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March 6 1896/1996

Birchardville - Last Friday afternoon was spent very pleasantly in the schoolroom of John Devine. The time passed very pleasantly, listening to the exercises rendered. A lively debate was enjoyed. The question under discussion was "Which is the most useful to the farmer, the dog or cat? The question was decided in favor of the dog.

Susquehanna - The Journal advocates the establishment of a "vigilance committee" among the citizens of Susquehanna that the practice of safe breaking, thieving and committing of petty depredations, lately quite prevalent in the "City of Stairs," may be broken up, and if possible the authors apprehended.

Montrose - Miss Margaret Keeler, formerly of Montrose, and now a teacher in the Honesdale graded schools, has written a popular song, entitled, "I'll Tell Papa on You." It has been set to music by Prof. Weiss, of Honesdale.

Lanesboro - Messers. Bennett and Luscomb, of Lanesboro, have purchased, in Bethlehem, Pa., a stone machine, to saw and plane quarry stone by steam power. They will set it up in Lanesboro.

Herrick Centre - Miss Mable Bloxham, teacher at Barnes' school, and Miss Nellie Bloxham, of the Herrick Centre School, took their pupils for a sleigh ride to Forest City, Wednesday.

South Gibson - Miss Ella Fuller is contemplating going to Kentucky to teach school this spring, as she has a good position offered her by a friend there.

Great Bend - The late rain caused the river to rise many feet, covering the flat between this borough and Hallstead, several feet deep.

Jackson [North Jackson] - M.B. Washburn has purchased the shingle mill of Gelatt & VanHorn, of Thomson, and will erect the same on his Lake View property.

New Milford - While Orlando Harding, of Gibson, was at the New Milford depot on Thursday, his team became frightened and ran away. On Main Street they collided with the team of L.L. LeRoy, who was quite seriously injured by being thrown under the struggling animals. One of Mr. Harding's horses was so badly injured that it was considered best to shoot it.

Thompson - Mr. W.W. Messenger, of this place, is paying the Herald boy two-cents a night to have his paper delivered at least a half hour after the train leaves it at the station. I guess the rest of us will have to do the same.

Forest Lake - Times are going to the bad, when people don't know their neighbors

Forest City-An effort is being made by several enterprising young men in town for the organization of a local branch of the Y.M.C.A. The promoters are young men who have taken a deep interest in the matter and will spare no effort to bring the matter to a focus. Rev. Frank Marshall of Christ Episcopal Church has generously tendered to the young men the use of the basement of his church for their use and offers to furnish lights at least three nights a week. As the association is nonsectarian there should be no trouble in interesting a sufficient number of people to warrant the enterprise a grand success.

Middletown Centre - Our dairymen are talking of organizing a cooperative creamery here.

Ararat - J.J. Potter is doing a lively business in his feed store. He seems to have everything on hand that one could wish to feedstock or poultry.

Oakley - Charles Tanner has a felon on his thumb.

News Briefs: Keep a bowl of oatmeal on the washstand, and after washing the hands dry them in the meal. The skin will be kept white and smooth, and less liable to chap by this process.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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