Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 03 1918/2018
Forest City – Friday afternoon’s Liberty Loan parade was a great success. The Forest City division, headed by the local police, the Forest City band, Grand Marshall, F.M. Gardiner and staff, and borough officials headed the line. They were followed by the Women’s Liberty Loan committees and members of the Red Cross. The Boy Scouts were next in line followed by a soldier and sailor dragging an effigy of the Kaiser. The school children, of the public and Polish schools, over a thousand strong, each room accompanied by the teacher, made an inspiring division. The third division was the hose companies. A great patriotic demonstration, which included a parade in Vandling all totaled, according to the newspapers, 3,000 people in line. ALSO In the ripeness of vigorous manhood, Joseph Miskell, one of the best-known young men of this vicinity, paid “the last measure of devotion” to his country while serving the flag in France. He was a member of the 117 Signal Corps and was killed by an accidental explosion. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Miskell, former residents, and from infancy lived here until about two years ago.
Auburn 4 Corners and Dimock – Verdie Hibbard and family have moved over [to] the creamery, as Verdie is the new creamery man. The creamery at Dimock has started up and the [Elk] Lake people are taking their milk there.
Montrose – Carl Smith, a local colored young man, was called to army service Monday, the lone soldier to go at that time, but the citizens of Montrose saw to it that he had a great send-off, just the same. A large number gathered, including the band and patriotic organizations and escorted him to the Lehigh Valley station and gave him the same attention as if he were a regiment. ALSO John Randolph Cooley, Civil War veteran and dean of Montrose businessmen, died Friday morning, April 26, aged 75 years. Deceased was the oldest businessman in Montrose, being actively connected with the present hardware firm 45 years. Although a veteran of the Civil War he refused the office of Captain, saying that others were better qualified to fill that position. He took an active part in securing the L&M railroad here and was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. The G.A.R. and Sons and Daughters of Veterans attended his funeral in a body. He is survived by his wife and son, Harry E. Cooley, of Montrose.
Lenox – George W. McCarty, formerly of this place, who has conducted the Central Dairy, in Scranton, is now nicely located in his new store at 701 Quincy Avenue, and a handsomer business place it would be difficult to imagine. It occupies a corner location, and George keeps everything as neat as wax.
Harford – W.H. Richardson has purchased a fine Maxwell and his son, Clarence, is chauffeur. He was sighted in South Harford with it Saturday night and drives splendidly.
Susquehanna –Susquehanna has a Liberty Loan clock that was made in the Erie shops for the local committee and placed on Main street, opposite the post-office. The platform is draped with bunting and flags wave above it. ALSO The oldest man in this county, and one of the best known and beloved residents of this town, is Frederick D. Lyons, who lately passed his 99th birthday. He was born in Colerain, Mass., in 1819, in the home of his grandfather, David Lyons, and remembers his grandmother telling the story of his grandfather participating in the “Boston Tea Party,” evidence of this being, as she related it, that she found some of the tea in his shoes the next morning. Mr. Lyons came to Lanesboro in April 1848, where he engaged in the mercantile business. [In the collection of the Susquehanna County Historical Society is a painting, circa 1848, showing a part of Lanesboro and Mr. Lyons’ store.] In 1858 he removed to Susquehanna, where he also carried on a large business. He married Mary A. Hull in 1851 and celebrated almost 60 years of marriage before her death in 1911. Because of failing eyesight Mr. Lyons has been incapacitated, but until three years ago he opened his place of business every morning.
Little Meadows – Lieut. Leigh Pendleton, of Camp Meade, is home on a 15-day furlough. ALSO W. D. Minkler, chairman of the Liberty Loan committee, reports that $3,000 has been raised in this small borough.
Dimock – Pepper & Birchard, in Montrose, have just sold two fine touring cars to Percy Ballantine—a Dodge and a Nash Six. Mr. Ballantine, of Louden Hill Farms, is an authority on motor cars and his purchase of these machines ought to recommend them to others.
Springville – The commencement exercises of the High school will be held in the M.E. church on May 10. The members of the class are Misses Ruth Strickland, Vivian Risley, Ralph Button and Erlis Smales. The Springville Methodist church will also celebrate its 25th anniversary on May 10. It was dedicated May 10 1893, the Revs. Austin Griffin and Thomas Harroun preaching the sermons.
News Brief: “1918 Cake—A Wheatless Treat.” This recipe for a plain cake without any wheat flour appears in the May Women’s Home Companion: “Cream 4 tablespoons nut margarine, add slowly ½ cup sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, ½ cup mashed potato, and 1 ½ cups barley flour sifted with ½ tsp salt and 3 tsp baking powder. Beat well and bake in 2 layer cake pans. Put together with jelly, spread top with a thin layer of jelly and sprinkle with grated sweet chocolate.”
178 Years Ago, Montrose Volunteer, April 16, 1840.
*MARRIED, On the evening of April 14th, by Elder J. B. Worden, Ralph B. Little, Esq., to Miss Ann, youngest daughter of David Post, Esq. The Printers were remembered with a generous loaf of excellent cake, which as a luxury, could only be surpassed by “honey moon” itself.
*OWEGO CRACKERS fresh from the Bakers—12 pounds for one-dollar cash. J. LYONS.
*NEW PUBLIC HOUSE. The subscriber would inform the public that he has recently purchased and fitted up the old tavern stand formerly owned and occupied by Charles Hatch in Lanesboro; and is now is prepared to receive and entertain such of his friends as may favor him with a call—Please notice and stop at the sign of the Buck and Cascade. FRED”K A. WARD. Lanesboro.
Compiled By: Betty Smith