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March 20 1902/2002

Susquehanna - A band of gypsies, a sure indication of almanac spring, passed through town on Monday. AND Mrs. Katherine Perrine and Miss Sophie Calkins, of this place, have opened a millinery establishment at Great Bend.

Rush - On Saturday evening, March 15, the Misses Perigo entertained a few of their friends at their home. Dainty refreshments were served and a delightful time enjoyed by all.

Franklin Forks - The Ladies' Aid Society, held at the Parsonage, was quite largely attended. A quilt was quilted and considerable other sewing done for Mrs. N. D. Green, who wishes in this way to thank all who have so kindly helped her family in any way since their loss by fire. AND Miss Oril Smith's school at Salt Springs closes on Thursday of this week. The one at the Forks on Thursday of next week,

Hopbottom - E. M. Tiffany is erecting a Windmill to force water in the attic to supply bathroom and hot and cold water through his house.

Brooklyn - It was an error in our last week's items to report the death of Ralph Stephens, occurring on the suspension bridge at Niagara. He was assistant superintendent in a paper mill and while mending a belt on Sunday night, the machinery started and caught him, carrying him over the wheels, causing instant death. He was 21 years old.

Montrose - The following dinner will be served at the Tarbell House, Sunday, March 23, at 1:00 P.M., at 35 cents for town and country people; children under 5 years, 25 cents. Exclusive table and service for families or parties when notified in advance. Menu: Oysters Raw, Soup, French Vegetables, Fish, Olives, Radishes, Pickles, Stewed Chicken (With Biscuits), Sirloin of Beef With Yorkshire Pudding, Spinach, Mashed and Sweet Potatoes, Boston Cream Cakes, Fruit Salad, Stewed Tomatoes, Fried Parsnips, Apple, Mince and Pumpkin Pie, Vanilla Ice Cream with Cake, Edam and Ames Cheese, Wafers, Coffee, Fruit, Nuts.

Brookdale, Liberty Twp. - Barnett J. LaSure died at Brookdale on Wednesday morning of consumption. He was one of the first volunteers in this county, enlisting in June '61, and serving continuously until the close of the war. He was a prisoner with Gen. Robert E. Lee when the latter surrendered at Appomattox. [He] Was wounded in the head on Oct. 15, 1864. His age was about 63 years. Funeral was attended from the house at 12 o'clock, noon, today.

Hallstead - The sixth anniversary of the Methodist church was celebrated Sunday. Rev. A. D. Decker, of Union, spoke in the morning and a note against the church was burned at this service.

Dimock - Thomas Calby will remove with his family to Montrose this spring, having sold his farm to Mrs. Cope. He has previously kept city boarders, summers, and will prepare to entertain them in Montrose. AND The sugar season is not very good this year.

Springville - W. E. Lott has purchased the old creamery and will convert it into a dwelling.

Harford - News was recently received of the death of John S. Carpenter, of Chicago, youngest brother of Mrs. Betsey Darrow.

Ararat - The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rogers was fatally burned recently. The child was playing in front of a stove in which a charcoal fire was burning, when an explosion of gas forced the doors open and threw live coals upon the child, igniting its clothing. The mother quickly removed the child's clothing, but it was badly burned that [the baby] died the next day.

Fair Hill - Quite a number were present at the aid society, which met with Mrs. G. L. Lewis last Thursday. Quilting was the order of the day. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Harry Valentine, on Thursday, March 27th.

Elk Lake - J. Estus and son have built them a new drag saw for sawing wood, which runs by steam and are cutting wood for the creamery; any one wanting wood cut will do well to call on them.

Oakley - Maple sugar is the dessert just now; everybody seems to be ready to eat.

Friendsville - The robins and blue birds are singing; fine weather for March.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Miss S. E. Robertson, teacher of the Triangle school, has closed a successful term.

Forest City - The culmination of the sensational marriage of Phoebe Gesenator, of Carbondale, and a young man named Crandall, of Uniondale, will probably be in the arrest of the young men who conceived the idea of the joke. Rev. J. F. Brodhead, who performed the ceremony, is very indignant over the affair, and announced his intention of bringing suit against the persons who are responsible. Carndall recently returned from three years' soldiering in the Philippines, and had a large roll of bills when he landed in Forest City. Phoebe Gesenator met Crandall and his roll. According to the story, she finally proposed marriage and he was willing and the two looked around for someone to help them out. Cecil Manzer, it is said, acted as best man and Miss Helen Dennere was bridesmaid. When the circumstances were made known great indignation was expressed. The young men who assisted at the marriage ceremony state that they understood that it was nothing but a joke on the young man. After the ceremony had been performed, Phoebe, it is said, skipped out with the roll, leaving her new husband to mourn its loss.

News Brief - The Lackawanna Railroad Company is about to test a new headlight, by which, it is claimed, engineers may locate other trains several miles away and behind hills, if they are not too high. A powerful electric arc light is to be placed in the position occupied by the ordinary headlight, and in addition to lighting the track distinctly for half a mile ahead, it will throw a verticle [vertical] beam as large as a man's body high into the air above the engine. This ray of light can be seen a long distance away in the darkness, and will herald the approach of the train some time before the ordinary headlight would become visible. In a hilly country where the road continually curves, it is expected to be especially valuable. The light is sustained by a powerful dynamo, run by a steam motor, all of which will occupy little more space than an ordinary kerosene headlight.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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