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March 27 1896/1996

Silver Lake - John Morrison, who was said to be 104 years old, died at his home in Silver Lake Feb. 19th. Burial at Great Bend. His aged wife is ill also. Her daughter, Mrs. Shield, of Elmira, has been with her.

Forest City- The small building in Forest City, owned by H.W. Brown and occupied by Frank Shaw as a milk depot, confectionery and candy store, was destroyed by fire the other day. The building was insured for a small amount, and Shaw also on his goods, but in neither case enough to cover the loss. The fire is supposed to have originated from an explosion of gas in a coal stove.

Jackson [North Jackson] - Of the 1800 quarts of milk delivered daily to the Susquehanna station, one third is drawn by William Roskelly, of the North Jackson route.

Birchardville - Rev. W.C. Tilden drove from Dimock, March 19th, through the terrible storm and snow drifts, to attend the funeral of Mrs. W.C. Handrick. The Elder hardly ever, if ever, fails to meet his appointments and always on time. His helper on the road (old Jack, his horse) should have some of the praise, as he is one of the best and has proved himself such for a number of years.

Flynn - As there has been no mail at the Flynn post office for a number of days, on account of snow drifts on the road to Friendsville, the patrons of the office will appreciate the change which takes effect April 1st, giving them a daily mail and on a road that never drifts from Flynn to Birchardville.

Crystal Lake - Pheasants and pigeons are so numerous here that they roost in the apple trees on the farms at night and pick buckwheat with the chickens in the morning. AND G.W. Hull has erected a commodious icehouse.

Auburn - The invitation cards are out, so I guess we have a right to tell that the marriage of Harry Love and Miss McMicken’s will take place at her home on Wednesday, April 1st, at 8 p.m. We advance congratulations.

Gibson [South Gibson] - Ida Belcher received a very handsome prize from Profs: Tingley and Benson, offered to the pupil of either Gibson or South Gibson school, who spelled the most words correctly during term; words furnished by the Principals. Miss Belcher missed but two. Bessie Wheaton received second prize.

Susquehanna - Plans are being made for the brick block to be erected on Main and Drinker streets by the shareholders of the First National Bank. It will be an ornament to that section of the town. AND Rev. J.C. Hogan, of Forest City, the Prohibition warhorse, will deliver an address in the Hogan Opera House on Sunday. That it will be a "ringer," goes without saying.

Rush - With pleasure we greet our old friend and school mate, Arthur Gary, who has just returned from Iowa State University, where he has been for several months, pursuing a course in Dentistry. He returns again in September. If you need any work in his line call on the genial "Doc," for from specimens of his work we judge he could fit your mouth and discomfit your nerves and pocket book even now. We predict a bright and prosperous future for Arthur and an honor to his Alma Mater. "How I love thee, dentist mine, was there ever power like thine? ~~ Power to draw when aches betide helpless victims to thy side; ~~ Power to draw with nerve and grace, molars from their resting place; ~~ Power to draw by word and look dollars from my pocket book.

Montrose - Three more high-grade wheels [bicycles] were sold at A.B. Bums' Columbian agency this week. This makes upwards of a dozen wheels sold already this season by Montrose dealers, and as there is nary a rod of bare ground on which to ride them as yet, one is inclined to wonder if there will be any pedestrians left at all when firm roads and balmy breezes tempt so strongly to this artificial mode of locomotion.

Heart Lake - The Heart Lake icehouses, having been filled to their utmost capacity, a large amount of ice of finest quality has been piled up beside the building for use early in the season. A carload of sea grass, such as is often used in ice houses for packing, was brought up to the Lake and will be used to cover and preserve the huge heap of congealed liquid.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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