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March 4 1892/1992

Lenoxville - There will be an entertainment at the Evangelical chapel on Wednesday evening, April 6, consisting of speaking and singing. Also a quilt will be given to the one receiving the largest number of votes, instead of tickets, as stated in last week's issue. The contestants are Mrs. D.A. Artman, Alice Decker and Myra Miller. Adm. 25 cents. Come one and all supper free. Proceeds to be used to furnish the chapel with necessities.

Auburn Corners - The local teachers institute held here last Saturday had two pleasant sessions, in the afternoon and evening. County Supt. Gillett, Prof. B.E. James and Prof. Bloomfield Howard handled the subjects assigned them in an entertaining and instructive manner. A large audience enjoyed the evening exercises consisting of declamations and songs by pupils. A stirring talk on "orators past and present" by Prof. James. A well-written paper on temperance by Prof. Howard, who also delivered a humorous selection, to the great delight of all. We regret that so few teachers were able to avail themselves of the privileges offered by the institute.

Auburn - Auburn will have a new school before long. Some would like to have it in the angle of the road on Michael Kerigan's farm, others would like it near T. O'Neill’s or Mrs. Hassins. The School Directors will have to decide which place it shall be. The material will be furnished by Wm Doughtery, John Riley, James Donlin, and Edward Keogh. Wm. White will draw the plans and specifications. D.C. Titman will build the foundation and do the underpinning. Robert Costello will be able to furnish all of the rough lumber when he gets his mill in running order, and be able to get water to make steam unless George Hibbard and L. Harris carry off so much ice that it will lower the water in the dam.

Brookdale - Spring will soon be here, a few fine days last week for sugar making.

Rush - The concert given by the Montrose Guitar, Banjo and Mandolin Club at Rush. Feb 27th is spoken of in a very flattering manner as being one of the finest exhibitions of the kind ever given at that place. The farce and dancing by little Bob, also being done in a very amusing and creditable manner.

Montrose - When Engine No, 16 on the L&M arrived in Montrose on its return trip last Tuesday morning, it looked more like an animated snow bank than a locomotive. The glass in the headlight had been broken out by contact with a snow bank, the driving wheels were packed with snow, and the entire engine was completely covered. Photographer B.R. Lyons was on hand and photographed the engine with its robe of white. 

Herrick Centre - H.D. Dunn sells lead pencils for three cents a dozen. That accounts for so many letters being written during church.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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