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March 22 1901/2001

Harford - Mrs. Melvin Tingley had a sewing bee last Friday. The ladies did not have to return the next day to finish up their work, for they joined all the rags together that Mrs. Tingley produced; the ladies of Harford always finish up their work the same day. After the ladies had partaken of a sumptuous dinner, Melvin put up a batch of syrup and sugared off, giving the ladies a double treat.

Susquehanna - J. Joseph Clark, Jr., founder of the Susquehanna "Transcript," is State Secretary of the Ohio Sunday School Association. AND In New London, Conn., on Thursday evening last, Tim Hurley, of Susquehanna, fought "Mysterious Billy" Smith, of New York, to a draw.

Dimock - Any one wanting horses clipped call on Mills & Barnes at their blacksmith shop. They have a first class machine and will do you a good job cheap for cash.

Auburn Center - If the people who are robbing their horses of the protection which an all wise Providence has given them, would remove their winter clothing and go dressed in thin summer garb for a week or two, they might have a little more respect for the feelings of these faithful animals.

Hallstead - Another wreck last week Thursday. The train was so heavy that the engine could not pull it into the yard and another engine was put on, then the drawhead broke and a hog came up with such force that it shoved a flat car that was ahead of it through a caboose, and tore the top off it. It seems almost a miracle that neither of the five men who were in the caboose were hurt. AND Two lamprey eels have been brought to the Herald office within the past two days, both of them secured from faucets through which city water is drawn. One, 7" long, was taken from a Fifth Ward residence.

New Milford - The ladies of the M.E. church will hold a variety sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. New and second hand articles will be offered for sale. An entertainment is given each evening to which a small admission fee is charged, but is refunded on the price of any article purchased. Lunches will be served at all hours. Proceeds to apply on the payment of the cost of repairing the church.

Silver Lake - Thomas Mitchell, of Troy, PA, recalls a letter from Mrs. Mary B. Leonard, in which the question of who cut the road through the forest from Tunkhannock to Silver Lake is answered. Mrs. Leonard wrote: "I was born at Silver Lake, Nov. 19, 1808. My parents emigrated at an early day to that place from Philadelphia. My father, James Rose and his brother, Dr. R. H. Rose, were employed as agents to sell the lands of the "Francis Estate" in that county. They each built a fine residence at the Lake; my father's house is still standing. They endured all the hardships and privations, incident to a new country, imaginable. Their effects were moved from Northumberland to Tunkhannock in boats. From there to the Lake they hired the road cut so that teams could carry them through. Tunkhannock was their nearest market place for a number of years but the country soon settled up and was prosperous." In 1825 James Rose moved his family to Potter County and Mary married Frederick Leonard in 1831 and settled in Springfield, Bradford County. Mary died at the age of 86 in 1894, the mother of 5 children. Her letter was written in 1884.

Brooklyn - Wm. A. Brown, formerly of Forest Lake, but who for a couple of years or more had lived on Dr. J. Arthur Bullard's farm at Loch Eden, near New Milford, removed to the Robert Breed farm in Brooklyn but a week or so ago. While working in the woods near his new home last week, a tree fell, striking him and inflicting fatal injuries. Mr. Brown was the son of the venerable Thomas Brown of Forest Lake. Some years ago he was traveling salesman for several well-known houses and had a large acquaintance with our town and county merchants. The deceased is survived by a widow (daughter of the late J. B. Overton, of Rush) and several children.

Montrose One of the most important roads leading to Montrose is the Wyalusing creek road [Rt. 706], over which comes much traffic from Fairdale, Rush, &c.- probably it is the most important. There is a road view out, and some changes in the road are asked for, at places where heavy grades may be cut off, which would be of great benefit to the traveling public and make it the easier for people to get to the County Seat.

Oakley - The widow of Albert Hetzel had the misfortune to lose her cow recently. An oyster supper, which was held for her benefit at Melvin Empett's, netted $3.28. Contributions from other sources raised the amount to nearly $15.

Uniondale - Miss Blanche Carpenter, who has been afflicted for a number of years with locomotor ataxia, is so much worse as to be confined to her bed.

Glenwood - P. H. Hunt has about 50 cords of wood piled up, enough to run him through the summer. A good thing to have in planting time.

Forest Lake If that Vinegar bill is passed, letting every man sell vinegar made of pure cider apples, there will be a shingle on every apple tree, "pure cider vinegar" for sale, 10 cents per gallon. Better kill that bill, as the effects of vinegar will kill the young men. AND Jack McInerney and Jim Broderick are furnishing the fuel for the Forest Lake School, 98 cents per cord.

Herrick Centre - Early last winter A. Wolf was seen prowling around West Herrick. Many were the queries as to what the outcome would be. About a month after he was first seen, a carload of lumber and another of machinery were unloaded at Herrick Centre and carted to Lyon Street. Any one going to Lyon street will find a fine new Elgin creamery, nearly completed, a monument to the building, Mr. Wolf.

Lawsville - Sixty-two of the relatives and friends of Robert Caswell and wife met with them on March 22 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their wedding. Their children were all present and all but four of their grandchildren. After dinner, which by the way, was one to turn the heart of a pessimist, Mr. B. Vance made a few appropriate remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell received a great many useful presents and over $10 in money, also the best wishes of their friends for a pleasant future.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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