Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 24 1916/2016
Clifford – Travel to Carbondale has been quite difficult the last week or two. Horses got down in the snow drifts, sleighs tipped over, some loaded with hay, and those who stayed at home were wise. ALSO Miss Perris Stephens, an old and respected resident of Clifford, died Monday afternoon, March 13, 1916. She was 78 years of age and had been a great sufferer for several years, which had robbed her of her mental faculties.
North Harford – We are sorry the snow drifts were so numerous in this vicinity, Saint Patrick’s night, for had the road not been blockaded, a number of people from this place would have attended the Box Social given by the Baraca boys. We hope the boys will have another social when the weather becomes better, then the people who met with disappointment this time, can go and add to the crowd. ALSO Some little time ago, mention was made in our items, in regard to a hymn, composed by E. W. Osmun, nearly ready for publication. It is now published, and Mrs. George Osmun has a copy of it. “On Calvary,” is the title and it is indeed a beautiful hymn and shows that this former Harford boy is doing grand work, for the Master.
Hop Bottom – The sleigh ride and social at John Hinkley’s, given by the Universalist Ladies Aid, was a great success. About 120 people took supper. The evening was spent in a delightful way, the host and hostess doing everything possible to make their guests welcome. Proceeds, $28.90.
Little Meadows – Ed Shaughnessy lost a valuable horse while in Binghamton recently.
Fairdale – On account of the bad roads, Grange was postponed until Saturday, March 25th, when it is hoped that a special attempt on the part of the members will be made to turn out.
Auburn 4 Corners – The roads have been so badly drifted that we have had no mail in 4 days.
Montrose – Joseph Mawhiney, caretaker of the local cemetery, states that he has never known more snow to cover the burial grounds during his many years in charge. At a funeral last week, it was necessary for a number of men to spend two days’ time to shovel the road so that a funeral cortege could reach the grave. Snow is piled up in cuts along the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna to a height even with the passenger coaches in many places along the line. A force of over eighty men was at work shoveling the first of the week. Snow on the roof of the depot was to such a depth that a force of men was kept busy for several hours clearing it.
Silver Lake – By the death of Mrs. Joseph Ward at her late residence here, March 3, our County has lost one of its oldest and most highly respected citizens. Mrs. Ward was born in Silver Lake, July 20, 1833, and spent her entire life there. She was a sister of the late Sister M. Perptua, of the Order of the Immaculate Heart, and was the last member of the family of Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick, who were among the early settlers of the County. She married Joseph Ward, Jan. 17th, 1856, and was the mother of four daughters, five sons and grandmother of 33 grandchildren. Her funeral was held at St. Augustine’s church and despite the unfavorable weather it was largely attended, bearing testimony of the high esteem in which she was held. The body was borne to the last resting place by six of her grandsons.
Forest City – The Hudson Coal Co. and Hillside Coal & Iron Co. are appealing taxes, complaining that their assessment on “surface land” were far too high. Both companies held much land in Forest City suitable for building lots, which would find a ready sale, but it is alleged that the companies refuse to put same on sale. There was no dispute as to the assessments on the coal holdings of the two companies. Hudson lands were accessed at $200 an acre, disputed as much higher than similar lands assessed in the Scranton coal regions. The end result was that the County Commissioners compromised by making some lands $50 an acre and some $200. They refused to lower the valuation of the Hillside property, viz., $50 an acre.
Susquehanna – F. D. Lyons celebrated his 97th birthday recently. Mr. Lyons is the oldest business man in Susquehanna and probably in the county. He has been a prominent man in the business affairs of this place all his long life, since the town was a mere hamlet.
Birchardville – T. J. Flynn, who has been Birchardville’s faithful and efficient blacksmith for many years, has sold his tools, also his farm there, and will move to Binghamton, where he has purchased a home. He will have a public sale March 27th. Mr. Flynn made the remark that in all the time he has done business in Birchardville he has never refused to do work for anyone and that he goes away without one cent of uncollected accounts, a flattering testimonial for this place.
Great Bend – P. J. McEvoy, proprietor of the Keystone House, is beautifying the interior of the house with new paper and paint, and also laying some new floors. Mr. McEvoy is bent on keeping a first-class hotel and enjoys making pleasant the surroundings for the traveling public.
Herrick Center – Oscar Bailey died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Hugaboom, March 8, 1916, aged about 70. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of McPherson Post, G. A. R., of Uniondale. The remains were taken to Carbondale Saturday morning on the Erie Flyer, where interment was made. Three children survive.
New Milford – Lee J. DeWitt, Charles Tyler, A. Towner and Ellis Tyler are having the J. B. Colt system of acetylene gas installed in their homes by the company’s manager, A. H. Meanor.
News Brief: Spring is here—the almanac says so—but it isn’t gentle and we have not observed any “ethereal mildness.” The poetic slush about “when Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil,” will be out done by the real, material slush, through which we must wade, ankle deep, as soon as old sol begins to get in his work on the big snow banks laying all about us.
200 Years Ago – Articles from the Centinel, Montrose, Pennsylvania, March 26, 1916. From the Poughkeepsie Journal, Feb. 27th, The embargo off---The ice in the Hudson opposite this village, began to move on Saturday last, and the navigation from this to New York is now entirely free.—Capt. North, in the sloop, Anna Maria, sailed from here on Monday for New York with a cargo of corn whiskey, &c. &c. Captain Fish, in the steam-boat Fire-Fly is expected to arrive here this evening, to commence running without delay from this place to New York for the season. ALSO FIRST ARRIVAL New York, Feb. 28. The sloop David Porter, two days from Newburg, with a valuable cargo of staves, pork, &c. to the master—the first vessel down the Hudson this year. This is good news for merchants, on whom remittance will now pour in in abundance, and every commercial movement will soon become street music to the men of business. ALSO VALUABLE ARRIVAL New York, March 1 Among the numerous arrivals at this port yesterday, we had one from Canton, and another from the Isle of France. The mails of yesterday morning announced the arrival of the Trader, at Philadelphia, from Canton; the Favorite, at Boston, from Calcutta, and the Augustus, at Tarpaulin Cove, from Sumatra, all with valuable cargoes.
Compiled By: Betty Smith