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March 22 1906/2006

Lenox - Why was the old veteran thrown down when the Lenox Supervisors organized this spring. The old man was elected town treasurer at the late election by a handsome majority. He being the choice of the electors it looks to a man up a tree as though it would have been a graceful thing to have appointed him treasurer of the Board of Supervisors as also the old man shouldered his musket and marched to the front and did valuable service for his country in the time of her peril. This added to his recent election by the people should have given him the appointment as treasurer to the Board of Supervisors. It may have been good politics to ignore the old man's claims, but the consensus of opinion is dead against it. There are many who say the turning down of the old soldier will forever be a boom a rang and will return to plague and torment the man or men who are responsible for it. More in the future in regard to our supervisors requesting the town clerk to act as their Secretary.

Springville - The Springville Hotel is greatly improved by the new hot air furnace recently installed by A. O. Dunlap. A traveler will go a long ways to find a neater or better kept house than that kept by Mr. Kelly.

Lynn - Just now we are having a regular old fashioned snow storm; if such weather lasts long we will have to pay for all the nice weather we have had this winter.

Brooklyn - Some excitement was caused on Thursday last, as constable VanAuken made the attempt to arrest a man who was temporarily stopping at the house of Mr. Hecock, east of the village. As constable VanAuken and deputy Stephens approached the house, the man ran out of the back door, and so had some the start and finally escaped over the hills after several shots had been fired by his pursuers. Constable VanAuken says "he looked like a greyhound and ran like two."

Hopbottom - There was an exciting runaway in town Monday. The team of Chas. Snyder started from town and ran to the creamery crossing where they were released from the sleigh. The horses then tried a race down the track ahead of a D. L. & W. train for some distance and finally ran down the bank. Fortunately the team was not seriously injured.

Thompson - W. W. Messinger is losing strength quite rapidly. The Dr's give him no encouragement in his case.

Montrose - Miss Anna Dolan, the 13-year-old daughter of Thos. L. Dolan, was taken suddenly ill, Saturday evening, and a physician being called, found the trouble to be appendicitis. She has been in a precarious condition for the days following, but appears a trifle improved now. At the time of the attack Mr. Dolan was in Buffalo, and an effort was immediately made to get him by phone, but he was not reached till Monday, when he took the first train for home. He reached Tunkhannock just after the Montrose train left, but, although the night was a blizzardly one and the roads almost impassable, he engaged a livery team and started. This team, the going being so heavy, was exhausted at Springville and here put out for the night. But Mr. Dolan was not to be kept away from his daughter when she was so ill, and at Springville offered local drivers their own price if they could get him to Montrose. He found no one who wanted to try the whole trip, but secured a horse and driver to Dimock, where another relay was arranged for, reaching Montrose about midnight. We sincerely hope for Miss Dolan's early recovery.

Oakland - Mrs. S. A. Ingham, who conducts a restaurant on Hawley street in Binghamton, in conversation with a Susquehanna gentleman, stated that the missing Maude Haynes was in her place of business one evening and the following morning, about three weeks following her disappearance from her home. About the same time an Indian woman from the reservation near Syracuse, a fortune teller, was in Mrs. Ingham's restaurant, and Mrs. Ingham has reason to believe the Indian fortune teller knows considerable about the disappearance of Maude.

Jessup Twp. - Merton Palmer, rural delivery carrier of Route No. 4, thought he was "up against the real thing" last Thursday, when he made his first trip over the route. It was the worst day so far that had been experienced and with a foot and a half of snow on the ground the wheeling was decidedly poor. He reached Montrose a couple of hours after schedule time, but the weather gods must give Mert a worse proposition than on his initial trip in order to scare him out.

Susquehanna - Edward Ryan smashed his toes Tuesday by a piece of steel falling on them, and Wednesday morning his brother, Frank, better known as "Peck" had a truck fall on his foot and smashed it quite badly.

Harford - The Congregational minister her evidently does not regard the dancing school and card parties as institutions likely to advance the best interests of the community. This opinion is shared by not a few others in the village.

Laurel Lake - Mr. Russell, of Sheldoncroft, has hired Clarence Hill as carpenter in erecting new barns and other buildings during the coming summer. Clarence and family will close their house and move to the Russell farm April 1st.

Rush - The Burke and Lindsey combination show is here playing this week. In Drama and Farce Comedy they are first class artists and their singing is exceptionally fine.

Clifford - Carbondale stage failed to make its trip Tuesday for the first time this year. J. B. Lowry has sold his stage route to Chas. Cross and will again take up his vocation of farming.

South Montrose - Dr. J. F. Butterfield has lately purchased a very richly bred Aryshire bull to head his choice herd of Aryshire cattle which is one of the oldest herds in the country.

Forest City - Jeremiah G. Westgate, a carpenter from Forest City, has been selected as a grand juror for the April Court of Common Pleas. One of the cases to be heard is A. Robertson & Son vs. John Nolan and John J. Collins, co-partners doing business under the name of Nolan & Collins, and the Boro. of Forest City, garnishee; assumpsit.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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