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March 31 1911/2011

Forest City - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Manzer were visitors the first of the week. In making a jump from the western part of the state to Philadelphia, to fill a theatrical engagement, they had a three day "open date" and took advantage of the time to visit the former's father, T. C. Manzer. Cecil has made a hit on the vaudeville stage and after a long run in the Keith theatre in New York city, has had engagements at some of the principal theatres throughout the middle and eastern states.

Dimock - One of the most serious wrecks occurring on the Montrose Branch of the Lehigh Valley, in many years, occurred last Tuesday afternoon when the engine drawing the train coming from Tunkhannock to Montrose, left the rails when on the sharp curve between Dimock and Woodbourne, somersaulting down a steep embankment 30 feet. The train was proceeding at a slow rate of speed when, without warning, the engine left the rails, shooting straight ahead, followed by the tender, and now lays upside down with the big driving wheels standing straight in the air, as evidence of its wild escapade. The only person injured was the engineer who, besides other injuries, was burned terribly on both limbs from knees down. The engineer's name is John Barber and lives at Sayre. Word was received yesterday from the Sayre Hospital that Mr. Barber would live, and the fact is causing universal rejoicing among those who know him. He is a big fellow, weighing over 200 lbs, and is affable and cordial with all acquaintances. He has a wife and four small children.

Niven - Charles McKeeby, a farmer of this place, was drowned in the Tunkhannock creek near Nicholson, on March 23. His horse and buggy were found near Henry Rought's barn on Friday morning, but how he came to be drowned is a mystery. It is supposed that Mr. McKeeby lost his way, it being a very dark night and while turning around to take another road, overturned the wagon while getting the horse down, and immediately started out for help. While crossing the bridge at the foot of Robert's hill, near Nicholson, he walked off the bridge. His death has cast a gloom over this community, as he was an obliging neighbor and a kind husband and father to Ira, Fred and Lena. Interment was made at Elk Lake.

Choconut Valley - The schools in this township have mostly closed. James Hawley, teacher of the Golden school, closed March 16; Mary Dunn, teacher of the Chalker school, closed March 18, and Miss Dunn has gone to Philadelphia for the summer. Miss Susie Murphy, teacher of the Donley school, closed March 25.

Fowler Hill - The Pine Glenn school house burned down Wednesday.

Alford - The F. J. Sickler stone quarry, leased by Shoemaker and McCloe, was the scene of a bad accident on Wednesday of last week, when two men were badly injured by the premature explosion of a charge of dynamite. C. McCloe was seriously injured about the head, and it was believed that his eyesight was entirely destroyed. The man was taken to the State Hospital at Scranton, where he is recovering and it is hoped will regain his sight. Mr. Shoemaker was cut and bruised about the head and had a narrow escape from death.

Hallstead - The W. M. Knoeller & Co. store building was burned on Wednesday night of last week, the loss being estimated at about $8,000. The goods burned included hardware, building supplies, lumber, feed, baled hay, etc. There was an insurance on stock and building of $6,000. The origin of the fire is unknown. ALSO M. S. Lamb, formerly of Hallstead, is the new proprietor of the Montrose steam laundry. He intends to come from Cuba about the middle of April and with his family will take up his residence in Montrose. Mr. Lamb has been engineer of a Cuban railroad but the climate does not agree with him, and he is anxious to return north and thinks he can get the right kind [of weather] in our mountain town. W. J. McLeod, of Fairdale is presently in charge of the laundry.

Clifford - Ed. Hutchings was quite painfully injured by a kick from a horse that could not be made to kick.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Spring is in the air, but oh, the blizzards we have been blessed with.

South Gibson - Dan Everson will occupy the storeroom in the Cameron building for a harness and shoemaking establishment.

New Milford - P. H. Comstock has sold out his bakery and restaurant business to a party from Rome, N.Y.

Springville - It is with much regret that friends in this place learned of the accident which happened to Miss Winifred Smales, a student at Mansfield, some time since, by which her eyes were quite seriously burned. It was caused by an explosion in the laboratory during work in that room. It is hoped she may soon recover from its effects.

Little Meadows - Rev. Fr. J. J. O'Malley, for many years the faithful pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas' church, has been transferred to the parish at Plains, Pa.

Montrose - Announcement is made by the proprietor of the Cnic Theatre, Frank Caruso, that hereafter 10 cents admission will be charged. This change is made because there is generally a financial loss at five cents, and especially in winter when patronage is small. The ten cent programs will consist of 4 reels of the very best pictures and there will be good music. Mr. Caruso, in thanking the pubic for past patronage, promises to give a good big ten cents worth for the spring and summer months, and solicits a continuance of the patronage so cheerfully given in the past.

News Brief - One hundred and forty-five persons, most of them women and young girls, were killed in a fire which gutted the ten story building in New York city, at the northwest corner of Washington place and Greene street, just a block east of Washington Square. The dead were all employees of the Triangle Waist company. The women and girl machine operators jumped from the eighth, ninth and tenth or top floor in groups of twos and threes into life nets, and their bodies spun downward from the high windows of the building so close together that the few life nets stretched below soon were broken. Others fell to their deaths in the elevator shaft or never made it out of the building. There was one interior fire escape. A commission has been appointed to investigate the cause and fix the blame of the fire.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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