Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 24 1911/2011
Montrose - Monday last, wash day, which is ordinarily blue enough anyway, was given a more vivid hue, by a phenomenon in nature, which we have never heard of before. The Monday's wash was hung out the usual way, but when it was time to take down the clothes, the house-wives were dumbfounded to find that the clothes, which were of a snowy whiteness, had the appearance of being badly mildewed, or sprin-kled with an inky solution. The clothes had to be taken in and put through a rinse water which, however, easily and quickly restored them to their former state of cleanliness. The first impression was that soot or a sediment from some chimney must have done the mischief, but we have had communications from different parts of the county (Birchardville reported the same incident), stating the same experience. It was caused by a precipitation from the clouds. (Another article reported that some believe that it was caused by the going up in smoke of over a million dollars' worth of McHenry whisky in Columbia county. If this is so it would tend to prove that whisky is bad whether it goes up or down.)
Springville - Homer Young is building an automobile garage for the repairing and storing of such vehicles. A nice thing for our city. ALSO Jerry Lyman made W. E. Stevens and family a short call on Friday before going to his new home at Dayton, Ohio.
Harford - Floyd B. Tennant, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tennant, of this place, and who has been for some time stationed with the rest of his regiment at Fort Snelling, Minn., has been sent to Texas in response to the call for arms, in relation to the Mexican maneuvers.
Hopbottom - The Book Club met on the 12th with Mrs. E. M. Tiffany. The evening was celebrated in St. Patrick style with Irish songs, contests and games. The decorations were shamrocks and green festoons. Dainty refreshments were served. Rev. J. H. Ballow, of Lestershire, rendered some old time melodies on the flute. Shamrock ferns were given to all present.
Dundaff - The chicken supper held at the home of Mrs. Sanford Wayman was a decided success. Ninety-four suppers were served by the ladies and $24, the proceeds, was given toward the pastor's salary.
Hallstead - What might have been a serious fire was discovered in the home of Mr. Isaac Bound, on Saturday afternoon, but which was soon subdued without much loss or damage. Mr. Bound is employed in the meat market of W. J. Day on the same street, and had a large kettle of fat and other pieces of tallow on the stove frying it and had left the house alone for a few minutes while he went across the street to wait on a customer in the shop. When he got back the kettle had boiled over and the contents were running all over the stove and floor, and the kitchen was filled with a smudge. Several of the neighbors came in to help Mr. Bound, thinking the house was on fire, but after the doors and windows were opened and the kettle removed to a place of safety, it was found there was no other damage but soiled wall paper and [a] greasy floor.
East Kingsley - Mrs. Margaret Manson is spending a few weeks with her niece, Mrs. A. E. Tiffany. She will celebrate her 80th birthday, March 24. She is engaged in embroidering ladies' shirt waists, and has embroidered 12 since last November and is noted for the fineness and beauty of her work.
Little Meadows - Arthur Deuel, son of late ex-sheriff Deuel of this place, is employed by the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad in Saskatchewan, Western Canada, where he is a civil engineer in charge of a gang of surveyors, at a fine salary.
Susquehanna - The town is much depressed over the action of the Erie Railroad in laying off 100 men in the shops and shortening the hours.
East Ararat - An extraordinary freak of nature occurred in John Avery's meadow back of the schoolhouse, last Monday, when it snowed and blowed. The snow was very wet and large flakes. After the storm the meadow was literally covered with snowballs rollen up like cotton batting. One of them weighed four pounds and they were anywhere from 2 to 12 inches in diameter. The truth of this can be proven.
Dimock - One of our old widowers has sent to Sears & Roebuck for a wife, who will be here in a few days.
Lawsville Centennial Celebration - For the management of the annual reunion of the Truesdell, Warner and Marsh families, and for the observance of the centennial of the settlement in the old town of Lawsville, of Samuel Truesdell and family, which is to be held in the old homestead farm of Samuel Truesdell in Liberty, Susquehanna County, now owned and occupied by Mr. John Dillon, on the last Thursday in August, 1911, and to which celebration the descendants of the early settlers of the neighborhood are invited to participate.
Brooklyn - Paperhanging and painting is the order of the day. Mr. Griswold has painted and papered several rooms for Mrs. A. J. Ainey and Mrs. E. S. P. Hine. W. J. Byram, of Hopbottom, and his son Ray, have been putting the finishing touches on the beautiful home of Luther Ely. Phil Burbank is making alterations in his house, which will add to its convenience and comfort.
Forest City - H. A. Purple, who conducted an undertaking establishment in this place for 6 years and in Carbondale for 17 years, has sold his business to Frank E. Blickens, of Dickson City. Harry, like most undertakers, is a very genial gentleman, always bubbling over with good humor, and the place that attracts him will secure a very desirable citizen. ALSO George F. Horton, who has been proprietor of the Forest City laundry for the past two or three or four years, last week sold the business to T. P. Kilhullen, who took charge on Monday. Under Mr. Horton's management the business was greatly increased and there is no doubt under his successor, Mr. Kilhullen, who is a hustler, there will be no falling off.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Township - Alfred Harris is visiting his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. J. L. Harris at Welsh Hill. Alfred was on crutches. He had a leg broken recently by falling down a shaft at a mine in Nevada, where he was working, and came home to recuperate.
Compiled By: Betty Smith