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March 28 1898/1998

Hallstead - Tingley's vacant store has been fitted up neatly as a confectionery store by Lewis Phelps, of Great Bend, who purchased the stock and fixtures of Bert Waterman, who has retired from business.

Upsonville - If the party who took the book "From Manger to Throne" from Merriman's store the day of the sale, by mistake or otherwise, will return the same to Wm. Berg, within one week, no questions will be asked. If not he must expect the consequences as he was seen by several with it in his possession. This is no bluff but means you.

Hopbottom - Mrs. Mary Strickland, of Lathrop, and the Post Mistress, attended to her household work, and the postoffice, and wove 14 yards of carpet from 7 o'clock until half past five in the afternoon. Who ever heard the like of this in the weaving line? We have it from her own lips, so it is true.

East Rush - Boys were bathing in Fargo's pond March 17th. Next!

West Auburn - Prof. E. L. Clapper's concert at the West Auburn Hall, was well received, and highly spoken of, although the class was mostly beginners. They were nobly assisted by Mrs. B. W. Wood and Mrs. George Wakeman, of East Springville, and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Carter, of Opposition. Miss Angie Parker did the organ and was complimented by the Prof. for her exactness and faithfulness.

New Milford - The Cornet Band is reported as showing symptoms of returning [to] life. The Montrose Band is--nit!

Fairdale - The Fairdale Grangers will hold a cronkinole and maple sugar social, Tuesday evening, March 29th. Everybody can get sweet for 10 cents.

Brooklyn - The Brooklyn Graded School will hold its commencement exercises in the Universalist church, Friday evening, March 25. The members of the graduating class are Florence Watrous, Nellie Terry, Jennie Tiffany, Mabel Nash, Glen Tiffany, Raymond Gere, Cady Weston, Berwyn Gere.

Forest City - An Italian named Giscomozzi, has for two years been troubled with very peculiar feelings in his stomach. Last week he called upon Dr. Knapp and explained his trouble. The medical man prescribed total abstinence from food and drink for 48 hours, then to take a powerful cathartic. The medicine proved effective, and the man was relieved of a snake measuring nearly 18 inches in length. This story is true and Dr. Knapp has the snake preserved in alcohol.

Montrose - The long-looked for furnishing of the Sheriff's office at the Court House has at last commenced, a fine new cherry counter desk being put in place the last of the week, to be followed by other improvements which are today, and have long been, really necessary for the proper equipment of the office. The new desk is a model of fine workmanship and was built by our townsman, A. E. Stephens.

Susquehanna - While on a steamer from Seattle, en route to Klondike, John Leavy, of this place, encountered his brother Patrick, who 20 years ago was a resident of this place. Patrick has not written home in ten years and it was supposed that he was dead. He is employed on the steamer. AND A Council of the Knights of Columbus was organized on Sunday in Odd Fellows Hall, with about 70 charter members.

Bridgewater Twp - A sad and fatal accident occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Catlin on Saturday, resulting in the instant death of Claire, the oldest daughter. While the children were playing in the kitchen the second son, a boy aged about 12, stepped upon a chair and took down a rifle which hung high up on the kitchen wall. The weapon was supposed to be unloaded, but when the boy jumped from the chair to the floor, there was a sharp report and the leaden messenger sped on its mission of death to the bright 10 year old daughter, Claire, who was standing at the kitchen table wiping the dinner dishes.

Grand Jurors - Drawn to Serve for Week Beginning Monday, March 28. Ararat, Monroe N. Walker; Dimock, James Cokely; Forest City, Alfred Davies, T. P. McCormick; Friendsville, Geo Davies; Gt. Bend twp., Charles L. VanAntwerp, Thos. R. Messick, Wm. Parks; Hallstead, Walter Smith; Harford, F. A. Osborne, Hollis Bailey; Harmony, Fred Lee; Hopbottom, Nelson M. Finn; Lanesboro, Wm. H. McCoy; Lenox, Peter Barney; Liberty, Levi Northrop; Rush, Oscar Bunnell; Springville, Fred Smales, Wesley Bush, John J. Strickland; Susquehanna, M. Lannon, Jr., George Starkweather, Peter McHugh, Mil. Eidman.

Franklin Forks - Mrs. A. M. Snow has some very fine canary birds for sale. Anybody wishing a nice singer would do well to purchase of her.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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