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March 23 1894/1994

Herrick Centre - Herrick Centre fortunately escaped a frightful catastrophe the evening of March 10. A packed audience attended a school entertainment in a hall over the blacksmith shop. The flooring gave way and settled about two feet where it was stopped by the ox stocks, which held it up. Had the floor gone through, injury and death would have been the result. Great presence of mind was displayed in getting the people out of the wreck.

Hallstead - The Hallstead Textile company, of Hallstead borough, capital $25,000, was chartered at Harrisburg last Friday. The directors are John A. Mears, Geo. M. Hallstead, Garrett Bogart, of Scranton; Jas. T. DuBois. B. Franklin Bernstein, Theodore H. Hays and Ward Ives, of Hallstead. AND Hallstead's mayor has signed an order forbidding standing and loitering on the street corners in the future. The majority of our citizens would be highly pleased if such an order were carried into effect in this borough, especially as regards the Post office corner.

Auburn Corners- Madam Rumor says we are soon to have a wedding. Well I don't care to encourage the busy body but I guess she is about right.

Auburn Centre- The Jersey Hill School, which has been conducted by Mr. Geo. Ming gave a very pleasing entertainment not long since. Among the many excellent recitations we would especially mention those given by Mr. Dolan's little daughters which approached very near to perfection. Also the excellent violin music by Miss Ella Costello.

Forest City- William H. Higgins, of Forest City, is the inventor and patentee of roof scaffolds and scaffold brackets for the use of carpenters and painters; and the same gentleman is also the inventor of a unicycle upon which he has been at work for several years. A number of the moneyed men of the town it is said will become interested in the manufacture and sale of Higgins' unicycle, the only machine of the kind yet invented which is practical for general road use.

Gibson - Mr. George Woodward, of South Gibson, celebrated his ninety-third birthday March 14th. He is the oldest person living in Gibson Township.

Ararat - Ararat now comes to the front with a fully equipped clubhouse. Boxing at all hours, cold water by the glass, and every thing in "ship shape" for the advancement of society, and the up building of the morals of young America in our midst The Corbett Jackson contest will, no doubt, receive very tempting inducements to make Ararat their headquarters next June.

Susquehanna - Starrucca Lodge, No.423, I.O.O.F., of this place, has purchased the Perrine property, between Willow and East Main streets. Within two years it will erect a large block upon the lot, for lodge and business purposes. The price paid for the property was $3000.

News Briefs: The Rutland. Pa. school board henceforth will require teachers to sign a contract agreeing to read the Bible each day at the beginning of the morning session, to see that the buildings are not defaced by obscene pictures and writing, to enforce the rules against fighting, to prohibit the use of liquor and tobacco upon the school grounds, and to have separate recesses for the boys and girls.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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