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March 22 1912/2012

Springville - The young men’s orchestra seems to be making good progress under the direction of Dana Taylor, of Elk Lake, and expects to go to Dimock on Friday evening of this week, where they will make the program Miss Ethel Thomas has prepared a pleasing one. [Nathan Dana Taylor was the uncle of Maurice Taylor, who started his music career in Montrose by organizing a band comprised of his brothers and neighbors. Maurice went on to organize the first Montrose High School band in 1927. He wrote Easy Steps to the Band and Orchestra, books used to teach music in schools throughout the United States. From 1931 to and including 1937 he organized the popular Massed Band Concerts in the natural amphitheater behind the Lake Avenue School. The highest crowd recorded was 12,000 people, at 25 cents each. Prior to his death, at age 95, he organized the first Blueberry Festival Massed Band concert in 1994, an event which continues to this day.]

South Gibson - An operetta entitled, “Cinderella in Flower Land,” will be presented by the Primary Department of the South Gibson Graded School, in the church in that place, on Friday evening, March 29, at 8 pm. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Those who will take part in the operetta are: Edna Owens, Celia Carpenter, Gertrude Resseguie, Rachel Pritchard, Emory Resseguie, Thelma Michael, Sarah Michael, Henry Davis, Harry Pickering, Silas Pritchard, Erma Pickering. Marion Pickering, Wm. Prentice, Helene Pickering, Ruth Pritchard, Roy Gumaer, Geo. Lewis, Geo, Decker, Bernice Pritchard, Raymond Lewis, Will Gumaer, Geo. Carpenter, Lewis Pickering, Gaylord Pritchard, Marguerite Manning, Beatrice Thomas, Thelma Keech, Ethel Thomas, Manuella Lewis and Geraldine Pickering.

Great Bend - The ice started in the river here about 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon, but jammed up at Stillwater, backing up the water and large cakes of ice which flooded the flats and low lands along the river, causing some damage to property Sunday afternoon. The ice at Stillwater moved down the river and the water began slowly to recede and it is now believed that all danger is past.

Union - On March 18, Mrs. Mary Ainey, Sadie Ainey and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Squires and little daughter, Mary, started for Pashall, Colorado, where they expect to make their future home. Their many friends hope they will reach there safely.

Ainey - The West Lathrop creamery will not run the coming year for want of patronage.

Thompson - Frank Smith, of Avoca and Miss Susie Denney, of this place, were married on the evening of March 20 at the home of the bride, Esq. W. P. Tallman officiating. Mr. Smith is a brakeman on the Erie and if the threatened strike does not affect him they will reside at Avoca. Later they anticipate a wedding trip to Brooklyn, N.Y. and Niagara.

Kingsley - The “Anti--Kants” of the M. E. Sunday school will hold a warm sugar social this Friday evening at the home of C. H. Stearns. All come and be sweetened.

Susquehanna - On Thursday of last week Frederick D. Lyons celebrated his 94th birthday anniversary. Mr. Lyons has long been one of that town’s prominent merchants, starting in business in that place nearly 60 years ago. He has, for many years, been vice president of the First National Bank, and is interested in different enterprises in his home town.

Uniondale - Arthur Crosby, aged 22, was killed Sunday afternoon when struck by a southbound O. & W. freight train. He was a resident of Mt. Pleasant and had been with several young men to dispose of some cattle. When the freight on which they were riding reached Uniondale it stopped for water and the young man started down the track to board another freight expecting to reach home sooner. He did not see the oncoming train and was run down. His companions failed to miss him until they reached home. ALSO Frank F. Hayden, an old veteran of the Civil War, answered the final roll call, March 17, 1912. Mr. Hayden was out the night before, taking care of his horse and doing chores as usual. He left his farm several years ago and moved here. About three years ago he went to live with his son--in--law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, in the Welsh Settlement. Mr. Hayden was nearly 85 years old and leaves a widow and the following children to mourn his loss: George Hayden, Mrs. Alva Corey, Mrs. John E. Jones, Mrs. Ed. Thomas and Mrs. John Davis.

Montrose - The first robins and bluebirds made their appearance here on Monday morning, which was balmy enough to bring the welcome little feathered friends out. Already people are beginning to wonder whether or not there will be more snow. It will be very strange if there is not, but with such a peculiar winter—a maximum of cold and a minimum of snow, it would not be out of keeping with the funny actions of the climate. Later—and it snowed!

Harford - Frank LaBarr and son, George, were cutting ice one day last week on Tingley Lake, the ice being 26 inches thick.

Forest City - There are fourteen inmates at the poor farm, one man, three women and ten children.

Friendsville - St. Patrick’s Day was fittingly observed here by Division No. 3, A.O.H., which marched from their hall to St. Francis Church, where at the 9 o’clock Mass they read Holy Communion in a body, after which they partook of a bountiful breakfast, prepared by the young ladies of the Parish. Addresses were made by Joseph Mullen, H. J. Matthews and County President Shea and at the 7:30 service Father Cawley gave a forceful lecture on Ireland and her Patron Saint.

Elk Lake - The Rabbi, from Pittston, was here Monday doing some butchering for Abe Wruble, of Pittston.

Franklin Forks - Perry Waterhouse, with one of C. S. Atwell’s teams, came from Sanitaria Springs, Thursday, to move Charles Skinner to that place, where he will work for Mr. Atwell, a prominent lumberman of that section. On account of the high water and ice jams it was impossible to return with the load of household goods until Saturday.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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