Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 25 1899/1999
Uniondale - The Graded School will have a graduating class of eight. Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening, April 2, and graduating exercises on Thursday evening, April 6.
Kingsley - The masquerade and sugar party recently held at E. C. Capron's was well attended. Receipts $5.40.
Starrucca - Mrs. E.P. Strong has her house beautifully lighted with accetelyne [acetylene] gas. AND Rumor says J.T. Hyatt will open his commodious house for a temperance hotel.
Herrick - A young man in Herrick started for Montrose to get a marriage license. When he arrived at the Court House the offices were closed. He invested in a pair of shoes and walked home, perfectly satisfied.
Montrose - The Baptists have about reached a positive conclusion to build a church this year. It is quite likely they will move the present edifice back and build in front of it, and use the present structure in connection with the new part, for Sunday School.
Forest City - Rev. J.J. Coroner, for six years pastor of St. Agnes Roman Catholic church, has been appointed by Bishop Hoban to succeed Rev. Kelly as pastor at Towanda. The Democrat congratulates Father Coroner, who is a genial gentleman and a faithful worker and has done much for the Forest City parish, being its first pastor. Rev. Richard Walsh, of Moscow, succeeds Father Coroner. Towanda's gain is our loss: "Farewell dear friend, you were a gentleman to meet in sunshine or shadow. Long may you be spared....."
Lenox - A large and appreciative audience listened to the play, "Mopsey, the Girl Tramp," given by Clifford talent, at Glenwood, Friday evening.
Alford - Cyrus Dixon and family moved here last week from Louman, NY. They occupy Perry Sweet's house on High St.
Birchardville - The supper given by the Red Men at this place was a grand success. About 150 took supper and everybody was happy. The band entertained with very fine music. By invitation the District Deputy Sachem, George Lindsley, of Lawsville, and a few of the tribe from that place, were present and took part in the exercises in the wigwam before taking supper. In the small hours of the morning they all returned to their homes feeling that they had a good time and hope it may be repeated.
Thomson - James Burnes is building an addition on his blacksmith shop to be used for a wagon shop.
Shannon Hill - Our creamery will start the first of the month with Calvin Dean as buttermaker.
Susquehanna - Mr. M.E. Wallace, an old Susquehanna boy, who learned the business of draughting here, and whose people reside here, has been for some years employed by the Westinghouse Air Brake Co., at Hamilton, Canada, and has been sent by that company to St. Petersburg, Russia, to superintend the erection of a plant in that city. Mrs. Wallace and the children will remain, for the present, at her old home in Jefferson, Iowa. AND Today is the 10th Anniversary of the opening of Gus. J. Cohen's Clothing and Gents furnishing store. Mr. Cohen has been a live, up-to-date dealer, and merits the success he has achieved.
Ararat - This little town was thrown into a state of greatest excitement on Monday morning by the killing of a burglar, and its attending exciting events. At half past one six masked men broke into the power house of the Traction Co., at Mayfield, injured three employees and took the cash box. They proceeded to Carbondale and boarded a freight train going north. At Forest City they were ordered off but produced a gun and demanded of the conductor that they move on. Conductor Robbins shut the door of the box car on them, locked it, and telegraphed ahead to Uniondale to have the constable take the prisoners.
Before Uniondale the robbers suspected something wrong and forced open the door and jumped out and ran ahead. Suspecting they would board again, Conductor Robins had a telegram sent on to Mt. Ararat to have a posse at the station. Sure enough, all six of the gang again boarded the train.
The operator at Ararat, upon receiving the message from Uniondale, hastily summoned Hotelkeeper "Bill" Leach and Miller Jesse M. Vailes and other men and boys. Leach brought along his repeating Winchester rifle and Vailes had a revolver.
Leach and Vailes went over to the car and in the name of the law ordered the men to come out and surrender. They refused and began to scramble out of the car continuing to fire as they emerged. They did not know their man. Leach is an old hunter and a sure shot. When he first touched the trigger there was a flash, a quick report and then the dead face of a burglar staring at the stars. He fired again and a second burglar's arm was torn to shreds. A third shot and another fell, shot in the back and through the right lung. The remaining three escaped and fled in the direction of Thomson.
The two wounded men were taken to Lackawanna hospital in Scranton. The one who was shot through the body is a mere boy not over 18, giving his name as James Kelly of Ashley. The other is apparently 30 years of age, giving his name as James Cummings, of Logansport, Ind. Constables Moran, Woodmansee and Neary followed the route taken by the pair and after a brief search came upon their trail. Following the footprints in the soft snow the officers, after a 3 mile tramp, came upon their men in a patch of woods. One gave his name as William Zerby and the other Joseph Leonard.
The dead burglar was photographed and buried at Ararat without being identified. He looked to be about 40 years of age. There was no funeral cortege and no one to mourn. The wounded pals refused to tell his name. He is buried in an unknown grave marked by a wooden slab of pine.
Compiled By: Betty Smith