Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 25 1892/1992
Hop Bottom - The commencement exercises of the Hop Bottom Graded School were held in the churches here Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The graduates were John B. Tiffany, Flora Tiffany, Florence Titus, Mame Lynch, and Lottie Hardy. Their essays were excellent and well rendered and the young ladies looked lovely in their new suits. The little folks did nicely and Prof. Sherman closed the program with a few appropriate remarks.
Great Bend - On Saturday morning last, a young man was found near the tannery, in the snow, his limbs were stiff, and to all appearance he was dead. The coroner was called, he pronounced him dead and went to empannel a jury, but before the jury assembled, he was up and kicking.
Union Hill- Our roads were so badly banked with snow that our farmers, with teams, had to break a way through, Monday. We had no meeting at our church the 20th because the roads were impassible.
Montrose - When we listened to the Edison Phonograph a few weeks ago, we admitted it to be truly a wonderful institution; but we remarked that we believed it capable of further improvement and that the disagreeable, harsh metallic sound would finally be overcome Now we learn that a French savant, M. Leon Desquine, has, by combining photography and electricity perfected a marvelous instrument which will reproduce the human voice in natural, ordinary tone, free from all undesirable accompaniment We hope this statement will prove true, though we have no desire to rob Edison of any honor due him.
Harford - Osterhout and Whitney, of Harford, have received four new orders for wagons. They have also received an order for 5,000 wagon spindles from the York Wagon Co. We are glad to learn they are prospering.
New Milford- F.N. Gillespie, the popular clerk at H.J. Tiffany's, has gone in partnership with L.B. Isbell in the jewelry business. Harry Gillespie has taken his brother's place in H.J. Tiffany’s.
Burnwood - An explosion occurred in the chemical works here. A large copper still burst and tore the factory to pieces quite bad, but luckily no one was hurt.
Herrick Centre - Soon it will be time for our summer schools to open. Why is it so little attention is paid to arithmetic in our district schools of today. We think it was a great mistake when they threw the intellectual arithmetic out of the schools. I don't think they have ever improved on Stoddard’s series wish our superintendent and our directors would impress upon the minds of our teachers the fact that they must not only understand arithmetic themselves, but that they must teach it to our scholar occasionally.
Compiled By: Betty Smith