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March 19 1915/2015

Rush – C. H. Davis has for over 50 years been engaged in shoemaking and repairing in Rush, where he has a reputation for good work that is unexcelled in any locality. Although 75 years of age he has never used glasses—and he is an omnivorous reader and well informed on the events of the day—and it only takes one trial to thread a needle. Like all lovers of Nature, he is looking forward to the spring months when he can dig in the soil and welcome back the birds, who find in him a friend and interested observer.

Montrose – The Feast of the Passover will be ushered in this year on Monday evening, March 29th, and continue for a period of eight days. There being no Jewish synagogue in Montrose, many of the Jewish citizens will, at some period of the Passover, attend services in Scranton, Binghamton, Schenectady or New York.

Springville – The firm of Brown & Reynolds has purchased, from the Hungerford estate, the store which they have been conducting in that place the past year. The young proprietors were in Montrose on Monday completing the purchase transaction. The many friends of these enterprising young men wish for them a steadily growing and prosperous business.

Susquehanna – Former Postmaster George W. Shaeff is a candidate for Register and Recorder.

Herrick Center – The parsonage of the M. E. church, occupied by F. D Fletcher’s family, came near being destroyed by fire Sunday morning. The fire originated in a clothes room near the kitchen stove, but by the prompt assistance of neighbors the fire was controlled, although the building was considerably damaged and some of the household goods destroyed.

Transue, Auburn Twp. – Mrs. Catherine Carter passed away March 12 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Laura Christian. She was 84 years old last August. She was buried at South Auburn beside her husband, who died two years ago.

Binghamton – Three young knights of the road, from Binghamton, who had started to beat their way to the Panama Exposition at San Francisco, were warmed and fed at the Montrose House Wednesday night. The boys ranged in ages from 14 to 16 years, and left for home on foot in the morning, declaring that the Parlor City was good enough for them, especially until warmer weather.

Fairdale, Jessup Twp. – Last Saturday fire destroyed the fine dwelling house on the N. L. Parks farm near Fairdale. The fire doubtless originated from the chimney and owing to the lack of means to fight the flames the house was speedily consumed. Mr. Parks, who lives in Montrose, had rented the house to the family of Marshall Rumford about two months previous. The structure was a large and comparatively new one, having been erected about ten years ago. He carried no insurance.

New Milford – A marriage license was issued to Paul R. Walworth and Addie M. VanBuskirk, both of New Milford.

Hallstead – The fast Hallstead basket ball team will play the Montrose team at the Colonial [Hall] this evening for the championship of Susquehanna county. The team has beaten such rapid teams as Binghamton and Susquehanna and on Christmas night cleaned up Montrose by the unexciting score of 53-7. ALSO We are pleased to learn that the Miesch Manufacturing Co., makers of silk ribbons, is about to make extensive alterations of the plant, which will open opportunities for young men and women for profitable employment. This is an industry of which Hallstead may well be proud.

Bridgewater Twp. – Fire of unknown origin destroyed the barn on the L. N. Mack farm at the Mott farm, near the old carding mill, last Friday afternoon, also a couple of chicken houses adjoining. The barn was rented by T. B. DeWees, who saved his livestock and some of the vehicles and farming implements he had stored there.

Thompson – One hundred and four from here boarded the train Thursday night for Susquehanna to attend Evangelist Crabill’s meetings. Everyone felt well paid for going. One feature of the meeting, which called forth great applause from the vast audience, was the rendering of “Brighten the Corner,” by Rev. W. E. Webster’s two little sons, Edgerton and William, aged 8 and 4 years respectively.

Glenwood, Lenox Twp. – William Squires has a milking machine installed in his barn. It is a cinch to do the milking now.

Uniondale – Nelson Crandall’s family is sorely afflicted. Mrs. Crandall has erysipelas, Ward Crandall has the scarlet fever and Letha Crandall has the scarlet fever. A trained nurse is in attendance. Of twelve cases of scarlet fever in the town, most are convalescent.

Oakland Twp. – The public schools have been closed on account of an epidemic of chicken pox.

Forest City – The third annual banquet of the Irish-American Society of Forest City and Vandling, in honor of St. Patrick, whose name is revered wherever the sons of the Emerald Isle are to be found, was held in the Forest House on Tuesday evening. It was the most successful gathering yet held by the society and marks a new epoch in local banquets. Over a hundred men were in attendance. In the congenial surroundings, with a repast that would suit the epicure, a post prandial program of speeches, song and story that stirred the imagination, appealed to the love of native land and brought the frequent and hearty laugh that is the best sauce for any feast, the hour went by on rapid wing. It was an evening pulsating with life and pleasure and profit for those privileged to attend. There was not a dull moment from the singing of the opening ode “America,” to the hearty rendition of “God Save Ireland,” which closed the happy festivities. Each of the guests was presented a pretty souvenir blending the American and Irish colors and at each plate was a bottle labeled Blarney Castle Whiskey, which when the cork was pulled, proved to be emblazoned with the Irish emblems. The evening closed with a song fest by the entertainers, the happy banqueters seeming loath to say “enough.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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