are cordially invited to meet on May 4th, at the home of Mrs. Fred Ammon, for the purpose of organizing a “Mothers’ Club.”
West Harford – Work is still continuing at a rapid rate on the Harford trail. The road between Harford and Kingsley is now closed. People traveling from Harford to Kingsley are going by the way of Tyler Lake. Much excavating is being done by the steam shovel. At present the shovel is at work between the Wilmarth farm and J. A. Williams’ farm. Mail boxes, sign boards, small trees and large stones are easily lifted out by the huge shovel, which seems almost life like as it lifts large loads of dirt out of the ground. Over 50 men are employed in the construction of the road and the road will doubtless be fully completed by fair time.
Compiled By: Betty Smith