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May 02 1924/2024

Aviator has a Narrow Escape at Susquehanna: Lieut. Cece Crumrine, an American aviator, had a remarkable escape from death about two miles from Susquehanna He was driving a No. 4 DeHaviland army plane from Ithaca to Washington, and was enroute to Mitchell field at Long Island. His motor went dead over [the] Carrington farm, west of this place, and his machine started to fall. By clever handling of the plane, he came down “right side up,” on the Dinsmore farm, on the hill south of Prospect street. The machine was demolished when it struck the ground, but Lieut. Crumrine escaped injury. Hundreds of people, and the Susquehanna ambulance, hurried to the scene of the accident, by way of Prospect Street, then a walk of nearly a mile through the fields. The wrecked plane was found with the aviator standing nearby smiling and happy. It seems almost impossible that a big machine could land in such surroundings and the aviator escape death or injury. Lieut. Crumrine, a fine, manly young fellow, was delighted to think that the people here were so quick to rush to his rescue. The airplane is to be dismantled and shipped to Mitchell field, where the cause of the accident may be found.

Glenwood – Orders have been issued by the State Highway Department to widen the Glenwood road to 24 feet. This must mean that the Department has in view the paving of this road in a year or two.

Birchardville – There will be a box social and an entertainment held in the Grange Hall, Friday night, May 2, for the benefit of the Griffis Hill school and to raise a fund for the Montrose library. ALSO Mattie Birchard visited the Montrose library and selected books to be sent by the traveling library to Birchardville.

Harford – The second annual field day, for the schools of the county, will be held here on Saturday, May 17. Featured will be the 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard dash, one-half mile, one-half mile relay, running broad jump, running high jump, pole vault, and 12 lb. shot. Several rules are in place, including: the student must be a bonafide pupil of the school; a contestant may be barred by the official for ungentlemanly or unsportsmanly conduct; each contestant must pay an entry fee of ten cents.

Montrose – The brick pave has been entirely laid on the east side of Public avenue and about one-third of the distance on the west side. Running short of brick, here, the force was transferred to the hill on Lake avenue and all the brick work has been completed and is open for traffic. It is expected sufficient brick will be received in a few days and Public avenue completed within a week. ALSO O. P. Beebe, 85 years young, is looking forward, with youthful zest, to showing his friends how to keep a garden. Mr. Beebe is doing the spading himself, and anyone who has tried spading a garden knows it is not light work. He thrives on work and attempts activities, which would cause many a younger man to hesitate.

Friendsville – Miss Ryan, of New York City, will have on display, at her home here, a select line of trimmed hats at reasonable prices. Will also remodel old hats. She will open May 1st and will appreciate your patronage and will give customers personal attention.

New Milford – Miss Louise Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Whitney, was united in marriage to Glen Williams, at the Methodist parsonage, April 23, at high noon. The ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a blue silk gown. They spent their honeymoon in New York state.

Herrick Center – Frank Bennett came down to Uniondale and decided that the “Red Bird” was the car he wanted. Earl Payne, the agent, fixed him out in good shape and he went on his way rejoicing.

Elk Lake – No services at the church on account of scarlet fever. Several families are under quarantine and the school is closed. Aid was postponed on account of the fever and all public places are closed, except the Grange, which met on Saturday, as usual.

Uniondale – Commencement exercises will be held on May 8th. Verna Stevenson is the valedictorian and Mildred Coleman will be the speaker. Other members of the graduating class are Gordon Burdick, Milton Gibson and Manley Tuttle.

Forest City – Herbert Davis has purchased “Sugar Bowl,” the confectionery store conducted by Amos Royden, and has taken possession of same. Mr. Roydan is planning to visit Syria, his native country.

Springville – The date for commencement has been set for May 28. The following are members of the graduating lass: Grace Smales, Helen Billings, Ray Justin, Claud Button, Edward Scott, Herbert Jennings and Floyd Carlton. ALSO At Lynn, a fire consumed the home owned by Mrs. Nina Mitchell and occupied by Leon Williams. As the fire had gained great headway, before being discovered, very few of Mr. Williams’ household goods were saved.

Hop Bottom – Mrs. Geo. Carr has had electric lights installed in her dwelling house.

County Jail – Three prisoners escaped from the jail on Saturday evening. They were captured, after a few hours of stolen liberty, while walking along the Lehigh Valley railroad tracks. The prisoners, it is understood, made their escape by way of the rear door, it being evident that a key had been smuggled to the men. Their escape was not discovered for two hours. Posses were organized and while the authorities were returning from a search of the mountains, near the railroad tracks, the three prisoners happened along and were captured without any difficulty. One of the men, James Viola, of Scranton, is reported as a bad man.

News Brief: In Catawissa, Pa., “Clover,” the world’s oldest horse, is dead. He was 53 years old. Once a dashing horse, “Clover,” in the last few years, had been unable to perform any arduous labor and it was feared the horse might have to be killed because his usefulness had passed. Mrs. Warren G. Harding, widow of the late President, sent a check of $100 to the owner to give “Clover” the comforts of old age and to insure a longer lease of life. More checks poured in and the welfare fund was swelled to thousands of dollars. Two years ago the noted horse was exhibited in Madison Square Garden. The body will be taken to the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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