Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 20 1914/2014
Rushville – Newton R. Jones sustained a severe loss Wednesday night when two large barns on his farm were burned to the ground, together with their contents which included three horses, wagons, tools, harnesses, hay, grain, etc. The Fire was discovered at about 8 o’clock in the evening, its origin being unknown. There was a partial insurance. The farm on which the barns were located was commonly designated as the Sherwood farm.
Middletown Twp. – One good feature about the blizzard is that we can’t get back into the “old ruts” for some time because all the roads are now through the fields.
Brooklyn – Ami Ely died at his late home March 14, 1914. He was born Dec. 9, 1824, thus his age was 89 years and three months. When such a man as Mr. Ely passes away it is worthwhile to pause and consider what manner of man he was. For over 60 years he was a prominent factor in making the Township of Brooklyn what it is today, one of the foremost townships in Susquehanna County in the ranks of business and political economy. Mr. Ely was a direct descendant of Richard Ely, who came from Plymouth, England, in 1660 and settled in Lynn, Conn. Ami’s father, Gurdon Ely came from Lynn, to Brooklyn, in1818. Ami married Emily Tewksbury and together the couple raised six children. Mr. Ely was not perfect, but if all were as good as he and obeyed the Golden Rule as nearly as he intended, there would be no need of saloons, or Court Houses and jails. The world is better for his life.
South Montrose – This town has an industry in the trunk slat factory which is furnishing about $1500 monthly in wages to a force of men that is steadily working pretty much all of the time. The creamery’s monthly payroll is about $500, and with the large force of men employed at Louden Hill Farm, South Montrose and vicinity is becoming a thriving business center and in no small way, population considered.
Hallstead – Engineer Frank Tingley returned to his home here on Monday, after running the engine on the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna for a couple of weeks, during the absence of the regular engineer, A. M. Sliker. Mr. Tingley says the experience during the recent blizzard was the worst he encountered in his railroad career of many years. The Lackawanna possesses no more reliable and capable engineer than this trustworthy engine driver and his friends here are always glad to see his genial face peering from the locomotive cab or feel the grip of his strong, steady hand. ALSO The property of the Herbeck-Deemer [Glass] Co will be sold by orders of the Court on April 8th.
South Gibson – Greeley Belcher, of Crystal Lake, is moving to the old homestead on East Mountain. ALSO Jasper Conrad, our stage driver to Foster, celebrated his 21st birthday on Saturday. ALSO Earl Manzer and F. F. Resseguie, two of our largest dairymen, have decided to make their butter at home this season.
Heart Lake – Mr. Crane, of Binghamton, was here one day last week. He expects to build a cottage at the lake in the early spring. ALSO Mr. Sneider, of New York city, visited at L. E. Griffing’s over Sunday. Mr. Sneider is one of our summer residents and wanted to see how it looked in the winter season.
Herrick Center – P. H. Flynn, of Hotel Flynn, entertained twenty-eight men engaged in breaking out the roads recently. With his usual generosity, Mr. Flynn gave each man his dinner and feed for teams gratis. ALSO A game of basketball between Thompson and Herrick Center teams was played at the gymnasium, Thursday evening, followed by an oyster supper in the basement of the school house.
Friendsville – The Riley boys are cutting wood for landlord Lake, of the Friendsville House. ALSO Joseph Mullen has the largest pile of wood in town.
South Ararat – Despite the snow and the terrible high drifts after the big snow storm our old milk boy, Charles Westgate, kept his temper and always seemed so pleasant but he don’t whistle the same old tune—it’s something like this—“Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie.”
Franklin Forks – The roads are nearly all blocked with snow. People are traveling in the fields; anywhere they can find a place to drive.
Forest City – Two young men from Elkdale and a companion from Uniondale created a disturbance at the Erie depot Saturday evening. Officer Wolfert was called and the brave young men quieted down at the appearance of the burley chief.
Montrose – Proprietor Walter G. Castle, of the Orpheum Theatre, believes in giving his patrons the best in moving pictures and on next Wednesday night offers a special 4 reel picture, “Thora, Lord of the Jungle.” This is a picture of the wild animals found in Africa. ALSO A bank note of the Susquehanna Co. Bank, at Montrose, dated Jan. 1st, 1849, signed by President Wm. G. Post and Cashier T. P. St. John and made payable to H. Tyler or bearer, is in possession of J. F. Lannon, the grocer. This note, with others, was found at Washington, D.C., when a building was being torn down, which was being used as a barracks for the Union soldiers during the rebellion. The notes were found on the rafters of the structure where it is surmised that the soldiers hid them with the intention of returning for the notes after the battle, but lost their lives in battle. The note is a trifle smaller than our present notes and is in a good state of preservation.
Springville – J. H. Kelly is selling furniture, etc., used at the Springville Hotel, at private sale. He will remove to Endicott, having sold his hotel.
Brookdale - D. Worden found a large snake near a spring and one of his neighbor’s dogs killed a wood chuck Monday, so we think spring is coming [even] if the earth is covered with snow.
News Brief: Considerable anxiety is felt along the river by people who may have damage done by the ice breaking up. At Still Water, near State Line, the ice measures 20 inches thick, while just around the bend, above the bridge, is a large ice gorge frozen in some places five and six cakes thick. There is some talk of opening up a channel with dynamite at State Line.
Compiled By: Betty Smith