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March 29 1895/1995

Harford – Friend L. Hine will have a “sugar bush” of 725 trees this year. HE has an improved evaporator and new pails. AND We have received a copy of the “Railway Surgeon” published in Chicago containing an article by Samuel Birdsall, M.D., surgeon Erie Railroad, Susquehanna, PA, read before the Association Erie Railway Surgeons, Niagra Falls, last July.

Great Bend – G.H. Johnson, one of the hustling business men of Great Bend, has recently purchased the fine lot located between the VanNess block and the large new brick block of F.T. Roosa, and will erect thereon a fine brick block covering the entire lot, to accommodate his furniture, undertaking, and other branches of business.

Dimock – Rev. Madden made his trip to Auburn last Sabbath in a dog cart, and reported the roads hard to travel.

Rush – Some of our supervisors are still shoveling the roads.

Auburn – Mr. D.D. – after spending the evening at the store went out to get his horse from under the shed, and to his great surprise, horse and cart were gone. John Adams met the horse going home, it gave half the road and passed all right, but John was not so fortunate as he was compelled to take a snow bathe without a moments warning. Mr. D on arriving home, however, found horse and cart all safe and sound. One half mile was made through lots. That horse can be bought now, at any price.

Montrose – The well-known hardware firm of Sayre and Shaffer has been dissolved. Mr. Sayre will continue the business adding to some lines, and by his push and enterprise keep the store in the first rank. AND Sanford Mulford’s tenth birthday came along Monday, and it was duly celebrated at the Mulford residence by some 35 of his little friends who gathered in for the purpose. Sanford and his papa had to do considerable figuring to see that each girl had a beau home, but they managed to do it, we learn, in fine shape.

Gun Hill – Mrs. Wm. E. Maxey, of South Gibson, has returned from New York and will soon invite the public to her rooms over the store, where they will be treated to a fine display of millinery and ladies furnishing goods. No last year styles. All work done with neatness and dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed.

Springville – Many mysterious gilted invitations were circulated last week, and Friday when the King of Day had sank in beauty behind the western horizon a merry party of young people gathered at the home of R.A. Taylor for the purpose of giving his daughter, Miss Edna, a surprise on her 23rdbirthday. The surprise was happily consummated as was also the splendid program that followed. There were various ways for a person to enjoy themselves. There were various ways for a person to enjoy themselves. Some sang hymns, college songs, rounds, etc.; others chased the fleeting hours with tripping feet and still others enjoyed small games. Late in the evening all seated themselves around an epicurean table and were served with fruits, ice cream and cake in such a manner that showed that Mr. and Mrs. Taylor knew that the shortest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Miss Taylor received many valuable but appropriate gifts. In the wee small hours of the night all wended their way homeward, filled with pleasant memories that will long be cherished as a bright spot in the rush of life.

Alford – A serious accident was narrowly averted on Saturday last. After making the down trip at noon and when running the engine to the coal pockets, (which are situated just this side of the pond) a brake rod broke and the engine became uncontrollable on the heavy grade. Engineer Spence tried to check it by reversing the steam, but this did not avail, and it slid past the pockets to an unused part of the track beyond, which settled on the lower side and would have precipitated the engine into the pond had it now lodged against a couple of trees. Mr. Spence jumped to the ground, but had the engine gone clear over some lively motions on his part would have been necessary to avoid being caught like a rat in a deadfall. Another engine was used on the return trip, but during the afternoon the track was raised, the engine righted and drawn out, and the evening trip made with it as usual, no damage being done the “iron hoss” beyond a little bruising, which a short trip to the “doctor” at the shops will quickly “heal.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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