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March 26 1897/1997

Apolacon – The Bear Swamp mills have again resumed operation.

Dimock – A short time ago a lady in town had a wood bee, and last week's items in the Republican tells about the loafers sitting around chewing tobacco and crying hard times, but they are the ones that cut the wood, my friend. Democrat.

Glenwood – A very pleasant gathering was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. James M. Conrad on March 13, the occasion being the 72nd birthday of Mrs. Conrad. The day was fine and the surprise complete. Aunt Lois was about the house doing her work as best she could in her feeble health, when people began to arrive from Lenox, Brooklyn, Hop Bottom and Scranton until 47 had arrived. Peace and harmony reigned supreme and a general good time was enjoyed by all. Many tokens of regard were left her. After partaking of a bountiful repast prepared by willing hands they repaired to the sitting room when singing was indulged in for a season. After prayer and a few appropriate remarks by C.W. Conrad, Esq., they departed to their homes feeling in their hearts that it was good to, be there.

South Gibson – Miss Mame Michael, on answering a puzzle found in the "Ladies' Home Journal," received first premium in the form of a handsome diamond ring.

Montrose – H.P. Read has taken a very novel way of entertaining his patrons in connection with a 3 days' bargain sale, having secured the services of a first-class sleight of hand performer. Prof. Venzuelo, to give a free exhibition in his front window on Monday and Tuesday, March 29th and 30th.

Lathrop – The children of Geo. Taylor gathered at his home on the 10th inst. to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of his birth. Mr. Taylor is one of the pioneers of Lathrop. He settled where he now lives 42 years ago and the numerous fine buildings and well-fenced farm tell of hard work and excellent management. About 3 years ago he suffered from a paralytic shock, which has confined him to the house ever since.

Susquehanna – The county teachers will meet March 27 to consider the adoption of a uniform course of study for the rural schools and to organize a county teachers' association. ANDErie Hose Co. No. 1 has purchased a complete set of 31 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica for their library.

Hallstead – The U.S. mail between this place and Upsonville is now being carried by Peter Hunsinger.

Great Bend – The Great Bend high school's graduating class recently selected their association officers and arranged their colors: white and violet.

Forest City – now has a Fireman's Relief Association. AND Fritz and Webster will appear in a "Breezy theme" at the opera house Thursday evening.

Lenox – Fred Brundage, of South Gibson, who was so unfortunate as to have a runaway just above upper Glenwood last week, lost [in that vicinity it is supposed a shot bag containing about $5 in silver.] If anyone has it in their possession, longing to restore it to the owner, they now have the opportunity.

North Jackson – Mr. C.F. Whitney was busy a few days reducing his large stock of fine winter apples, drawing them to Thompson for shipment to Ohio.

St. Joseph – A large number attended the lecture given in Friendsville on St. Patrick’s Day, by Rev. Father Eckles.

Crystal Lake – A test for coal is being made on the lands of the Tinker Creek Coal Company.

Brandt – R. Kessler and son have commenced the erection of a wood alcohol factory.

Brooklyn – We understand J.J. Austin is to take possession of the stage line between Brooklyn and Foster soon. AND Fred Bailey, one of our Brooklyn boys, who has been in the

Harford – Rev. Williard Richardson died at his home in Houston, Del., March 19. He was born in Harford in 1815. Mr. R. was the first County Superintendent, an early worker among the freedmen of the South, and a prominate teacher in Franklin Academy.

New Milford – On Monday night burglars visited our quiet village and gained entrance into the following business places—Post office, John Hands grocery store, creamery, and Charles Wood's store where they secured $8 in pennies. They also tried to break into the residence of Geo. Pratt, but Mrs. Pratt hearing a noise arose and frightened them away. There were four men in the crowd.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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