Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 29 1912/2012
Brooklyn - Dr. A. J. Ainey retired from his practice after 45 years. In 1867 he came to Brooklyn, fresh from his medical studies with his aged mother. Prior to his medical studies he was a private in Co. D, 35th Pa. Emergency Militia. He married Lila Haight, of Forest Lake, in 1874.
Lenox - Mrs. Sarah Moore Ferguson, mother of District Attorney John Ferguson, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Sinsabaugh, in Lenox. March 25, 1912. She had been failing in health for some time and death was due to heart failure. Mrs. Ferguson was born in Ireland, March 6, 1827, coming to America and settling at Newburgh--on--the--Hudson in the same year with her parents. Later they moved to Baltimore and in 1867 came to Lenox, where since has been the family homestead. Besides the son mentioned, three daughters survive, Mrs. Elizabeth Conrad, of Lenox, Mrs. A. W. Hawley, of Harford and Mrs. Sinsabaugh. The interment was made in Tower cemetery.
Auburn 4 Corners - Miss Annie Cavanaugh closed a most successful term of school here Monday. A pleasing program of music and recitations was given in the afternoon. It is with much regret that we hear that Miss Cavanaugh does not intend to return another year.
Fairdale - Geo. F. Frink and W. E. Barron each lost a valuable cow recently.
Choconut - The Choconut Valley Creamery Co. has 100 cords of wood stacked up in readiness for next season’s business. ALSO James Moony and an assistant opened up the snow blockade on the main turnpike to Friendsville. The snow was packed in places four feet deep.
Vestal Center - John L. Shore, breeder of full--blooded Rhode Island Red fowls, operated upon one of his 7--pound chickens on Saturday for the removal of the appendix, and found many full--sized eggs, some of which had shells on, and removed 12 ounces of fat.
Fowler Hill - More snow on the ground than at any time this winter.
Howard Hill - Philip Hayes and Cleo Chamberlain, of the Orphanage at Brookdale, visited Mrs. Effie LaSure, Monday last. [Appreciate information on the Brookdale Orphanage. Reply to S.C.H.S., 18 Monument Street, Montrose 18801 or info@susqcohistsoc.org.]
Jackson - A new exchange of books has been received from the Montrose Public library, and our book lovers can now be accommodated with the best literature. ALSO There is, or will be a change of operators at the Jackson Exchange, Miss Pauline Darrow having resigned and Miss Ada Dimock, of Uniondale, has been assigned the position. The Jackson Exchange seems to be a matrimonial oasis; no less than three pretty girls have fallen into the net that shy Cupid has set for them; and we soon expect to chronicle the debut of Miss Ada on the matrimonial barque.
Elk Lake - Homer Shay has a sugar bush of nearly 300 trees in operation.
HopBottom - March 23, the mercury registered four degrees above zero, with more snow than at any time during the winter.
Susquehanna - John Buckley, who ran a clothing store in Susquehanna for over forty years, and was highly respected wherever he was known, dropped dead of heart disease March 12, 1912, on the street, on his way from his store to his home. He put in the forenoon going over inventory with a New York man, who was arranging to buy him out, as he desired to retire from business. As he almost reached his home he dropped down in front of the McGinnis residence and was dead before a doctor could be secured.
Dimock - The school house near Harmon Stone’s house, in Dimock twp., caught fire between the hours of 3 and 4 a.m., Tuesday morning, and burned to the ground. The cause of the fire is unknown. Miss Eva Sheridan, sister of Mrs. Thos. F. Kelly, was teaching there.
Montrose - Liveryman W. A. Harrington arrived the first of the week with his carload of heavy draft Missouri horses and is having fine success with them, having already disposed of 13. W. A. knows the kind that takes the eyes of the agriculturists in this locality and aims to bring back that kind. Among the sales was a handsome pair of mules to M. W. Palmer, of Brooklyn. He also sold four head to J. D. Williams Co., of Scranton.
Little Meadows - FOR SALE: Situated near Lake ‘a’ Meadows, known as the Houghton farm, 125 acres cleared, balance in woods. Well watered, large basement barn, 30 x 76 feet; silo and wagon house, other outbuildings. Large 16 room house, fine cellar, lawn surrounded by evergreen hedge. Price $2500. Address owner, C. J. Camp, Little Meadows, Penn’a.
Great Bend - In a telegram received from Washington last week, William Williams was notified that he had been appointed postmaster at Great Bend in place of F. G. Trowbridge, whose commission expired in February. The appointment was confirmed Monday by the Senate. Mr. Williams is well known in this section. For a number of years he was a conductor on the Lackawanna and at present is one of the proprietors of the Great Bend Plaindealer.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - The drama, “A Country Store” that was staged by the members of Cambrian Grange, last Thursday evening, was a complete success in every way. The play was very pleasing, the situation unique, and a Comedy well worth seeing. The amateurs acted like old--timers and kept the house in roars of laughter; there was not a poor character in the cast, everyone acted a star part. Boys and Girls, do so again. Receipts $39.35 net.
News Brief - People who are in a hurry to tell disquieting news, or to say something that will make some one uncomfortable, or parade around with a bit of unfounded gossip, sorrow to say, are to be found in every community. For such there is splendid advice in the following lines clipped from a scrap book—If you know of a thing that will darken the joy of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy, that will wipe out a smile, or the least way annoy a fellow, or cause gladness to cloy—it’s a pretty good plan to forget it.
Compiled By: Betty Smith