Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 19 1897/1997
Lynn – The large wagon shop that stood so long by the roadside near Fish's cider mill, was torn down on Saturday last.
Susquehanna – There is a project to pave Main Street. The cost, estimated at $ 10,000, to be divided equally between the Borough, the Erie Co. AND Main Street property owners. AND Carl Weiss, formerly of Susquehanna, is now in Cuba operating a Gatling gun in behalf of free Cuba.
Dimock – Now the corner loafers sit around, chew tobacco and howl about hard times AND McKinley and Clarence Main has gone out of the chicken business to raising of pigeons.
Ainey – Efforts are being made by residents of Springville, Lathrop and Hop Bottom, to have a new post office created at a point near the corner where these townships join; the new office to be known as Ainey
West Bridgewater – There will be a Maple Sugar social at the house of Mrs. Sarah A. Lindsey, Monday evening, Mar. 22nd, for the benefit of Fair Hill Church, Rev. G.L. Williams, pastor. Everybody invited.
Forest City – Father Zoliker, a German priest, will be here this week and conduct mass and devotions for the German and Austrian people. AND James Munn, of Middletown, NY has opened a branch music store in the Manning building.
Herrick Centre – Mr. George Howe who has conducted the Meyer’s Hotel for the last three years will move the first of April to a place near Carbondale. We do not know who will have the hotel this year, but as it has no license we hope it will never be run as a rum mill again. AND Rumor says a cheese factory will be built this spring.
Harford – Mrs. Polly Tiffany and Mrs. P.P. Tingley conceived the idea of getting Mrs. N. Tompkins a washing machine and started out with a paper among her friends, and in a few hours collected enough for the washer and a new wringer. They went to her home and gave them to her, which was a perfect surprise and which she received with thankfulness.
Kingsley – Remember the Y.P.C.U. will hold a portrait social at the Kingsley church Friday evening, March 19. All are invited. Please come and bring a portrait of yourself, the oldest one you have, or the one which least resembles you at present. A prize will be given to the person correctly guessing the greatest number of portraits. Refreshments will be served. ALSO Remember that: Aunt Jerusha Dow, an old fashioned lady, will be at the Congregational Church in Harford, Monday evening, March 22, and will relate the history of each picture in the family album as she turns the leaves. There will be instrumental and vocal music.
Franklin – Seal Babcock has taken the mail route from Montrose to Mud Lake and Mr. Frank Cameron the route from Mud Lake to Binghamton.
Montrose – S.A. Dawley has lately moved his wagon making shop into the building occupied by E.H. Fessenden, opposite Montrose House, and invites the attention of the public to his advertisement.
Choconut – Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Donnelly are rejoicing over the arrival of a 12-pound daughter.
Brookdale – Jim Chalker had the bad luck to lose a horse last week.
Lakeside – The Lakeside dramatic company are rehearsing "Old Josh" with the expectation of presenting it, Saturday evening.
Hop Bottom – N.M. Inn and Charlie Miller are aspirants for the post office. Each are backed by about an equal number of the Republicans of the pi ace. Mr. Finn has been postmaster here and gave general satisfaction. Mr. Miller is a man who is by nature well fitted for the position, being a man who would answer the thousand and one questions, which a postmaster is obliged to daily in a manner that will please his patrons.
Hallstead – Mr. Gillespie, it is said, will build a suitable barbershop on Franklin near Pine St.
East Bridgewater – B.R. Jewett will haul milk to the Montrose creamery this summer, commencing April 1st.
Compiled By: Betty Smith