Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 31 1916/2016
Buildings Injured by Snow: The auditorium of the Montrose Bible Conference suffered injury during the week when the roofs of three of the one-story sections on the east side of the building were crushed by the heavy accumulation of snow. On Wednesday night, March 23, the large barn belonging to Michael O’Reilly, at St. Joseph, collapsed and did a great deal of damage. Out of a herd of 20, three valuable cows were killed outright when the roof fell in and, young James Kelly, while assisting in the removal of the animals, was injured by getting his leg caught in the scattered pieces of lumber. The barn was an old landmark and was erected at a period when the Christian Brothers’ College was one of the principal seats of learning in the County, many years ago. Lyman and Oscar Bunnell narrowly escaped injury on Thursday when a shed roof, heavily laden with snow, collapsed. The farm is just below Montrose.
Harford – The Sunshine Crochet club met at the home of Miss Clare Lindsey, Monday evening. Those present were: The Misses Marjorie and Janette Andrews, Mrs. A. H. Rynearson, Miss Helene Rynearson, Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. C. A. Johnston, Mrs. T. Glen Sophia, Mrs. A. H. Mead, Mrs. E. J. Whitney, Misses Helen Smith and Clare Lindsey. Dainty refreshments were served.
Montrose – It is current that an expert will arrive tomorrow to repair the clock in the court house tower, which has been out of running order. This steeple-jack will perform a daring feat in the afternoon by climbing out on the tower and adjusting the hands. Watch his antics while at work. ALSO – J. Wesley Gavitt, a teacher of the violin, with studio in Scranton, was in Montrose Saturday, and arrangements can be made for lessons. Mr. Gavitt is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gavitt, of Bridgewater. He has been a violin student for many years and has shown exceptional musical talent. He is a student of Arnold Lohmann, one of Scranton’s most finished violinists, and is well qualified to give instruction on this favorite instrument.
Lanesboro – Buckley Bros. store at Lanesboro was burglarized again last Tuesday night. The glass ion the store front was smashed in and a number of small articles stolen from the stock. This store is burglarized every few months. Local talent is blamed for the thefts.
Brooklyn – Lois Sterling has returned from Bear Swamp, where she completed a successful term of school and has been engaged to teach another term.
South Montrose – Probably the only Susquehanna county young man who is in the U. S. forces now chasing General Villa through the mountainous region of Mexico, is Jack Zimmator, brother of Frank Zimmator, of this place. Jack is with the Thirteenth cavalry, this command being one of the very first to cross the border after the fleeing Villistas. He has been in the army for three years, having been stationed for a good share of the time in Hawaii. During his residence here he was employed in the creamery, and later was in the employ of Dr. W. L. Diller, of Springville. His friends trust no Mexican bullet will ever search him out.
Gibson – The Globe Grocery Stores, Inc., of which E. F. Brundage, formerly of this place, is president, and John M. Vail, of Scranton, a former New Milford man, is district superintendent, will soon open a store in Honesdale.
Uniondale – The explosion of a heating stove Wednesday morning of last week, caused the destruction of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gibson, and such severe injuries from burns to Mrs. Gibson, that her condition is very critical. The accident happened about 9:30 in the forenoon. Mrs. Gibson was putting a hod of coal on the fire and the explosion came either from coal gas or an explosive mixed with the coal. The hot coal was thrown against her dress, which instantly ignited. Mr. Gibson, who was in an adjoining room heard her cry and rushing to her assistance carried his wife out doors and rolled her in the snow to extinguish the flames. Her clothing was by that time, however, entirely destroyed and she was badly burned. Mr. Gibson sustained severe burns about the hands and face and the daughter, Ruth, was also badly burned. While Mrs. Gibson was being cared for the flames quickly spread and the house with all of the contents was consumed. We understand there was no insurance. The family is now at the home of Mr. Gibson’s brother, D. B. Gibson. [Mrs. Gibson expired Friday evening.]
Springville – The roads are about as near impassable as it is possible for them to be and everyone has his own troubles to keep up navigation.
Hopbottom – The “April Fool” social to be given in Masonic hall, on Friday evening of this week, promises to be an enjoyable affair. The entertainment will include as the leading feature a laughable farce, “Slim Jim and the Hoodoo,” the cast of characters including five talented young actors of the village. The program will also include several good musical numbers. Admission ten cents. The refreshments to be served will include either warm sugar or ice cream, with other good things.
South Auburn – Miss Ella Crawford closed a successful term of school Friday. ALSO A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Love was held in the Hall, Thursday evening. About 40 were present and a very enjoyable evening was spent. They were presented with a very nice chair. Mr. and Mrs. Love will move soon to their farm recently purchased near Laceyville. We are sorry to have them go.
Franklin Forks – D. L. Birchard, of this place, was greeting his many friends in Montrose on Saturday. For many years Mr. Birchard drove the stage between Montrose and Conklin and was always very popular with patrons of his route.
Clifford – There was no preaching service at the Methodist church on Sunday, as the congregation desired to hear Dr. Evans at the Baptist church.
East Rush – G. A. Crisman lost his cow last Sunday morning. He thought she had the milk fever. She was only sick for a few hours.
News Brief: The snowball season is here: to say the least, it is very annoying to pedestrians and the boy who manipulates the snowball should be rather cautious and not throw them with intent to do bodily harm. Boys, be a little careful about the matter, please. ALSO The best way out of trouble is not to get into it.
200 Years Ago. From the Montrose Centinel. DIED in this village on Wednesday last, Zeviah H. Howell, daughter of Austin Howell, Esq. ALSO We understand that the republican caucus at Washington, agreed to recommend James Monroe as a candidate for the Presidency and Daniel D. Tompkins as a candidate for the vice presidency of the United States.
Compiled By: Betty Smith