Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 23 1900/2000
Thompson - The F.W. Baptist people had a concert a few evenings ago, which consisted of singing, tableaux, etc. Among the rest, a paper was read, consisting of jokes and funny sayings, which seemed to please nearly all, but there were a few who took exceptions to some things that were read, and tried to stir up a muss. How much better it would be if people would take jokes as they are intended instead of trying to make a disturbance and create hard feelings.
Springville - Supt. of Schools Moxley was here on Saturday, the 24th inst., and examined a class of fourteen for graduation. Of a class of fifteen all passed except Miss Leda Terry, who is very sick with bilious fever, and unable to attend, but will take the examinations as soon as she is able.
Welsh Hill - The farmers along the mountain road expect to begin sending their milk to the Crystal Springs cheese factory the second week in April.
Brooklyn - Mr. Irving Tewksbury, of Iowa, who has been spending the winter here, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. Ely, on Wednesday of last week. The funeral service was held at the house and the remains taken to Iowa for interment, Friday.
New Milford - Mrs. Wall has returned from New York with a fine line of millinery. AND - The Oregon Indian Medicine Co., which has been giving entertainments nightly for four weeks, left for Montrose.
Great Bend - Mrs. W. S. Barnes has received a pension on the death of her son Fred, who was a volunteer in the late war with Spain.
Montrose - Elijah Sherman will soon go to Colorado on a prospecting tour.
Forest City - John R. Budd has acquired an interest in the Forest City News and will hereafter devote his attention to journalism. We wish the budding editor success. AND - One of the handsomest buildings in Forest City is the new brick-block recently erected by W. F. Welbrock.
Hallstead - Enthusiasts are taking steps to organize a base ball team for the coming season.
Brandt - The citizens of Hallstead and the Brandt chair Manufacturing Company have at last reached an agreement by which the Company will move its factory to Hallstead. It is expected that the new buildings will be ready for occupancy about July 1. Brandt will lose her chief industry and one-half of her population.
Rush Township - A new postoffice has been established to accommodate the people in what has for years been known as the Snyder district. The name of the new office is "Lawton" and the postmaster is Daniel Terry, the office being at the store of Kahler and Terry.
Dimock - At Fort Dodge, Iowa, March 19, occurred the death of Mrs. Anna Smith, aged 95 years and 6 months. As she had lived, so she died, with the hope of a blessed immortality beyond the tomb. Mrs. Smith formerly lived in Dimock. Her husband was Dudley B. Smith, brother of the late Urbane Smith.
Susquehanna - Callahan McCarthy, whose home is in Oakland, was locked up Sunday afternoon by Chief McMahon to await hearing upon the charge of creating a disturbance at Ryan's hotel on Main Street. The trouble was the outcome of Callahan being refused a drink. Following scene 1, the defendant disappeared and was not seen for a short time. Scene 2–The defendant returned from his personal arsenal having in his possession a shot gun and revolver, each loaded. Scene 3–The shot gun, of which Mr. Boylan was endeavoring to secure possession, was discharged, contents entering building. Scene 4–Revolver discharged twice, one charge splintering glass in hotel. Scene 5–Chief McMahon, always alert, appears upon the scene and brings to an abrupt close the war drama.
Montrose - It is quite the habit with some people when they come to town, to hitch their teams on the street, no matter what the weather is and let them stand for hours, many times without blanketing and often without feeding. It would be well for the parties guilty of such abuse of their faithful animals to take warning by the following - William Coveney of Sheshequin, Bradford Co., was arrested a few days ago for cruelty to animals. He was arraigned before Justice Johnson where the following facts were brought out. Coveney frequently let his horses stand for long intervals on the street during severe weather and without feeding. March 15 he came here and left his horses standing tied on the street for several hours, in the evening, during a severe snow storm. The justice fined him $10 and costs, making the total amount $19.87, which he paid.
Forest Lake - It is rumored that Binghamton parties are planning to build a summer hotel here.
Glenwood - J. F. Conrad is envied by all the young men in this place. His little store, just around the corner, is filled on band practice nights with a bevy of young ladies, but then Jim doesn't care as he has it stocked with nice fresh candy and maple sugar, almost as sweet as the girls themselves.
Ararat - Lon Pickering will occupy Henry Davis' house and Leroy Ballard will move into the old Wm. Doyle house. Our city will have to have a new directory, surely.
NEWS BRIEFS - Census enumerators will be furnished with badges by the government which are to be worn in a conspicuous place so as to be plainly seen and which will be their credentials for gathering statistics. These badges will be made of pure German silver, 1 1/4 inches wide by 1 5/8 inches long, shield shaped, surmounted with an eagle and bearing the words "United States Census, 1900." An order has already been placed for 16,000 by the directors of the census.
Compiled By: Betty Smith