Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 29 1901/2001
Springville - I. A. Button, the while haired sage of Mud Hollow, has been furnishing this market with a very nice quality of maple syrup and he generally has it quite early too. AND P. H. Comstock has sold his barber business to a young man from Tunkhannock and he will soon depart for the wild and wooly west.
Auburn Center - We would advise those going visiting Sunday nights to go in by the front way and not through people's back yards, scaring their poultry till it is thought that thieves are around.
Forest Lake - Henry Bolles, aged 72 years, has sawed and split wood nearly fifty days this winter. Pretty good for a man at that age. AND T. N. Quailey is local agent for Mr. Bryan's paper "The Commoner."
South Gibson - Some of our county exchanges are again reporting the death of Frank Belcher, the South Gibson boy who has made a large fortune in the gold fields of Alaska. Belcher's demise was reported in the most circumstantial manner, yet shortly after the "dead" man appeared in the flesh and in a very fair state of health; Mr. Belcher's friends will hope that the report now current may prove equally foundationless as was the previous one. Later reports seem to confirm his death in Dawson City, Alaska. Deceased went to Alaska 8 years ago and accumulated gold and claims said to be worth $1,000,000
Susquehanna - The Erie has a large force of men putting in new steel rails on the westbound track of its Jefferson Branch. The workmen live in five box cars side-tracked at Uniondale.
Lanesboro - R. M. Teetsel ,of Lanesboro, and C. W. Lewis, of Thomson, have been matched to play five games of checkers for $10 a side, to be played at Lanesboro in the near future. The last match between the men resulted in each winning one game. The third was a draw.
Lenoxville - Death entered the home of Mrs. Chapman Harding March 27 and took the aged mother, who has so faithfully performed the duties of life for four score years. Those who pass by the home will miss the pleasant face and snowy hair from the window. Two sons, George and Henry Harding and two daughters, Mrs. Wm. Leek and Mrs. John Maxey, are left to mourn their loss, but truly "A beautiful life ends not in death."
Fairdale - Wild geese are going north early this year but that is no sign of an early spring.
East Dimock - Sugar making is in order but very little has been made, thus far. Some have contracted all their maple syrup for $1.00 a gallon. AND Robbie and George Allen very pleasantly entertained a few of their friends Saturday afternoon and treated them to warm sugar and old fashionable jack wax. A jolly time is reported.
Ararat - The revival meetings that were started in the Presbyterian church have been postponed on account of bad roads. AND The annual Free Methodist camp meeting, heretofore held at Ararat, will hereafter be held on the lands of C. J. Pickering, just outside the borough of Thomson.
Montrose - The official Board of the M.E. church have decided to return to the plan of renting the seats, as more satisfactory. AND The funeral of Lt. Hyde Crocker was held last Saturday. Born in Montrose in 1834, he was one of the first to respond to the call to arms and enlisted on April 18, 1861 for three years. He participated in 32 battles, received a saber cut at the battle of Brandy Station and was captured June 9, 1863. He was first taken to Libby prison, then Macon, GA, Charleston, SC, Columbia, SC and finally to Wilmington, where he was paroled on March 1, 1865. An incident of interest in connection with the death of Mr. Crocker is the fact that even before Memorial Day was instituted, the idea originated with Mr. Crocker, and eight of his comrades, to each year decorate with flowers the soldiers' graves, and that the last survivor among them should possess the wonderful cane upon which Mr. Crocker had beautifully carved a history of the civil war in brief. Only two of these nine now remain among the living: Judge Searle and A. B. Burns.
Brandt - Friday night burglars blew open the safe in the store of Blank, Peck & Co. and secured $40 and valuable papers. Local talent is suspected.
New Milford - Patrick Casey had the contents of his hen house quickly removed on a recent night. Next morning the chicken house door was found open and no chickens in sight. In a neighboring yard he found blood stains where the poultry had been bled to death. Mr. Casey procured a search warrant and scoured several suspicious houses but found no trace of his chickens. There were 19 hens and a rooster in the flock.
News Briefs - One of the best and simplest cures for insomnia is said to be the odor of raw onions. They should be mashed to a pulp in order to free all the juice. Smell this substance for ten minutes after retiring. It is said to quiet the most nervous person and relax the most overwrought nerves. AND The Scientific American gives this receipt as one which the world ought to know. At the first indication of diphtheria in the throat of a child make the room close and then take a cup and pour into it a quantity of tar and turpentine, equal parts. Hold cup over the fire so as to fill the room with fumes. The patient on inhaling the fumes will cough up and spit out all the membranous matter and the diphtheria will pass out. AND As the Base Ball season is close at hand there is some anxiety among the players as to organizing a team as in previous seasons. The attendance has been too small to clear expenses, consequently the players had to go down in their own pockets-nevertheless we do not wish to pick at that. We understand that the hiring of foreign players has not given satisfaction to the public, so this season home players will constitute the team throughout the season. If the following towns are represented by a Ball Team the undersigned would be pleased to arrange a schedule for the coming season: New Milford, Hallstead, Susquehanna, Great Bend, Nicholson, Tunkhannock, or any others within 20 miles of Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith