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March 30 1917/2017

Hallstead – The Deemer Bros. glass cutting factory is now working full time since the installing of a new electric motor. ALSO One of the most contemptable and meanest acts of chicken thieving was pulled off last Friday evening when the lock on Mrs. Finley’s chicken house was broken and thirteen choice hens and a rooster were stolen. Mrs. Finley is a hard working widow lady, and not only were the hens bringing in an income from eggs, but were pets. This is the third time her poultry has been stolen from her and no steps have been taken to find the guilty parties. The thieves are doing a big business, as the barn of J.H. VanLoan was twice broken into last week and a quantity of household goods, stored there, were taken. A reward of ten dollars has been offered for information leading to the arrest of guilty parties.

Johnson City – Earl and Elbert Tiffany have purchased one of the leading stores in Johnson City and have already taken possession of the same. Elbert is in charge of the store and Earl will go there as soon as his business interests will permit. For the present Earl’s family will reside on their farm in Franklin and he will sell his excelsior mill in order to have his entire time for the store. The Tiffany Brothers have many friends here who will wish them success with their new enterprise.

West Auburn – The Binghamton Press contained a very good picture of Elmer B. Lacey, Village President of Endicott. Mr. Lacey was a former resident of this place. “Elmer” is made of the right stuff and the citizens of the bustling shoe manufacturing city are not slow to recognize his worth. ALSO The burning question among our dairymen is: “Shall we sell whole milk for shipment in New York City and get along without the creamery butter and the excellent pork that we raise on the skimmed milk? One cannot “eat one’s cake and have it too.”

Brooklyn – That Brooklyn appreciates the efforts of the temperance workers in making Foster [Hop Bottom] a “dry town” and desires to help keep it so, will be shown on Friday evening, April 6th, when a community pie social will be held in the I.O.O.F. Hall for the benefit of the No License Fund. Every family in the community is invited to come and bring a pie. There will be games, music and a good time.

Susquehanna – The firm of Deakin & Woodard has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Woodard retiring. John Hurley, who has been with the firm for many years, has purchased Mr. Woodard’s interest and the business will be conducted under the name of Deakin & Hurley. Mr. Woodard will, this season, build a fine dwelling house upon his farm property up the Canawacta creek in Harmony township.

Springville – Mrs. C.A.B. Stevens & Co. wish to announce to the public that she will be ready with a fine line of the latest trimmed and untrimmed hats, fancies & c., at her residence, the last week in March. ALSO Three new families have moved into Lynn this spring as follows: Ziba Schooley, of Wilkes-Barre; Philip Conrad, of Auburn Four Corners; and William Savercool, of Kasson Corners.

Friendsville - The members of the A.O.H. Society and a party of friends celebrated St. Patrick’s day with a banquet and entertainment at St. Francis hall. Those present other than Society members were: Mesdames T.F. Lee, E.H. Fitzgerald, C.J. Lake and Joseph Crowley, and the Misses Anna Foran, Margaret Gillen, Genevieve McManus, Kathryn Ryan, Julia Golden, Anna Hickey, Nelley Moynehan, Mary Lynch, Mary Purcell and Marie McMahon.

Herrick Center – A box social was held at the schoolhouse on Friday night. A good crowd was in attendance and $23 was realized from the sale of lunches. This sum will be expended for a wheel chair for Warren Crandall who has been unable to get around as the result of a stroke of paralysis suffered six months ago. This is given as an expression of neighborly interest and regard.

Quaker Lake – The city of Binghamton has recently purchased, through its county superintendent of highways and members of the board of aldermen, machinery for the improving of its highways. The road from Binghamton to this place will be the first to receive attention.

Montrose – “A garden for every home,” is the new Suffrage slogan. There could be few better. We expect to see our local, ardent suffragists, wielding hoes with Captain Hall, of the Lincoln Agricultural and Art society, promoting the vacant lot gardens this summer—when they are not too busy working their own.

Gibson – All who are interested in good reading matter should join our public library. The cost is only 50 cents a year, ending on Nov. 17. Many of the most popular magazines and books of fiction are available. You are sure to get your money’s worth besides helping the library, as new subscriptions means new books. Every subscriber also has the privilege of choosing one new book, for which a large order will be sent in soon.

Elk Lake – John Arnold bought a fine team of horses, also a single driver, at the Brumbaugh sale in Montrose last Saturday.

Clifford /Herrick/Uniondale – Argument will be heard at Montrose on a rule recently obtained by F.M. Gardiner, Esq., representing the petitioners for the road, on the supervisors of Clifford and Herrick townships and the borough council of Uniondale to show cause why they should not be held in contempt for not opening road as directed by court. The road in question runs from the road leading from Uniondale to Elkdale near the Ed Burdick farm to Main street in Uniondale. Court ordered the road opened more than a year ago but the officials have made no effort to comply with the order of court, hence the contempt proceedings.

Thompson – Several mistakes occurred in last week’s issue. We will mention only one. It should have read the funeral of Mr. Weir, instead of Mrs. Weir.

Forest City – A campaign is being inaugurated to stop the selling of intoxicants in Vandling and the Warren tract on Sunday. It is alleged that at present some of the places are “wide open” seven days in the week.

Uniondale - About 20 boys from Forest City played sad havoc in the sugar camps of A.M. Williams and J.J. Tuttle, Sunday afternoon. They broke spiles, threw away pails, put mud in the reservoir and committed other mischievous pranks. They made their exit by jumping a coal train.

News Brief: The following Marriage Licenses were issued: E.H. Everett, Jackson and Myrtle M. Bryant, North Jackson; Shirley B. Stephens, Brooklyn and Edith O. Corwin, Hallstead; Elwin D. Rought and Marion D. Quick, both of Lenox; Henry T. Hall, Owego, NY and Mary Louise Fox, Little Meadows; John D. Decker, Gibson and Lena E. Gardner, Bridgewater.

200 Years ago from the Centinel, March 29, 1817.

*Married – On the 23d inst. by J.W. Raynsford, Esq. Mr. Asahel Southworth, of Middletown, to Miss Mary Darby, of Bridgewater.

*Singular Customs. The errors of the human mind are sometimes so ridiculous that we can scarcely give credit to them. In Egypt it was formerly a custom for the master of the house in which a cat died to shave his left eye brow as a token of grief.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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