Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 27 1903/2003
Little Meadows - The following retail and wholesale businesses who pay the mercantile tax in Little Meadows are: Thomas Fitzmartin, Cigars; Frank Palmer, Feed; A. D. Brown & Co., General Merchandise; O. M. Garfield, General Merchandise;
Great Bend - Edward Ketchum, a young man 23 years of age, committed suicide on Sunday afternoon in the loft of a barn owned by Mrs. Ritter and situated a short distance from the Ketchum home. Young Ketchum, who had worked for some time in the Great Bend, at the chamois factory, went to work in the Erie shops at Susquehanna on the preceding Tuesday returning Saturday night in apparently good health and spirits. Sunday morning he borrowed a revolver from Frank Gifford. The report of two shots was heard in the afternoon by the elder Ketchum from the vicinity of the Ritter barn. Temporary insanity is given as the only explanation of the deed, but by some it is said his rash act was due to a quarrel between himself and a girl to whom he was greatly attached.
Montrose - The new store of J. V. Meehan will open on April 1st, at his headquarters in the Mulford store building, lately vacated by N. Warner. Mr. Meehan wishes to announce that he will carry everything in the line of a well-equipped and up-to-date grocery store. He respectfully invites a share of your patronage.
Susquehanna - Dr. J. J. Boyle, the health officer, is urging the people to clear up and disinfect their homes and to be vaccinated in view of the reported prevalence of small pox in this section. AND The "Wine, Woman and Song" company will appear in Hogan Opera House on Saturday morning.
Jackson - The survivors of the noted Pennsylvania Reserves are to have a grand reunion at Harrisburg, June 25-26. Two survivors of that famous command, C. T. Belcher and M. V. Larrabee, reside in Jackson. AND The Hallstead Baptist church has extended a call to the Rev. Herbert Pease, of Centermoreland, to be its pastor. Rev. Pease was born in Jackson and is a son of Geo. H. Pease and a cousin of Prof. Pease, principal of the Hallstead Public School, and was educated at Bucknell University.
Forest Lake - Mrs. Hanna Amelia Griffin is having a telephone put in at her home.
Springville - The proposed new road that was to have gone from near J. O. Lymans down by the quarries, and was let last fall, has been advertised for a re-letting on Saturday, next.
Brooklyn - Thursday morning, March 19, the steam saw mill of C. Corson burned to the ground. Fearing the barn would burn the cow and colt were turned out of doors loose. The colt ran away and has not yet been found. AND On March 4th, Willis T. Lee, a son of Mrs. Louesa Lee, of Brooklyn, was appointed a place on the staff of the U.S. Geological survey, Hydropathic department. He thinks his work for the early summer will be in Arizona.
Thomson - G. F. Spencer, who has sold his patent on steam heaters, intends to move to Scranton in the near future.
Lakeside - The graduating exercises of the graded school will be held at the church Friday evening, April 3. The graduates are: Lena Page, Grace Tingley and Earl Tourje. AND John Morse, a student in a medical college at Philadelphia, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Morse.
East Bridgewater - Artie Roper and Anson Curtis caught a 'possim in a deadfall the other morning.
South Montrose - Pupils of the Wells school receiving high marks in spelling and percentage in studies the past month are: In spelling, Lillian Martin, 90; Hannah Martin, 100; Hazel Lake, 100; Hugh Jones, 90; Prichard Jones, 100; In percentage: Hazel Lake, 97 4-9; Prichard Jones, 96 7-9; Hannah Martin, 94, 2-3; Hugh Jones, 93 2-3; Emma Vail, 93 2-3.
North Branch, Middletown Twp. - Wm. H. Millard spent the fore part of the week at Towanda and brought home a fine Graphaphone. AND W. H. Clink has bought him a fine horse. AND John Bennett, of Jackson Valley, is moving to Montrose where he will keep a boarding house.
New Milford - U. B. Rice was kicked on the head by a horse. The blow rendered him unconscious and he suffered from the effects for some time, but no serious results followed.
South Gibson - James Risley has rented the hotel formerly kept by E. H. Sweet and Charles Bennett, of West Windsor, will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Risley.
Forest City - Henahan & Mahoney have opened a cigar factory in the Brown building.
Lenox -Mrs. Bessie Smith, widow of the late F. H. Smith, whose remains were laid to rest in the Tower cemetery less than three weeks ago, moved to her father's, D. N. Hardy recently, and Saturday night her only child, Lena, who would have been a year old April 2, died of gastric fever. Funeral from D. N. Hardy's residence on Tuesday. Mrs. Smith has the sympathy of all in her double bereavement. AND In Lenoxville, our schoolteacher, J. B. Handricks, has been compelled to give up his school here on account of the illness of his father, it is said, and there will be no school here for the balance of the term.
Uniondale - At a recent library meeting officers were elected for the ensuing year, as follows: Pres., Frank Lewis; Vice Pres., Alice Barriger; Secretary and Librarian, Daisy E. Bronson; Treas., J. F. Bass.
Stevens Point - There are persistent reports that there are a number of small-pox cases in Stevens Point, at the extreme eastern end of the county. A man returned from New Jersey, was taken sick, and the neighbors thought it was "the itch." It turned out to be a light form of small-pox and some of the neighbors have it and others have been exposed.
Compiled By: Betty Smith