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March 22 1918/2018

Montrose – On Monday last, the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania, sitting at Philadelphia, admitted Sue M. Strous as a member of that court, on the motion of J. M. Kelly. The oath was administered by former Gov. William A. Stone. Miss Strous was admitted to the bar of Susquehanna county on Aug. 11, 1902, and has been practicing since that time.  She is the first woman attorney to be admitted to the State Supreme Court from Susquehanna county. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Rifenbury went to Binghamton last week. Mr. Rifenbury remained for treatments at Dr. Dibble’s Bath-O-torium for rheumatism. He is improving nicely.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. – A book agent was in this vicinity the past week selling a book entitled “How to Be Happy Altho Married,” and met with good sales in this vicinity.

Little Meadows – W.D. Minkler, who runs an auto passenger car from this place to Binghamton during the warm season, made his first trip on Wednesday.

East Bridgewater – N. O. Roach has just installed, in his home, one of the Delco-Light electric plants, giving beautiful electric lights all through his house and barn, as well as lighting his son’s house, next door.

Great Bend – Lieut. Frederic Brush, formerly of this place, has been made brigade surgeon and is assisting in the planning and organization of the new naval training camp at Pelham Bay, NY, where 16,000 men are to be accommodated soon

Susquehanna – F. D. Lyons, merchant and director of the First National Bank, celebrated his 99th birthday on Thursday of last week. Mr. Lyons is the oldest resident and businessman in the county.

Harford – The supper held by the men of the M.E. church was a great success, the men covering themselves with glory by the manner and expedition in serving the menu. The net proceeds were $21.75. ALSO At West Harford, J. A. Williams and H. S. Esterbrook are busily engaged in the sugar camp, the syrup made by them being of excellent quality and pronounced a No. 1 by all of their customers.

New Milford – Willis R. Cobb is not only a perfect gentleman, but always extremely accommodating. The latter quality was given a test the other evening, when an autoist called him up in the middle of the night for a pail to get some water for his over-heated motor. But for his pains Mr. Cobb is minus a new tin pail worth $1.50, which the appreciative (?) motorist carried away with him. Mr. Cobb wishes the motorist to return the pail, or $1.50, and at this event he will desist from revealing the motorist’s name.

Tirzah – Charles Walker, of Uniondale, was greeting old friends here from Saturday until Monday. Although past 80 years he is very active and talks of coming back to his farm here this spring.  His neighbors will be glad to welcome him.

Brooklyn – We learn with regret that Dr. F.B. Miller, our veterinarian, expects to move to Stroudsburg this spring.

Thompson – Orr Lawrenson, who is employed as brakeman in the Erie yard at Susquehanna, was thrown from a boxcar Monday morning of last week, sustaining a fractured ankle and severe bruises about the body. He was removed to the Simon Barnes hospital. E. A. Mead and his daughter, Mrs. George Pickering, visited him and reported that he is doing as well as could be expected

Oakland – The Blue Ridge Metal Manufacturing company recently filled an order for the United States Government for 11,000 trench mirrors. A telegram received recently calls for 300,000 additional mirrors.

Forest City – Olin Davies and Herbert Horton returned from Flint, Mich., Monday. They returned with two handsome Buick automobiles which had been sold to W. D. Owens and G F. Horton. From Monroe, O. to Toledo they trailed behind sixty Packard army trucks. They returned via Cleveland, Jamestown and Salamanca and found extremely muddy roads.

ESTATE MATER SETTLED: One of the most peculiar cases ever before the courts of this county and state was that of James Fuller, in relation to the Robert J. Ellis estate, of which he was executor. Mr. Fuller was surcharged with something over $5,000, which Mr. Fuller refused to pay, stoutly contending that he did not owe the estate. Going from the county to state courts it had the same result—ordering Mr. Fuller to pay. For contempt of court, in not obeying the court’s order, he was committed to jail and has been there for the past 2 years. All lawyers involved felt that undoubtedly Fuller was honest in his belief that he did not owe the estate. The case was settled last week by the payment of $3,000. The heir, John Bennett, had lately instituted an action, contending that the Sheriff, or his bondsmen, were liable for the amount of the claim alleging that Mr. Fuller had a great deal too much freedom for one who was supposed to be in jail as a penance. Mr. Fuller is a mighty interesting old gentleman, as alert and clear-minded as many men half his years. He is 80. His personality is very attractive, and he has made many friends here.  He does not possess a super abundance of confidence in either lawyers or courts, and has taken many a shot at different members, through the press, while in jail.

200 Years Ago Today from the Montrose Centinel, March 21, 1818.

*MARRIED – On Thursday the 12th inst. By David Post, Esq., Mr. Jesse Coon to Miss Temperance Killum, all of this township [Bridgewater].

*MARRIED – In this village [Montrose] yesterday morning, by J.W. Raynsford, Esq., Mr. Wm Rowley to Miss Hannah Ladd, all of this [Bridgewater] township.

*TO LYDIA WAKEFIELD. TAKE NOTICE. That Chancy Wakefield, your husband, has filed his petition and libel against you for a divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, and that an alias subpoena has been issued, to me directed. You are therefore required to be and appear before the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Susquehanna, to be held in and for the said county at Montrose on the first Monday of May next, and then and there shew cause (if any you have) why the said petition & libel of the said Chancy Wakefield should not be granted, and his bonds of Matrimony with you should not be dissolved. AUSTIN HOWELL, Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, March 18, 1818.

*FLYING MACHINE. A country clergyman in lower Saxony has been so happy as to succeed in accomplishing the invention of an airship. The machine is built of light wood [and] it is made to float in the air chiefly by means of the constant action of a large pair of bellows, of a peculiar construction, which occupies in the front the position of the lungs and the neck of a bird on the wing. Thin cords direct the wings on both sides. The height to which the farmer’s boy (10 or 12 years of age) whom the inventor had instructed in the management of it, has hitherto ascended with it, is not considerable because his attention has been more directed to give a progressive than an ascending motion to his machine.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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