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March 25 1921/2021

Hallstead – Another destructive fire, from unknown causes, partly destroyed the former Barber homestead, recently purchased by Harvey Sackett. The blaze was first seen by Britton McKeeby and while he was arousing the neighbors by telephone, a train from Binghamton pulled into the yards, the engineer, with a few shrill blasts from the whistle, gave a general alarm, and then brought his train to a stop. The train crew ran to the house and aroused the Sackett family, who were still sleeping. The firemen were soon on the ground and got the flames under control, but not until the roof and second story had been destroyed. The family removed to a house on Dayton Avenue.

Forest City – One of the most important real estate deals of the week was consummated when Mrs. W. H. Wildenberger purchased of H. P. Johns the store building adjoining the M. E. church. It is the second oldest business house in Forest City, being constructed in past by T. J. Pentecost, and later remodeled by J. P. Johns. The lower story is occupied by Mrs. K. B. Realy as a department store. The second story has been for several years occupied by Mrs. Wildenberger as a millinery store and the third floor as living apartments.

Dimock – Winford Estus is the latest victim of the measles. The hotel has been under quarantine for some time. For this reason the Misses Elaine and Irene Tanner, two high school girls that room there, are staying with Miss Alma Williams until the quarantine is removed. Winford is coming along in fine shape. ALSO Sugar making seems to go pretty slow in this place, as the weather does not seem to favor the product. Very few people are trying to make any. ALSO The largest and most reliable seed house in this part of the country is conducted by B. E. & T. J. Cokely, of Scranton, and a matter of real interest in connection therewith is the fact that they are natives of Dimock. All seeds and bulbs handled by these men are of the very highest quality and customers of many years speak of them in the highest terms.

Gibson – The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. church will serve an egg supper, at the Grange Hall, a week from Friday. Be sure not to miss the great egg hunt. The proceeds are for the pastor’s salary.

N. Bridgewater Twp. – W. G. Briggs has sold his farm in this place to Arthur R. Bush, who will take possession the 20th of April. This is one of the finest and best-kept farms in this part of the county and will continue to be so, as Mr. Bush is a hustling young farmer. Mr. Briggs and family expect to buy a home in Montrose and locate here, and will make a public sale of all his personal property at a later date.

Forest Lake – There will be a masquerade social at the creamery hall, Friday evening, April 1. Everybody come and have a good time on All Fools’ Night. Prizes will be awarded for the best disguises; also for the horridest looking lady and gent. Supper will be served. Ladies, please bring eatables—anything.

Little Meadows – A box social was held at the home of W. D. Minkler on Thursday evening, March 17, for the benefit of the Little Meadows school. A good crowd was present. The proceeds were $33.70.

Lake View – Many May flowers have been seen around here, which goes to show that the old saying is true. April showers bring May flowers; only they are early this year.

Brooklyn – Brooklyn is once more organizing a band. B. L. Jewett is the leader. The boys meet for practice Tuesday evenings. ALSO There are two cases of scarlet fever in quarantine here. Bernice, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kent and Betty Williams, who was taken ill Friday night. The primary room at school was closed Monday and Tuesday for fumigation.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. – Arthur Owens, a former resident of Welsh Hill, who removed to Blakely about two years ago, has purchased a meat market and grocery store in that town and expects to be ready for business, April 1st.

Thompson – Mrs. George Pickering was the recipient of a beautiful Easter basket, presented to her by little Clara Schneider. The basket was purchased in Scranton and was filled with chocolate and Easter bunnies and many other articles.

New Milford – Robert Wilber, a 15-year-old boy of Summersville, had his leg cut off above the ankle while jumping from a D.L.&W. engine on Saturday afternoon. He was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital, Scranton, on train No. 28. Dr. A. C. Hull accompanied him.

Montrose – A large flock of geese, flying so low that their honking could be plainly heard, passed over Montrose on Thursday evening of last week, just after dusk. They appeared bewildered and were evidently seeking an alighting place for the night.

Fairdale – On March 12th, the first Junior Grange in the county was instituted. Fairdale Grange is in a thriving condition, thirty-five new members having been added recently. It is believed the Junior Grange will soon spread to other Granges, as there is a growing sentiment for older Grangers to take more interest in the children and endeavor to add to the pleasures and advancement of the youth. It may be the right way to keep the boy and girl on the farm.

Jail Incidents: There was a slight blaze at the jail yesterday afternoon, at 3:30, and an alarm was turned in. Papers and magazines which had been placed around a radiator, were found in a blaze, which leads the Sheriff to believe that a match must have been used to light them. No damage was done, except the wood-work being scorched. An investigation is being made as to the cause. ALSO There was a lively stir about town last Saturday, precipitated by the arrest of Vernon Collier and a friend, named Hoffman, of Trenton, NJ, who were visiting friends here, on the charge of forgery, and the young men were placed in jail for the night. Collier was released the following morning, it being apparent that he was innocent, his chum confessing to the forgery of a check of $108. A brother of Hoffman came and paid the amount of the check and Hoffman was also released. A few hours after Hoffman had been released another telegram was received requesting that he be held, another forged check for a like amount having turned up, but the young man had left town.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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