Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 24 1893/1993
New Milford - Considerable excitement was occasioned at New Milford by the ice gorge at the R.R. Bridge. Laborers were busy all day trying to break up the body of ice. Wm. Turner, one of them, fell into the water and was carried some distance by the swift current: when rescued he was insensible but recovered in a few hours.
Oakley - Our carpenters are in good demand, W.H. Wilmarth and E.E. Titus build a house the coming season for George Wright, in Lenox; also W.M. Wilmarth and son build a house for E. Benjamin.
Montrose - A remarkable and at the same time frightful accident occurred last week to Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Little, who while playing with a baking powder can, managed to get the cover off, and then afterward stumbled and fell striking his little nose on the edge on the can and cutting it badly, almost off. Dr. E.E. Gardner was summoned and administered an anesthetic and took a number of stitches to hold the flesh in place, and it is thought the wound will quickly heal, and in the end scarcely show a scar. The little fellow requires and receives constant attention, and is doing remarkably well.
Springville - On account of the stormy weather, the dedication of the new M.E. church at Springville has been further postponed until some time in May. It is presumed the snow banks and blizzards will be over by that time, and that “May will be as pleasant as December" at least, we might say by stating the original proposition backward.
Clifford - Any one desiring to buy a small place a half-mile north of Clifford village would do well to call on or address Arnold Green. Good buildings, good water, well fenced with stonewall. A very desirable place for any person having a trade, or wanting to work out among farmers, or for a summer residence. Any one wanting to buy a good horse for all kinds of work would do well to call on Jefferson Hobbs. Call on O.E. Barney for Jersey cows. Call on any farmer around here for colts. No need of going to Carbondale for any kind of store goods, but call on the Clifford merchants, who are all well stocked with all kinds of goods which are being sold at rock bottom prices. Patronize home industry!
Middletown Centre - Mr. R. Barnum, who has recently been entitled to the honorable name of grandfather, is at time being visited by his little grandson, and daughters, Miss Ettie, of Binghamton, and Mrs. Turboise, of Great Bend.
Jackson - About 55 years ago the trio of hunters, viz: Dan and Charles Wrighter and Chester Stoddard did a big business hunting, and when spring came they had a lot of venison and one, if not more, bears. The late John Low had been keeping watch of this big lot of game and made them an offer for the tots but they declined it at first, but as it was getting toward spring and as their game could not be kept long, they finally accepted Mr. Low's terms and sold out their lot, which when moved required three teams, as there were three tons or more that they had on their hands, the fruit of their work during the fall and winter. Mr. Low hired two men with their teams and went to Philadelphia to make market of his purchase, and as it was getting to be quite warm they had to drive, not only in the day but in the night as well, in order to get to the city and sell out while the game was in condition to sell. Mr. Low was a man of energy and push and finally saw the last of it sold, and he had the money in his pocket. There was a big bear in the purchase that Dan shot when out alone, which Jothan Pickering states was one of enormous proportions--the largest that he ever saw, which made Dan considerable anxiety at the time he got home. He, if we mistake not, went after chestnuts and as was his custom, look his faithful old rifle and had the good fortune to need it. He shot the bear, but did not make a successful shot, as bruin was only wounded, which without doubt was a surprise to the old hunter. The bear proved to be wounded, but yet had sufficient powers of locomotion to make rapid strides in the direction of Uncle Dan, and as his gun was empty he had to shin it from tree to tree as best he could, for we conclude he found it no boys play to elude his enemy, as it was in the heat of rage, as without doubt the wound did not help to quiet the beast. After repeated efforts and some quick moves in handling the powder horn and bullet pouch his trusty rifle was ready to send the deathblow to bruin. The bear was sold to John Low and was taken to.
Compiled By: Betty Smith