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May 03 1907/2007

1907-2007 - The Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association. "One Hundred Years of Service."

Friendsville - While Merchant Hugh Matthews was returning home from a business trip to Binghamton last Saturday, his horse dropped. Bad luck for Hugh.

Franklin Twp. - There will be phones added to the Peoples Mutual Independent Telephone Co. line as follows: James Webb, Fred Webb, Jacob Warner, Wm. Webb (2), Chas. Welch, Edson Rhinevault, Chas. Palmer, W. L. Bailey, G. H. Smith and Harry Vance.

Dundaff - Howard Phinney has purchased 200 pigeons. He intends to supply the market with squabs.

Dimock - A. H. Button drives his fine pair of colts on the milk wagon from Parkville to the Dimock milk station. AND The librarian of the Dimock Free Library wishes to say that in addition to our 7 or 800 volumes of fiction history, science, etc., we have the Delineator; McClures, Cosmopolitan, Success Magazine, Bird Lore, Forest Leaves, Everybody's Magazine, American Boy, St. Nicholas, Woman's Home Companion, Country Life in America and Harper's Bazaar.

Flynn - Fred Dimon has finished digging holes for the telephone line to Friendsville.

Harford - It seems that our friend [Wallace] Thatcher can never be easy unless he is historically busy. It was passion that afflicted him in his youth. Little did he think when he attended the first fair of the Harford Agricultural Society, 1858, that he would be called on a half century later to write its whole history. But the instinct that led him to be putting down facts, writing diaries, saving fair badges, and preserving files of newspapers, has served him well. The book is nearing completion. Had the Harford fair reaped its old time harvests, the managers would have published this book unaided. Bad weather made a low treasury, and they ask the public to generously help and attend the approaching July 4th celebration on the fair grounds, the proceeds of which will be appropriated to its printing.

Scranton - A Black Hand outrage was perpetrated in Scranton last week, when the rectory of St. Joseph's church was dynamited. It wrecked the building and threw the pastor out of bed. There are two factions in the church, and the one opposed to Fr. Yankola is supposed to know something about the daring deed.

Forest City - There was an extremely pathetic feature in connection with the death of John Vovack who was crushed by a fall of rock in the Leggett's Creek mine Friday. His wife and three children reached there, from the old country, just about the time he was killed. Vovack had been here several months and had earned sufficient money to pay for their passage. He sent it to them and Friday went into the mine intending to work half a day, so that he could be on hand to meet them. While at work in his chamber, he was so filled with happiness that he failed to notice the roof was bad, and it crushed him to earth. It was three hours before the body could be recovered, but from the first there was no hope that the man was alive.

Susquehanna - With the revelation of the state of the labor conditions in the Erie shops here, the truth of the statements made by President Underwood, of that road, published recently, is made apparent. According to inside reports, direct from Susquehanna, that town is on the verge of a volcano and a strike involving nearly 1,000 men is likely to be called at any time. The superintendent of the Erie shops at that place states that Susquehanna is considered the hotbed of all the labor troubles of the road and that, rather than give in one point, the shops will be closed there. In that case it is easy to see that the time is probably not far distant when Binghamton will be their location. The businessmen of the town and the whole population of the village are alarmed over the prospective removal of the shops and all efforts are being made towards reconciliation.

Great Bend - Claire Rickard, aged 13, son of Miles Rickard, who resides about 11/2 miles out of town on the Windsor road, was accidentally shot in one of his feet Monday afternoon. He was out gunning for hawks and while stopping a moment rested the cocked gun, muzzle downward, on one of his shoes. The next instant there was an explosion and one of his toes was instantly missing. The front end of the shoe had been torn away and not a fragment of the lost toe could be found. It is fortunate that the gun was pointing down instead of up, as a person can better afford to lose a toe than his head.

Brooklyn - I. S. Tewksbury, who has been on the sick list for a long while, is around again and has resumed his duties as sexton of the M. E. church, being the oldest sexton in the county; his age is 88 years.

Lawsville - The team of Timothy Shea ran away last Sunday, depositing milk cans and milk along the road in great profusion. The team was caught by Harry Vance near Franklin Forks.

Hop Bottom - They have decided to tear down the old creamery and build all new. Several men are engaged for the work. Mr. McGraw, who expects to superintend the building of the new creamery, occupies rooms in the Barney house.

New Milford - That New Milford will have a bank is now a certainty, and that, too, as soon as the forces at work can effect the final steps. The work of organization was accomplished at the Grange hall on Thursday. The bank will be known as the Grange National Bank of Susquehanna County.

Montrose - Photographer E. D. Bronson has something entirely new in the post card line. It is the reproduction in natural tints by a photographic process, the scene as presented to the eye, without the over coloring common among the majority of hand-colored or imported cards. It is the subtle richness of the tints and shades, which makes them so effective, specimens of the work in the case in front of the Bronson studio having attracted considerable attention during the week. Although highly superior and more expensive to produce, former prices prevail and already they are in big demand by post card collectors.

News Brief: Don't sit cross-legged. Doctors say it is one of the causes of appendicitis.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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