Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 01 1914/2014
Forest Lake – After an absence of 21 years in Goldfield, Colorado, T. R. Taylor is spending some time at his old home in Forest Lake. Mr. Taylor has been engaged in gold mining during the period of his absence, and is an expert on gold ore treatment. He is visiting his brother, E. H. Taylor and sister, Mrs. G. L. Shelp, expecting to remain two months. He was called home by the death of his brother, Grant Taylor.
Forest City – J. W. Jones was elected for one month to act as a “clean up” officer and see that tenants and property owners around the town get their premises “slicked up” during the month of May. Mr. Jones promised to go at the job diligently. ALSO It is reported that the Hillside and D.&H. companies are favorable to bearing their share of the expense of a good macadam road, with asphalt or tar dressing, on South Main street, between the end of the brick pavement and the county line. A committee was appointed to visit the land agents of the companies in relation to the matter.
Montrose – This is Old Home Week at Zion A. M. E. church and special exercises are being held. On Wednesday evening a concert of jubilee melodies was creditably given under the guidance of Mrs. Ella Case, and on Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Blackburn delivered a stirring sermon and Zion’s ladies served a supper in the basement of the church. This evening, under the direction of Mrs. Maggie Thompson, the children of the Sunday school will give a program in connection with the service, to which the public is invited. ALSO Charles R. Sayre will come to Montrose about May 1st and open “Rosemont” as an all the year round inn. Mr. Sayre expects to now reside here, permanently, as he is to be a general agent of an indemnity company, which will make such residence possible.
St. Joseph – Rev. J. E. Donnelly, Jr., of Scranton, passed through Montrose, Thursday, on his return from St. Josephs, his old home, and called on James Passmore, the marble dealer, who has lately erected a monument to the memory of his parents, James and Katharine Donnelly, and brothers, Walter and Peter, the design of the monument being of the Grecian Sarcophagus style of architecture—and a genuine work of art. Father Donnelly was both surprised and delighted that work of this class could be turned out in Susquehanna county, all of which is very complimentary to Mr. Passmore.
Tunkhannock – Because he told Samuel Durling, a farmhand to “help himself” and because Durling took too much and went home and beat his wife, Roland McNab, a painter here, was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and spend 30 days in the county jail. Since court refused ten hotel licenses in that county, no liquor has been sold here. McNab went to Pittston on Saturday last, where he purchased two bottles of whiskey. He treated his friend on Sunday and was arrested yesterday.
Springville – N. M. Titman failed to appear in the Scranton courts to defend a damage claim presented against him by Giles A. Philo, a farmer living up in the Abingtons, and the jury gave judgment in favor of Philo, but a new trial has been granted. Titman’s auto struck Philo’s wagon up at “the Notch” and wrecked the outfit. Titman wasn’t in court for the reason that his lawyer, Richard Holgate, Esq., “had long since disappeared from the county” and Titman had not been notified the case was ready for trial.
New Milford – The case of Charles Walker, proprietor of the Walker House, was called for argument in the court. [Walker has been accused by the ministers of the town of selling liquor to minors, violating the Sunday law, and keeping a disorderly house]. Judge Little said he would not be justified in revoking the hotel’s liquor license. The violations occurred prior to the 1914 license. He was convinced the hotel was run carelessly, but was a case for a jury. He continued rule till August term to allow petitioners, if they desire, to bring an indictment.
Lenox – Mrs. Susan E. Guard, aged 81 years, died April 13, 1914, in Taylor’s Falls, Minnesota. Deceased was a daughter of the late Asaph Fuller, an early pioneer of Lenox township. She is survived by two children, Nellie and Edward, of the former place, and two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Lydia Belcher, of Gibson, PA, Mrs. Whitney, of Wisconsin, and James Fuller, of Gibson and Theodore Fuller, of Scranton. ALSO In Glenwood, Bert Cameron is very poorly at this writing. He is not gaining as rapidly as his friends would like to have him. He was recently remembered by his nephew, George Burnett, of Lake Villa, Ill., and cousin, Mrs. Judson Atherholdt, of Luzerne, PA, with a box of fruit and confectionary, etc.
South Ararat - Mrs. Cordelia Walker was the guest of her niece, Mrs. Henry Davis, Saturday. She is very smart for a lady of her age—80. She drove her own horse and seemed to enjoy the trip very much.
Gelatt – Mrs. George Whitmarsh was greatly surprised when the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union met and took possession of her home, but she soon regained her composure and joined in with the rest to help the time pass merrily. There were 25 present and all reported a fine time and good dinner. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Carrie Thomas, the second Friday in May. All members are requested to be present. Election of officers and paying up dues.
Brooklyn – We regret to learn that two members of the High School faculty have resigned their positions for the next year: Prin. J. B. Cogswell, to go to College, and Asst. Prin., Miss Anna Stephens, to accept a position in her home town, Towanda.
Rush – The new Methodist pastor will preach in the churches next Sunday according to regular schedule. Rush, 10:30 a.m.; Beaver Meadows, 3 p.m. and at Rush Center, 7:30 p.m. Rev. W. H. Corkwell is an eloquent and versatile young man—among the best young preachers of this large conference.
Little Meadows – Loretta Butler is getting along good now, just after having an operation on her neck at the Wilson Hospital, Lestershire.
West Auburn – The traveling men are all talking about the fine road built last year across the flat by ex-Supervisor Wm. Baker. All citizens of Auburn township, who have not seen this road, should come over and look at it.
Compiled By: Betty Smith